InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You, My Mortal Enemy ❯ Chapter 2: Their First Meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
again. I’m trying to get chapters up as soon as possible. Please don’t get frustrated with me if I don’t post for a while. I am taking three AP courses and have a bunch of homework to do over the summer. Also at the end of June to mid July I’m going to New Jersey for my grandma’s funeral so I won’t be near my computer as much as planned. D: Oh well. I hope you enjoy this next chapter, I tried to make it good. Tell me what you think!

And thanks so much to angel-up-above-heaven for being the first to review!!! I’m glad you thought my story was interesting. I was so happy when I read that. xoxo



Chapter 2: Their First Meeting

There was nothing but silence as three figures crept around the grounds of the palace in the human world. They were looking for someone. One of them, a large demon cat, heard something in the bushes rustle. “HIRAIKOTSU!” Immediately the cat’s keeper threw her boomerang at the bush. Then another figure leapt from the bushes, dodging the giant boomerang. It crashed into the ground.

Away from the hiraikotsu, the figure from the bushes sped towards the young boy clad in demon slayer armor. “Kohaku! Look out!” He jumped into the air, avoiding contact, and threw his sickle chain directly at the person coming for him. The figure pulled out its sword and deflected Kohaku’s attack back at him. The boy was hit with the dull side of the sickle and fell to the ground unconscious. The large cat demon came at the person from behind, but was then pushed back when her paw touched the figure’s back. The demon fell to the ground and transformed back into a small kitten-like demon with two tails.

“Kirara!” The female demon slayer pulled out her sword from its sheath and attacked the figure in the woods. The sound of swords clashing could be heard in the distance, birds fled their nests from the noise. “Give up, you can’t win!” the female demon slayer said spitefully.

“I’ve already won against you Sango,” another female voice replied, pushing Sango against a tree. Sango was caught off guard with confusion at her opponent’s comment. Using this to her advantage, the other woman jumped backward and into a tree. Then, as if it didn’t happen, Sango was stuck to the tree with four arrows and the sound of a bow the only evidence of her defeat.

“God damn it! I didn’t even see you shoot those arrows this time,” Sango said frustrated. “How do you keep beating me?”

Sango’s opponent stepped out of the shadows. She was a young woman, age 16, with long black hair reaching down her waist, kept into a single braid save for two chunks on both sides of her angelic face put into two hoops (AN: Think of Kikyo’s hair style but instead of being tied back, her hair is braided.) and full bangs covering her forehead, ending right above her bright blue-gray eyes. The woman has obviously fit, her arms and legs were toned and her stomach was flat, showing her physical activity. She wore a demon slayer outfit like Sango’s but; instead of the main fabric being black; it was a brilliant white and had a teal design on the left side of her chest. She wore modern stiletto boots -with buckles on the ankles, calves and thighs- that matched the color of the rest of her suit. Her armor was red and protected the major parts of her body while still allowing easy movement. The sash at her waist was also red and housed her sword. Around the girl’s back was her quiver and arrows. In her right hand was her long bow. “Sorry Sango. I’ve practiced a lot by myself.”

“I see,” replied Sango, still stuck to the tree. She tilted her head down as she smirked. “But, I’m sorry to say that it’s not over yet.” Before the other girl could respond she leapt to the side, landing on her feet, narrowly avoiding the large weapon thrown at her. She prepared to shoot her arrow- spiritual power swirled around her- when she heard a voice.

“My Lady Kagome, you are as alert as ever. Not many can dodge my Banryu in the battlefield.” A man dressed in white with armor stepped out from behind a tree. His hair was up in a braid and he had a small purple mark on his forehead. He carried Banryu over his left shoulder.

“Bankotsu, what are you doing here? I thought you were on duty fighting the enemy,” said Kagome surprised to see the captain of squad seven in the woods.

“When I was asked by Sango to come help you train I just couldn’t resist. I have yet to see your skill young Protector, though I have been watching from the distance and I must say that the rumors among the people in the cities and towns do not do you justice my Lady,” Bankotsu said as he bowed in respect to the princess.

Kagome blushed slightly. “So, you want to fight do you? Then bring it on,” Kagome challenged, smirking at the thought of beating the ex-mercenary. I’m going to enjoy kicking his ass, she thought.

