InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'll Be There For You ❯ Battle ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I don't normally put my notes at the beginning of the chapters, but I had several people comment that the last chapter was confusing. I hope that this note will help with that problem. With this chapter, the story done in italics is in the dreamscape with Inuyasha and Kagome; everything else is in the normal world. Enjoy!
Chapter 27: Battle
“Hey Miroku,” Sango shook the young man's shoulder, drawing his attention from Kagome's and Inuyasha's sleeping forms. “I am going to go get something to eat. You want anything?”
Miroku shook his head. “No thanks. I am not hungry.” He turned his focus back towards his friends. Sango gave him a tender look before leaving the room. Miroku heard the door close behind him and sighed. Standing up from the chair, he stretched and looked at the clock. There had been no noticeable change from the two on the bed fro the past 2 hours, and he was starting to worry.
`Come on guys, you can beat this!' Miroku walked over to the window and looked out across the campus. Lost in thought, he almost missed the sigh and the creak of bed springs. Miroku turned and saw that Kagome had turned towards Inuyasha and had snuggled into his arms. Both were smiling slightly and all traces of pain were gone. Miroku grinned. “I knew it! Way to go guys!” he whispered softly.
Sango returned only to be greeted by Miroku's enthusiastic kiss. “What was that for?” she asked when they finally parted.
“Inuyasha and Kagome have reconciled. The soul connection is no longer being strained!” Sango gave a cry of delight and looked over at her friends.
“They will wake soon then, right?” Miroku's smile faded as he shook his head.
“Not yet. They still have to deal with Naraku. I am sure that he will not give Kagome up easily.”
Kikyo lay snuggled on Naraku's chest as they rested after engaging in some `exercise'. She was almost asleep when Naraku sat up, dumping her onto the bed. He began cursing loudly. “What is wrong, Naraku?”
“Damn it! Someone is interfering with my control over Kagome!”
“What? Who would be doing such a thing? I thought you said that no one would be able to figure out what we were doing!” Kikyo jumped out of the bed and horridly threw on some clothes.
“No one should have been able to identify the toxin, much less know how to bypass the effects!”
“Well, someone obviously knows about it!” she spat. “I want you to fix this Naraku! I want her and whoever is helping her dead!”
Naraku snarled. “Get me the green vial from my desk.” Kikyo found the requested item and threw it at him. He caught it and swallowed the liquid it contained before laying back down. “I will join her dreams and kill her and anyone else who dares to interfere.” He closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.
Kikyo watched him for a while before going out to the kitchen to get a snack. Walking past the living room, she saw something from the corner of her eye through the window. She stopped and took a closer look only to see Koga's smiling face. Seeing that he had her attention, he gave her a little wave. He watched as her eyes widened as she took in the fact that he wasn't alone; that his cousins surrounded him and the house. Kikyo gave a scream of rage and yanked the curtains closed, shutting out the hated sight.
Grabbing the phone, Kikyo yelled at the man who answered. “Hiten, get your guys over here now! We've got company and Naraku is occupied!”
Koga laughed as Kikyo shut the curtains. “I get the impression that she is not happy to see us, cousin,” Ginta said as he cracked his knuckle in anticipation.
“I get the same impression. Make sure the others are ready. I would bet that she is calling for backup. Just remember that Kikyo and Naraku are ours,” Koga gestured to Ayame and himself. Ginta and Hakkaku nodded and passed word on to the others.
Naraku sketched a mocking bow. “Naraku Onigumo at your service.” He stood upright and studied Inuyasha and Kagome closely. “I am surprised that you were able to counteract the toxin in Kagome's body. Not many people even know that it exists.”
“Feh! You'll find that we are full of surprises.” Inuyasha put his hand to the battered sword at his waist. “What do you want with us?”
“Ahh, yes. I was actually only after Kagome; you were only an added bonus. Imagine Kikyo's surprise when her cousin told her he'd been dumped by her ex's fiancée.” Naraku stood relaxed as a smirk appeared on his face.
“What? I don't know who you are referring to Naraku. I never dumped anyone!” Kagome pushed her way past Inuyasha and glared at the man in front of her.
“That is not what Hojo said.”
“Hojo? Hojo is Kikyo's cousin?”
Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's arm and yanked her back behind him. “Who the hell cares about Kikyo's messed up family. I will not allow you to hurt Kagome any longer!”
“Tsk, tsk. You should really learn to control your temper. Now you've gotten me angry!” Suddenly Naraku's lower body changed shape, becoming a mass of roiling tentacles.
Inuyasha and Kagome watched in stunned fascination as one of the tentacles thrust towards them with blinding speed. Grabbing Kagome by the waist, Inuyasha leapt out of the way. “Stay here, away from Naraku.” Inuyasha quickly kissed Kagome and then ran back towards the mutated form of Naraku. Drawing his sword, he barely managed to dodge the tentacle aimed at his chest. Inuyasha swung at it as it passed him, severing the tentacle in two.
Naraku pulled back and studied his opponent for a moment. “Very good Inuyasha! This will be more interesting than I thought.”
“Shut up, you bastard!” Inuyasha held his sword over his shoulder and ran towards Naraku. As he neared, the sword transformed into a formidable fang. Inuyasha leapt into the air and shouted “Wind Scar!” causing a powerful blast to strike Naraku's body. Inuyasha landed and looked where Naraku stood, only to see dust and a dark mist where he had been.
“Inuyasha, watch out!” Turning at Kagome's warning, Inuyasha felt a sharp pain in his side, only to see that one of Naraku's tentacles had carved a furrow on his side.
“I am not that easy to get rid of, Inuyasha.” Naraku stood to one side. Inuyasha saw that the blast had done some damage, but not enough to slow him down.
“That just means I get to do it again! Wind Scar!” Once again, the flash erupted from the sword while Naraku disappeared within the dust. Inuyasha watched warily, trying to see where he had gone. Suddenly, Inuyasha felt a blow to his shoulder and another to his hip. Looking down, he found himself impaled upon two of Naraku's tentacles.
Sango gasped as spots of blood appeared on Inuyasha. She rushed over to the bed and looked for the cause of the bleeding, but she could not see anything. The `wounds' on his shoulder and hip continued to bleed profusely. “Miroku, what is going on? Where is the blood coming from?” she asked worriedly.
“The fight with Naraku has begun. Inuyasha has received the wounds in battle. The blood we see is his blood. If he doesn't stop bleeding soon, he'll die.”
Naraku emerged from the dust, holding Inuyasha above the ground. “Foolish boy! Did you truly believe you could defeat me here in my own `dream'?” He threw Inuyasha's body to the ground. Inuyasha struggled to get to his feet, only to collapse in a growing pool of blood. “Now I will take care of Kagome. Maybe I can have a little fun with her first.”
Kagome had watched in fear as Inuyasha battled Naraku. When he had been impaled by the tentacles, she felt the pain echo through the bond. Heedless of her own safety, Kagome ran over to Inuyasha's body; only to find herself dangling in the air. Naraku had grabbed her with one of his tentacles and was bringing her closer to his misshapen body. “INUYASHA!”
A/N: Cliffy! The more reviews I get, the sooner I will update! As always, Read, Enjoy, and Review!