InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'll put a spell on you (Strange and Beautiful) ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Strange and Beautiful (I'll put a spell on you) Part 1
Writer's note: Just to let you all know, this is based on a song by Aqualung “the name of the song is the title”, and that it is a Sesshomaru/Kagome ship.
I've been watching your world from afar,
I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart,
I'll see.
The Tai-Youkai Sesshomaru took graceful steps in the lush woods. Being silent, he watched and followed the group of people that were his half-brother's friends. There was that ingrid hanyou of a brother, Inuyasha, who was always too loud or too cocky. But it was typical for the average teenager demon. Then there was the wise yet pererted Monk Miroku, he silently laughed when he saw him go and grab Sango's butt. Sango, the demon killer, gave him a look of great dispise and pounded his face into the ground. He then saw the small fox demon laughing while riding the small-at-the-time Kilala, who is a cat demon.
Sesshomaru then looked at the beautiful Miko who was known as Kagome. Yes, she was a human none the less, but a Miko who knew her powers well. He sniffed the air for her wonderous scent of sweet honey and blossoms. To him, she was the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen in all his years. He then captured the scent of sandalwood and pine of Inuyasha who suddenly hugged Kagome. She gasped and then hugged him back. Sesshomaru already knew that Inuyasha loved her, and that she somewhat did in her scent, but she didn't know that Sesshomaru, the older brother of Inuyasha also had those feelings for her that the Ice Prince never was known to have. She always thinks of this Sesshomaru as a cold hearted demon, but soon she would see what I can really be, he thought to himself.
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see me.
He continued onto the night by following them and waited long into the night for them to fall asleep, especially Inuyasha. Sesshomaru was usually well to hide his scent, but to be careful, he did not want to be caught. The Ice prince had felt something that he had never felt in the longest time-loneliness. He longed for someone to be loved by and to be held onto but since he always kept his feelings inside and had the appearance of a soul made of stone. He watched Kagome as she kept talking to them as they slowly fell asleep. He watched as her hair would glide and be one with the soft wind and how she smiled. Her smile was one of her best attributes to him. He then slowly brought his eyes on to her toned legs and the short skirt she wore. He growled to himself and continued to wait.
Kagome watched as Inuyasha began to fall asleep. He is so cute when he begins to fall asleep, she thought to herself. But when will he tell me that he loves me? I really don't know anymore. She had always loved Inuyasha, but never really knew because of Kikyo and how ignorant he could be. She thought of all things until she came onto the thought of Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's brother. To Kagome, he was very handsome, with his small yet brilliant gold orbs. He always looked like he was always so cold, and had no heart, but somewhere any demon has one, she thought to herself.
“ I guess that I should head on back to my world,” Kagome said. “I'll be back with many things! Bye!”
“Good-bye Kagome, and we'll stay here and wait for you.” Miroku sighed. He then gave a strange smile and landed in the lush grass and fell asleep beside Sango. She checked on Shippo and since he was fast asleep, she packed her things and kept walking through Inuyasha Forest and onto the well, but she didn't know that she wasn't being followed...
Sesshomaru finally got up when he saw Kagome begin to walk away. He then reached into his hakima and grabbed a small satchet.
“My Koi, don't worry. This Sesshomaru will not hurt you...”
He then began to dash silently behind her and waited to finally pounce on his love-to-be. Not known to Kagome, she didn't know that the Lord of the Western Lands was running at full speed to sweep her off her feet. She suddenly heard rustling of bushes, but thought of it as a passing bird. She then heard a small whisper from far away,
“My Koi, don't worry. This Sesshomaru will not hurt you...”
She gasped at what she heard and thought, Oh my gosh! What did I just hear?!?! Sesshomaru is following me? I better run back and get Inuyasha! But as she turned to run, she ran into the strong arms of a particular demon. Sesshomaru looked apon the grace that had come to him. He then drizzled the powder in the satchet on his claws and made a small cut on her neck. She slightly moaned in pain and then slumped into him. The powder was a light sleeping medicine and would keep her out until they were at the right destination.
Sesshomaru then smiled to himself for a succesful capture and summoned his Demon cloud to fly to his castle.
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you.
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
That's the end of Part 1! Please read the next part because it's going to be a good story!