For carrying such a heavy weapon, Bankotsu moved swiftly, closing the gap between him and Kagome quickly. She shot her arrow at his legs, hoping that he would dodge and give her time to make her next move. Bankotsu fell into her trap. He moved to the left, leaving her path open. But, he still moved forward. Kagome took her chance and raced towards the bushes that separated her and the meadow. Bankotsu laughed. “Are you running away already princess?” The captain raised Banryu once her got close enough to Kagome.

Kagome was angered by his statement. “Hardly Bankotsu. Get ready to be beaten by a girl!” she replied. Before Bankotsu’s Banryu could make contact with Kagome’s shoulder, she lifted up Sango’s hiraikotsu and blocked Bankotsu’s attack.

“Hey!” Sango yelled, struggling against Kagome’s arrows. Sango was protective of her weapon, but she was glad she taught Kagome how to use it.

“Sorry Sango, it just happened to be there,” Kagome said while she struggled against Bankotsu’s pressure. He was trying very, very hard to get Kagome to yield. But, they were both evenly matched. The one who would win this would have cunning and wits.

InuYasha sat high above the grounds of his palace, looking towards the east. “I wonder who this warrior is that has been able to fight off our attacks,” he mumbled to himself. His parents hadn’t told him of the prophecy yet and hoped that this Protector and he would never meet. Both the Emperor and the Empress had heard rumors of the woman who was able to slay 100 demons with one arrow and could easily match their strength.

“INUYASHA!” The half-demon fell from his branch and crashed to the ground. He laid there for a few moments, cursing silently to himself. …ow… he thought. The prince opened his amber eyes to see a small girl, about 9 years-old, standing next to him looking down. She had long brown hair and big matching eyes. Her kimono was yellow and orange with flower designs on them.

“Jesus Christ Rin. What do you want?” InuYasha asked growling. The little girl named Rin didn’t notice that he was in a bad mood.

“Lord Sesshomaru told me that you are supposed to get ready for battle. He is leaving soon.” Rin smiled as she said her master’s name. She idolized the dog demon for his strength and resolve. He was also kind to her, even though she was his servant.

“Tell that bastard I’ll be ready. He doesn’t have to worry about me.” InuYasha looked at the little girl again. She was staring at a butterfly, completely transfixed. “Hey kid! Did you hear me?”

Rin was shocked out of her staring. “Yes InuYasha I heard you.” Then Rin skipped off humming a little tune. InuYasha watched after her.

“What a strange little girl. I wonder why he keeps her around,” InuYasha whispered. He got up from the ground and went to his room to change out of his sweats and into fighting clothes. He was very excited to go off to battle. “I hope this mortal is there. This warrior can’t be too difficult to get rid of.”


Sweat began to drip down the back of Kagome’s neck. Bankotsu and she were still locked in a stalemate. His Banryu and Sango’s hiraikotsu were shaking. “So… we seem to be matched m’ lady,” said Bankotsu with absolutely no sign of wavering.

“I don‘t think so,” replied Kagome with determination. If only I could get away from him, she thought. She observed his face from behind the boomerang. Asshole. Bankotsu then let off of the hiraikotsu. Both jumped far from each other, landing on opposite sides of the meadow. By then, the entire squad seven, the demon slayer guards- including Sango and her little brother Kohaku- and some servants of the castle gathered to watch the two sparring. Even Kagome’s mother was present.

The wind blew, cooling down the sweating princess and making her shiver slightly. “Let’s end this Bankotsu.”

“Agreed my Lady,” Bankotsu replied. He shot towards Kagome, slightly slower than at the beginning of the fight, but it still shocked the servants. Kagome heard their murmurs of amazement toward the captain’s ability to move so swiftly while wielding a large weapon. When Bankotsu got close enough for Kagome however, she raised her arm with the hiraikotsu and threw it at Bankotsu. The demon slayers and the servants gawked at their princess. They thought that only Sango could lift the giant bone boomerang and throw it successfully.

Bankotsu -caught off guard by Kagome’s strength- put his Banryu in front of him before the boomerang hit. The impact caused him to stumble backward slightly, but he still stood. “Perfect, he is distracted,” Kagome whispered. Kagome charged towards the captain as fast as she could, closing the distance between them quickly. Bankotsu saw her coming, but before he could react, Kagome broke through his defenses. She kicked him in the ribs hard enough to stun and punched him in the jaw. “THAT’S FOR BEING SO ARROGANT!” Kagome yelled. Bankotsu dropped to the ground, his squad running to his aid.

