InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Need You ❯ I Know You, Don't I? ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, its characters or any quotes I may use.

Rin scrambled backwards and the creature landed where she had been standing just seconds before.
This is just great, I finally start to find out how my life started and now it's going to end!”
“THAT'S JUST GREAT!” Rin yelled at the creature with a glare, “You know, you've really got some nerve you creepy….thing”
The creature pulled back, surprise evident on its hideous face, “Are you not afraid?” a deep voice rumbled.
Rin jumped slightly from her spot on the ground, “Did you just talk?!” she gasped.
The creature laughed, “You are a dumb human. But that does not matter, for you will be my next meal.”
It took a swipe at her and Rin squeezed her eyes shut.
“Stupid child.”
She heard a cold voice and she was suddenly yanked from behind. Landing with a thud she looked and found herself lying behind a man. The same man who had tried to hurt before.
First he attacks me now he's saving me?”
The creature snarled at the man, “Why do you interfere Sesshomaru of the Western Lands? She is nothing but a pitiful human.”
“What interest to you in her?”
“She is nothing more then a meal to me. I have no other need for weak humans!”
Rin scrambled to her feet, “Hey! This pitiful human is still here and can hear you baka!”
The creature snapped his jaws angrily and the man called Sesshomaru slightly turned his face back towards her, “Be quite.”
Rin frowned but kept her mouth shut. The man was saving her hide after all. Even if he was rude. “But...but he does seem familiar. Like I've seen him before. And his eyes, they're just like the ones in my dreams.”
The creature advanced on Sesshomaru, “She is mine! I claim these lands and every human on them!”
Sesshomaru easily jumped away from the creature's jaws and drew one of his swords, “You dare attack this Sesshomaru?”
Rin raised an eyebrow, “What is it with this guy? If he were any more arroganthe'd need a wagon to haul his ego around.”
He is saving your life” a small voice inside her head reminded her.
No kidding. First he tries to kill me, then he tries to save me. He's a nut case.”
Rin jumped as the creature's body suddenly fell in front of her, its head lying half a yard away.
Rin wrinkled her nose, “That was gross.”
Sesshomaru calmly walked up to her as he placed his sword at his side again, “Are you injured?”
Rin bit back a smart-ass retort, and shook her head, “I am fine. Thank you.”
Sesshomaru turned, “Why are you here? There haven't been humans in these parts for years.”
Rin opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by a loud roar, “AGAIN?!” her mind screamed as she whipped around, looking for the source of the cry.
“You must leave.” Sesshomaru said quietly as he pulled his sword out again. “Return from where you have come and never come here again.”
Sesshomaru looked back at Rin, “No?” he repeated,
“Yeah you heard me. I've been through a lot to get here and there's no way I'm just going to turn back around just because some smart-ass guy with a big sword told me to!”
Rin almost gasped and covered her mouth but her pride wouldn't let her. “Where did that come from? This guy just saved my life and I'm mouthing off to him. It's gotta be this place.”
Sesshomaru's eyes harden, if that were even possible, “I can not always come to your rescue!”
“You don't have to! I never asked for your help. Besides, obviously there are more humans around somewhere. I'll just find them and get help from them.”
Sesshomaru scoffed, “You think mere humans can protect you better?”
“What do you mean better? What are you?”
“I am the Great Lord of the Western Lands. Lord Sesshomaru.”
“Lord? Like as in you have a castle and servants and all that stuff?”
“I have no need for such humanely wants.”
Rin shook her head, “Whatever. But why do you keep saying human? Aren't you human?”
Sesshomaru glared, “You offend me by even considering that I are one such as yourself.”
“You're pretty high up there on your horse!”
Sesshomaru blinked, “My horse?” he echoed.
Suddenly he turned to face their attacker.
It was dark winged creature with a snake like face and tail. Rin shuttered as it flickered its tongue and hissed, “Give ussss the girl. Sssshe possesseeessss the Ssshikon Jewel!”
