[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Roxotaku 
Disclaimer: Never owned Inu-Yasha, never will. It belongs solely to Rumiko Takahashi and her publishers. It’s just found a home in my perverted psyche forcing me to pump out lemon fanfics about it.
I don’t own “I Need You Tonight” by ZZ Top either – but man is it a hot song! Billy Gibbons plays lemons with his guitar!
A/N: This is a songfic in 3 parts. Don’t plan on seeing any other chapters once this is finished. It is a bit of a departure for me, style wise. It is more like the stuff I used to write 20 years ago. I hope people who read my fics aren’t too disappointed.
I Need You Tonight
The setting is a small clearing in the forest on a hot summer’s day. The hazy heat seems to make the air buzz. The figure of a young woman bursts from the trees out into this clearing, feet and hair flying. There are tears flowing from her large dark eyes, and sobs escaping her soft, down-turned mouth. The tears blur her vision and she slips and falls, skidding on her palms on the sun-blistered grass. Slowly she draws herself to her hands and knees, her head hanging low between her shoulders, as she heaves fresh sobs. Behind her come the sounds of her pursuers, driving her to get to her feet and continue on. As she gets to a familiar, dry well that sits strangely in this clearing, her pursuers come into view behind her.
“Kagome! Don’t go!” calls the hanyou with the long silvery hair.
“Kagome, stay with me!” calls the blue-eyed wolf youkai.
Seeing each other, they bristle, hackles rising, flexing claws, barring fangs. The young woman spins around at the edge of the well to look at them. Her face is red from crying, but her eyes now flash with anger.
“I’m going back to my own time, and neither of you can stop me!” she yells at them. “I’m tired of your fighting, and I’m sick of your mutual disrespect for my feelings! When I come back, I will decide how things stand, with both of you. And you both will just have to deal with it.”
The young woman turns to jump in the well and be free of them. She hears their movement towards her as her back is turned and spins around to face them one last time.
“And don’t either of you think of following me!” she warns them, “It’ll do you no good.”
She leaps down the well, the sounds of frustration and dismay following her. She rises from the well in her own time, and shivers. It is late fall, and the bleakness of this time of year echoes the bleakness in her heart.
It’s three o’clock in the morning
And the rain begin to fall
But I know what I’m needin
But I don’t have it all.
I’m needin someone like you
That I just want to do love to.
Baby, baby, I need you tonight.
Part 1: Inu-Yasha
Since Kagome had left, Inu-Yasha remained near enough to the well to be the first one there upon her return. Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara had grown tired of waiting with him, and decided to see if they could make some money exorcising and exterminating demons in the neighboring villages. Most days and nights Inu-Yasha spent in the forest that bore his name, brooding. After a week Kagome’s last words had seared into his memory. Never had he been chastised so severely by her before. When she had gone, he and Kouga did not even have the will to attack each other, as was their inclination.
Tonight a summer storm broke the spell of the heat, soaking and steaming those exposed to it. One of those was Inu-Yasha, high up in a tree, the heavily laden limbs swaying in the onslaught. Feh, this won’t do, he thought miserably. Sighing with disgust, he decided to take Kaede up on her standing offer to give him shelter when he wanted it.
A thoroughly bedraggled looking hanyou showed up in the middle of the night at Kaede’s home. Awakened by a neighbor with a sick child, she had run into him at her door. His fire-rat fur haori hung in wet folds from his strong, lean limbs. The silvery hair was a forlorn, matted wet tangle down his back. In his golden eyes she saw one begrudgingly disgruntled and grumpy half-demon.
“Come inside, Inu-Yasha,” she said with a sigh, “I will not be back this night. Ye will have this place to yourself.”
When she left, Inu-Yasha seated himself by the fire. It was like a sauna in his wet clothes, and he couldn’t take it. He peeled his wet haori and hakama off, leaving him in the undershirt. This was too was uncomfortably wet, so he stripped out of that as well, leaving him naked. He laid the clothes by the fire, where the steam rose from them as they dried. Taking a deep breath, he caught the faint scent of Kagome. His breath caught, and he took a quick look around him. She was not there, but he knew her scent so well.