Sango ran up to Kagome. “Damn girl, you sure did him in,” she said as she and her friend examined Bankotsu moaning on the ground. He cursed to himself.

“Jesus…” he whispered. Now more people were gathering round the captain and princess.

“Sorry Bankotsu, I didn’t mean to be so hard on you,” Kagome apologized quickly. She extended her hand to the man, offering help to get up. Bankotsu took it, blushing at the beautiful woman who had not only beaten him in battle, but was his junior as well.

“It’s alright my Lady,” he said bowing, “You are everything and more Protector.” With that he and his squad left to make their rounds around the capital and other cities. Kagome and Sango walked off the training grounds of the palace and toward the Empress.

The Empress was sitting in the shade, leaning against a tree that towered over her. The older woman had cut her hair into a more modern bob and was wearing a simple, two-layered kimono- even though it was the 20th century. She had been watching her only daughter fight Bankotsu for fun and noticed his blushes as well as hers. “Kagome, you were so hard on Bankotsu. Is he alright?” she had asked when the two teenagers approached the tree and kneeled.

“I’m sure he only has a few bruises Empress. But, if I may be so bold, Kagome definitely is getting stronger by the day and the captain won’t mind,” Sango said giggling at the last part. Kagome gawked at her friend in disbelief.

“Wh-what do you mean by that Sango?” Kagome said looking for an explanation.

“Well it’s obvious that he’s crushing on you, even though it’s only a little. Kagome and Bankotsu kissing in a tree,” Sango sang. Kagome glared at her, her face flushing red. The Empress laughed at the two.

“Kagome,” the Empress interrupted,” Your father would be proud of you.” Kagome and Sango stopped goofing off at the Empress’s comment.

“I know mother,” Kagome said looking down at her hands, “I’m going to go change into something more comfortable mother.” Kagome got up from the shade and left to go inside the palace. Once she was in her room, she collapsed on her bed, exhausted. “That training drained me…” she whispered before dozing off.


The army was standing outside of the barrier that the humans kept up to protect the capital. InuYasha didn’t seem bothered by the barrier like the other demons. So far, no barrier had kept him out. The hanyou drew his sword Tetsusaiga. The rusty sword transformed into the shape of a fang and pulsed, it’s blade turning red. “BREAK THE BARRIER!” InuYasha yelled as Tetsusaiga tore through the human barrier.

With the barrier gone, the demons flooded into the streets of the capital. Instead of hanging around though, the half-demon leapt from roof to roof, heading towards the castle. Already the air was thick with the scent of blood.

He saw his destination in the distance and sped up, avoiding the arrows and bullets being sent his way. His red kimono acted as armor against the human defenses. In thirty minutes InuYasha reached the castle along with his half-brother Sesshomaru. “InuYasha, go after the girl. I will distract them,” Sesshomaru ordered.

InuYasha nodded. “You don’t have to tell me what to do.” InuYasha broke though the closest wall with his claws. His job, according to his father, was to find this Protector and take him back for “safe keeping“. I don’t know why this person is so important, but father’s will is unbreakable, he thought. InuYasha raced down the halls, the servants fleeing and the demon slayers attacking him. He knocked out every guard that got in his way. “My mother would be upset if I killed humans that did no harm to me,” he whispered, “But I would love to tear them apart.”

The man was now in the center of the castle. He realized that he had no idea what he was looking for. Then, the sweetest, purest scent hit his nose like a freight train. “Maybe this will help me find him!” InuYasha ran off, following the scent. It led him down some corridors to a small but peaceful garden with cherry blossom trees and a little spring. He felt so calm then. In front for the young prince was a door completely coated with the intoxicating scent.

Without any second thoughts he busted through the door. InuYasha was taken aback by what he saw. It was a large bedroom with walls decorated to look like cherry blossom’s were falling from the sky. The floors were relatively clean except for a few pieces of clothing. A long mirror- a plain white kimono hung from one corner- and a quiver of arrows and the matching bow leaned against a wall next to the bathroom. A large bed with black sheets was on the opposite end of the room from the door where he stood. InuYasha blushed slightly as he looked at the bed. A young girl was sleeping soundly surrounded by white and pink pillows. Her raven hair was in a disheveled braid and a loose chunk was draped across her rosy cheek and the other across a pillow. Her body was dressed in a white demon slayer outfit with red armor and matching boots. The outfit showed off every curve in the woman’s body. What was more amazing to InuYasha was the fact that the girl was glowing, literally.

