InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'm Sorry ❯ I'm Back ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: This is an extremely short fic that I just thought of and had to write down. It's based on a song that I just heard on the radio. I don't own Inuyasha or "So Sick". This fic takes place five years after Naraku is destroyed. (Kagome and Inuyasha are married in the fuedel era.) The rating is just to be safe.

Kagome ran as fast as she could trying to get to the well before Inuyasha could catch her. "Kagome! Wait!" She heard the hanyou yell from behind her. "I'm sorry! Please dont leave me!" Inuyasha begged from only a foot behind her before she jumped and vanished through the well and to her time. As soon as she felt the ground below her, she said the incantation that was said to be able to seal the well.

"Stupid jerk." Kagome breathed out as she climbed out of the well, hoping the seal would hold. "I'm never going back there. Not after what he did." Kagome walked slowly toward the door of the well house. 'How after all of those years could he do that?' a flood of tears began to fall down her face as the image of him and Kikyo locked in a kiss filled her mind. "Never again...."

Three years later...

Kagome opened her cell phone. "Hello?"

"Is this Kagome Higurashi?" an unfamiliar voice asked on the other line.

"Yes, who is this?" Kagome looked at the caller ID. She didn't recognize the number.

"My employer would like to meet with you." The voice said calmly.

"And who is this enployer of yours?"

"He has asked that I not tell you. He said that you are to meet him at the ice skating rink in the middle of Central Park in two days at midnight."

"And just how am I supposed to get to New York?" Kagome asked as she began to get annoyed.

"There Is a small envelope in your mail box. It contains a pass that you are to give to a man who will pick you up in 17 minutes."

"But-" Kagome began but the line went dead. Kagome sighed and left her kitchen and walked to her mail box where to her surprise there was a small red envelope. She quickly put the envelope into a backpack with her laptop and went outside to wait for the car. "I might as well see what this guy wants."

Two days later...11:59 PM

Kagome listened to the music playing over the loud speakers as she skated slowly around the rink. "This next song has been dedicated to a Kagome Higurashi by Inuyasha." Kagome stopped abruptly at the sound of her ex's name. Suddenly there was a tap on her shoulder and she spun around quickly to the man she used to love.

"I heard this song and I thought of you."

"B-but how?" Kagome backed away slowly.

"Remember Kagome? I'm a hanyou. I can live for a very long time. I waited all of those centuries until we would meet again so that I could tell you that I'm sorry." The man tried to move closer to her but she backed away even more.

"No. Not again. I won't let it happen again." Inuyasha moved quickly and in one motion, he had Kagome in a tight hug and had no intention of letting go.

"Kagome I'm sorry for what happened before."

"Inuyasha let me go." Kagome couldn't fight the tears that began to fall down her face as she struggled against him.

"Kagome what happened before was a mistake. I didn't know what I was doing. I will always love you. That will never change." Inuyasha's arms became tighter, the more she struggled and eventually she just gave up and went limp in his arms. "Please don't cry, Kagome. I never meant to hurt you."

"Then why did you?"

"I... don't know. Listen Kagome that was a long time ago. Can we please just, start over." Inuyasha's grip loosened.

"F-fine." Kagome backed away from him and looked into his eyes. Inuyasha's hand moved to her face and brushed a tear away from her cheek.

"Hi my name is Inuyasha." Kagome chuckled softly.

A/N: That turned out way cheesier than I thought it would and definately way crappier. Sorry about that. Please review. Tell me what I'm doing right or what I'm doing wrong in my writing. OVER A HUNDRED PEOPLE HAVE VIEWED THIS FIC AND ONLY ONE HAS REVIEWED IT!!! WHAT AM I DOING WRONG HERE PEOPLE?