He followed his sensitive nose until he found Kagome’s pack hidden by some bedding in a corner. When she had left she was in such a state she had forgotten it here. He seated himself and opened it up. An upsurge in the intensity of her smell filled him, and caused a bewildering reaction. His cock had been shriveled up by the cold, clammy clothes, his balls pulled back into his body. Now he had an instant erection, and it throbbed painfully with need. His hands shook as he reached in the pack and pulled out the first thing he touched. It was a hairbrush, some of her soft ebony hair still caught in the bristles. With a pang, he ran his fingers through the loose strands, careful not to tear them with his claws. Then he brought the brush to his nose and inhaled deeply. An erotic sensation passed through him in a wave from his nose to his straining cock. The smell of the natural oils of her hair and the herbal shampoo she used was painfully sweet to him.
Next Inu-Yasha pulled out a soiled uniform blouse. The blue scarf was stained with dirt and the sleeves stained with grass. The fabric was soft as he rubbed it between his fingers, and the body odor that only a hanyou or youkai could detect was heady to his senses. The material brushed his erection and he shivered. He let it brush it again, eliciting a moan from him that he could not control. It was with an unsteady hand that he put the garment aside, almost reluctantly.
After the blouse came the item that seemed sure to put him over the edge. The panties were white and silky, the crotch bunched slightly from the juices absorbed there. Just holding them made Inu-Yasha dizzy. Forget bringing them to his nose. He clutched them spasmodically in his hand, his claws unintentionally ripping into the fragile fabric. With his other hand he grabbed his erection, and began to stroke it. One hand was not enough, so he took the panties and rubbed them against his cock. The soft fabric did the trick, and he masturbated with the panties with total inhibition. Before his closed eyes he imagined her, naked and spread out before him, her face flushed with desire, whispering his name in a husky, lust filled voice.
“Kagome,” he moaned and brought himself to climax, soaking the panties where they clung to his cock.
“Maybe we should come back some other time,” whispered Sango to Miroku from where they stood at the door, the kitsune child restrained from hearing and seeing the spectacle Inu-Yasha was making of himself.
A/N: Okay, next will be the second stanza from the song and Part 2: Kagome. This is turning out weirder than I expected it too, I really don’t know what my muse is up to here…
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Angst /
Comedy /
Fantasy /
Hentai |
Type: Songfic |
Uploaded On: 08.05.2003 |
Updated On: 08.06.2003 |
Pages: 2 |
Words: 1.4K |
Visits: 3.1K |
Status: Completed
Disclaimer: Never owned Inu-Yasha, never will. It belongs solely to Rumiko Takahashi and her publishers. It's just found a home in my perverted psyche forcing me to pump out lemon fanfics about it.
I don't own "I Need You Tonight" by ZZ Top either - but man is it a hot song! Billy Gibbons plays lemons with his guitar!
A/N: This is a songfic in 3 parts. Don't plan on seeing any other chapters once this is finished. It is a bit of a departure for me, style wise. It is more like the stuff I used to write 20 years ago. I hope people who read my fics aren't too disappointed.
The setting is a small clearing in the forest on a hot summer's day. The hazy heat seems to make the air buzz. The figure of a young woman bursts from the trees out into this clearing, feet and hair flying. There are tears flowing from her large dark eyes, and sobs escaping her soft, down-turned mouth. The tears blur her vision and she slips and falls, skidding on her palms on the sun-blistered grass. Slowly she draws herself to her hands and knees, her head hanging low between her shoulders, as she heaves fresh sobs. Behind her come the sounds of her pursuers, driving her to get to her feet and continue on. As she gets to a familiar, dry well that sits strangely in this clearing, her pursuers come into view behind her.
"Kagome! Don't go!" calls the hanyou with the long silvery hair.
"Kagome, stay with me!" calls the blue-eyed wolf youkai.
Seeing each other, they bristle, hackles rising, flexing claws, barring fangs. The young woman spins around at the edge of the well to look at them. Her face is red from crying, but her eyes now flash with anger.
"I'm going back to my own time, and neither of you can stop me!" she yells at them. "I'm tired of your fighting, and I'm sick of your mutual disrespect for my feelings! When I come back, I will decide how things stand, with both of you. And you both will just have to deal with it."
The young woman turns to jump in the well and be free of them. She hears their movement towards her as her back is turned and spins around to face them one last time.
"And don't either of you think of following me!" she warns them, "It'll do you no good."