Attracted to the light, InuYasha took a step towards the bed. What’s come over me? The girl’s eyes opened when InuYasha stepped forward. Her dazed stare froze him in place. Her eyes.. They’re… so much like hers, he thought. The bright blue-gray eyes gazed at him, confused. She sat up, putting most of her weight on her arms. “What do you want?” she asked softly. Her voice was like music to his ears, something he hadn’t heard in years. InuYasha noticed that one of the woman’s hands went to the sword fastened to her waist by a red sash.

“What do you want?” she asked again, wary of his presence. “You don’t seem dangerous hanyou.” InuYasha couldn’t speak. She looks so similar. How can this be? Suddenly she stood up from the bed, sword in hand pointed directly at him.

InuYasha shook his head to get rid of his thoughts. “Wench! How dare you speak to me like that! Lower your weapon before you get hurt little girl,” InuYasha ordered. The light flowing around her intensified when he spoke.

“How dare you talk to me like that in my kingdom jackass!” the girl yelled. InuYasha was starting to get annoyed.

“So you’re the princess. I must say I wasn’t expecting a wench with a bitchy attitude,” InuYasha said. Now she seemed really pissed.

“And what were you expecting? A snob who shakes with fear whenever a half-demon shows up unexpectedly?” the woman asked.

“Yeah, actually. You’re pretty smart wench,” InuYasha stated. The girl ran towards him with surprising speed.

“MY NAME IS KAGOME! KA-GO-ME!” she yelled as her sword struck his arm. InuYasha easily deflected the blade thanks to his kimono. He was shocked at the force and strength of this woman. He was excited at her rage too. The way her eye’s sparked made his heart stop for a split second.

“So, you know how to defend yourself. That’s a first for me I have to say wench, but I’m looking for someone so I can’t stay and beat your ass.” Kagome sheathed her sword.

“Who are you looking for?” she asked venomously.

“Your savior, the Protector as you call him,” InuYasha replied. “Do you know him?” Kagome then broke out in giggles. InuYasha was confused and angry that this damn woman would laugh at him, the prince of the West. “What are you laughing at!” he yelled.

“You’re looking for the Protector and don’t even know what the person looks like,” Kagome exclaimed, holding her sides while laughing. The hanyou clenched his fists.

“And I’m guessing that you do,” InuYasha stated. Kagome’s face was flushed from all the laughing, which had finally stopped.

“Yes, I know the Protector very well hanyou,” Kagome responded smirking.

“Well,” InuYasha said irritated at Kagome’s lack of detail, “Where is he?” Kagome smiled at InuYasha. Her smile was a conniving one.

“In this room.”

“How is that possible? The only people in this room are you and me.”

“Because,” she whispered, “I’m the Protector idiot.” InuYasha’s eyes widened. So this light, he thought, is her spiritual powers. She is a miko and yet she obviously has trained as a warrior otherwise she wouldn’t had been so strong when she attacked with her sword. I am such an idiot for not realizing this. Kagome then charged towards InuYasha. He moved behind her before she made contact. She turned around ready to strike again, but InuYasha took her wrists and pinned her against the wall forcefully (AN: hehehe… sorry, I‘m kinda perverted), knocking the wind out of her.

“Sorry,” he said before punching Kagome in the gut. The Protector collapsed into his arms. InuYasha held her in his arms for a few seconds. “This feeling… it seems so familiar,” he murmured. Images of Kikyo and him embracing suddenly filled his head. NO! I won’t think of that right now. I can’t get distracted. InuYasha picked up Kagome bridal style and fled from her room and towards the west. Sesshomaru saw his brother leave the castle and rounded up the surviving demons and fled the land of humans.

InuYasha looked down at the unconscious girl in his arms. He thought of the incident in her room. “She is so… alive. Why, after all this time, did Kikyo come back to my mind?” he asked, wind blowing his silver hair.

AN: Whoo. This is probably one of the longest chapters I’ve ever written. I hope this gets you all hooked. Now the story really begins…