Sesshomaru's face made no change but he groaned inwardly, “Rin, you fool. Why did you bring that accursed Jewel back here?”
Sesshomaru held his sword out at arms length, “The Jewel here is not for your taking, neither is the girl. I suggest you leave.”
The snake-monster hissed angrily and rattled its tail.
Rin moved to get her backpack and the snake coiled its head as if to strike at her, and Sesshomaru glared at her, “What are you doing?”
“I need that. It's got all my stuff in it!”
The snake attacked and Sesshomaru grabbed Rin; pulling her out of harms way but away from her bag. As they landed again, his silver hair fluttered in the wind and Rin saw his pointed ears. Sesshomaru released her and she fell to the ground, “He really isn't human!”
After everything that's already happened, are you really surprised?” that annoying voice reminded her again.
Sesshomaru lifted his hand and crackled his knuckles, “His nails look like claws.”
Sesshomaru smirked slightly before advancing on the snake, “DIE!”
Rin's eyes nearly fell out of her head. The guy had FANGS.
“No way…” Rin whispered to herself
Rin shivered and her vision began to blur, “Not now. Not when…”
She grabbed her head and fell to her side…
She was running through fields; fields covered with flowers.
“Come back here child! If I lose you our lord with have my head!”
Rin stopped and turned back, a big smile still on her face, “Oh I won't get lost! Rin is having fun.”
Rin turned to see her lord…
Nono let me seeI have to see who it is!” Rin hit the ground in frustration, “NO!”
Sesshomaru appeared at her side, her backpack hanging from his fingertips, “Your bag….now return to your home.”
Rin sat up and slowly got to her feet; taking her bag she shook her head, tears brimming in her eyes, “You don't understand” she whispered. “That's not my home. Not my real home. I think I belong here; I just have to find out for sure. Can you help me?”
Sesshomaru watched her with his cold eyes. Golden cold eyes.
“Why would you think I would or even can help you?”
Rin shrugged nervously, “It's kind of hard to explain. I just...feel like I've seen you before. At eyes.”
“My eyes?”
“Yes, I have these dreams. Mostly of when I'm a child. And then I see eyes, golden and cold; just like yours.”
“Your past is not worth the trouble.”
Rin frowned, “What? Do you know something? Who I am?”
Sesshomaru hesitated; part of his buried heart urged him to tell her. Explain why he had saved her and why he wanted to protect her. But his pride refused to give in. He had to make her go back. To protect her.
“No. But it does not do one good to live in the past.”
Rin sighed in disappointment then straightened her shoulders, “I'm staying here. Until I find out where I belong here, if at all.”
“Then you are a fool.”
Rin threw up her hands, “I give up! If you're going to insist on insulting me every time you open your mouth, then I am leaving.”
“You have no way to protect yourself.”
“I'm sure I can manage. Thank you Lord Sess-whatever.”
Sesshomaru's eye twitched slightly.
“But I can take it from here. I think I've got the basics. I'm in a twisted up world where there are monsters and deformed creatures running around trying to eat all the pitiful humans.”
She shouldered her backpack and winced slightly as it hit her bruise, “Did I miss anything?”
Rin was amazing herself. She'd only been in the strange place less then an hour and she felt like she'd spend her whole life there. Everything felt natural. Even though the whole almost getting eaten thing was still creeping her out.
Sesshomaru glared down at her, “There are no monsters and deformed creatures. They are all demons.”
“Are you a demon?”
Sesshomaru looked at her as if she'd just asked if the sun was bright.
“Yes” he responded coolly, “I am.”
“What kind?”
“I am a dangerous one. That is all you need to know. I will not waste my time explaining myself to a lowly human like yourself.”
Rin growled. There he went again, insulting and degrading.
Sesshomaru stepped back, “Go home.”
“I can't!”
“You're stupidity knows no bound.” Sesshomaru snarled, “Run and go home while you can. It is too dangerous for you here.”
Rin crossed her arms and frowned, “I'M NOT GOING HOME!. And since when do I take orders from you?!”