She leaps down the well, the sounds of frustration and dismay following her. She rises from the well in her own time, and shivers. It is late fall, and the bleakness of this time of year echoes the bleakness in her heart.
It's three o'clock in the morning
And the rain begin to fall
But I know what I'm needin
I'm needin someone like you
That I just want to do love to.
Baby, baby, I need you tonight.
Since Kagome had left, Inu-Yasha remained near enough to the well to be the first one there upon her return. Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara had grown tired of waiting with him, and decided to see if they could make some money exorcising and exterminating demons in the neighboring villages. Most days and nights Inu-Yasha spent in the forest that bore his name, brooding. After a week Kagome's last words had seared into his memory. Never had he been chastised so severely by her before. When she had gone, he and Kouga did not even have the will to attack each other, as was their inclination.
Tonight a summer storm broke the spell of the heat, soaking and steaming those exposed to it. One of those was Inu-Yasha, high up in a tree, the heavily laden limbs swaying in the onslaught. Feh, this won't do, he thought miserably. Sighing with disgust, he decided to take Kaede up on her standing offer to give him shelter when he wanted it.
A thoroughly bedraggled looking hanyou showed up in the middle of the night at Kaede's home. Awakened by a neighbor with a sick child, she had run into him at her door. His fire-rat fur haori hung in wet folds from his strong, lean limbs. The silvery hair was a forlorn, matted wet tangle down his back. In his golden eyes she saw one begrudgingly disgruntled and grumpy half-demon.
"Come inside, Inu-Yasha," she said with a sigh, "I will not be back this night. Ye will have this place to yourself."
When she left, Inu-Yasha seated himself by the fire. It was like a sauna in his wet clothes, and he couldn't take it. He peeled his wet haori and hakama off, leaving him in the undershirt. This was too was uncomfortably wet, so he stripped out of that as well, leaving him naked. He laid the clothes by the fire, where the steam rose from them as they dried. Taking a deep breath, he caught the faint scent of Kagome. His breath caught, and he took a quick look around him. She was not there, but he knew her scent so well.
He followed his sensitive nose until he found Kagome's pack hidden by some bedding in a corner. When she had left she was in such a state she had forgotten it here. He seated himself and opened it up. An upsurge in the intensity of her smell filled him, and caused a bewildering reaction. His cock had been shriveled up by the cold, clammy clothes, his balls pulled back into his body. Now he had an instant erection, and it throbbed painfully with need. His hands shook as he reached in the pack and pulled out the first thing he touched. It was a hairbrush, some of her soft ebony hair still caught in the bristles. With a pang, he ran his fingers through the loose strands, careful not to tear them with his claws. Then he brought the brush to his nose and inhaled deeply. An erotic sensation passed through him in a wave from his nose to his straining cock. The smell of the natural oils of her hair and the herbal shampoo she used was painfully sweet to him.
Next Inu-Yasha pulled out a soiled uniform blouse. The blue scarf was stained with dirt and the sleeves stained with grass. The fabric was soft as he rubbed it between his fingers, and the body odor that only a hanyou or youkai could detect was heady to his senses. The material brushed his erection and he shivered. He let it brush it again, eliciting a moan from him that he could not control. It was with an unsteady hand that he put the garment aside, almost reluctantly.
After the blouse came the item that seemed sure to put him over the edge. The panties were white and silky, the crotch bunched slightly from the juices absorbed there. Just holding them made Inu-Yasha dizzy. Forget bringing them to his nose. He clutched them spasmodically in his hand, his claws unintentionally ripping into the fragile fabric. With his other hand he grabbed his erection, and began to stroke it. One hand was not enough, so he took the panties and rubbed them against his cock. The soft fabric did the trick, and he masturbated with the panties with total inhibition. Before his closed eyes he imagined her, naked and spread out before him, her face flushed with desire, whispering his name in a husky, lust filled voice.
"Kagome," he moaned and brought himself to climax, soaking the panties where they clung to his cock.
"Maybe we should come back some other time," whispered Sango to Miroku from where they stood at the door, the kitsune child restrained from hearing and seeing the spectacle Inu-Yasha was making of himself.
A/N: Okay, next will be the second stanza from the song and Part 2: Kagome. This is turning out weirder than I expected it too, I really don't know what my muse is up to here…