Sesshomaru glared, “Where will you humans learn not to-”
“I have enough” Rin exclaimed cutting him off.
She turned and stormed off, in the opposite direction of the well, muttering soft curses to herself. “Who does he think he is? Ordering me about and talking down to me! How dare he try-Agh!”
A large demon snatched her up in his powerful hand, “My, my, my,” he growled with a grin and looked to his companion, “She look quite tasty, don't you think?”
“Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?” Rin sneered; tired of being talked about as though she weren't present.
“Feisty this one is. Are you sure he has the Jewel?” the second asked poking at Rin.
Rin began to beat his hand with her fists, “You let me go this instant you vile, loathsome and ugly demon!”
The demon frowned, “Watch what you're saying!” he snapped as he squeezed her tighter, “You forget who hold your life in his hand.”
Rin gasped as her breathe was pushed out of her.
A flash of white flew by, slicing the both of the demons' throats. The one holding Rin let out a strangled cry before falling to the ground; his grip on Rin was released and she tried to brace for impact, but it never came.
Someone caught her.
Looking up Rin recognized the face of the man who had told her go home. Sesshomaru.
His piercing golden eyes staring at her, “Are you alright?”
Rin tried to nod but her world suddenly turned black.

Kagome called her mother and explained what was going on. InuYasha held Kagome in his arms till Mrs. Higurashi arrived. Kagome ran into her mother's arms and InuYasha left them alone to go call the four other people who deserved to know what was going on.
Half an hour later someone knocked at the door and InuYasha went to answer.
Kagome sniffed and wiped at her tears, “Why would she do this momma?” she asked Mrs. Higurashi, “Why would she leave? Go back? Could she have remembered everything? About the well? I never thought...” she burst into tears again.
Mrs. Higurashi hugged her daughter, “I don't know sweetheart” she whispered into her hair. “I just don't know.”
InuYasha came back into the living room with Miroku, Sango and their children tailing behind him. Kaede and Grandfather also stood in the back.
Kagome stood, “What's going on? Why are you all here?” she choked, her eyes red and swollen from crying.
Sango handed her baby to Miroku and rushed over to her friend. Throwing her arms around Kagome, the women embraced and cried. Mrs. Higurashi too Cho from Miroku's arms and she and the grandparents ushered the other children out of the room.
Miroku placed a hand on InuYasha's shoulder, “Are you sure she's gone back?”
InuYasha nodded.
“Then what will you do?” he asked softly.
InuYasha sighed, “We have to go. We can't just leave her over there.”
Sango and Kagome turned to their husbands, “Both of you are going?” Sango questioned.
InuYasha nodded again, “Kagome won't hear of staying. We have to go. She's our daughter. We have to find her, make sure she's safe.”
Sango looked at Miroku and their eyes locked. Stiffly he nodded his head and Sango bit her lip.
“Then we'll go too” she stated.
“No!” Kagome cried shaking her head furiously, “We can't ask you to do that Sango.”
Miroku smirked, “You're not asking, we're insisting.”
Sango nodded, “Yes. We discussed it on the way over here.”
“But what are your children?” Kagome asked.
“What about your children!” Sango snapped. “Yanna and Kit need their parents just as much as Taro, Kohana, Akira and Cho do! And if any of them were missing you'd help us out too.”
She took Kagome's face in her hands and leaned forward till their foreheads connected, “No matter how far. No matter how dangerous. No matter how long it took.”
Kagome stared into her eyes before finally nodded, “Thank you” she whispered.

The men quickly explained their plan to Mrs. Higurashi, Grandfather and Kaede while Kagome and Sango said goodbye to their children. Standing at the door Sango buried her face in Cho's soft hair. Knowing that it could be the last time she saw her children.
She handed the baby to Mrs. Higurashi and forced a smiled, “I will not let my children's last memory of me be when I was crying.”
InuYasha and Miroku quickly said their goodbyes then Mrs. Higurashi and Kaede took them upstairs.
Grandfather turned to the four young adults, his eyes more serious then Kagome ever remembered. “I wish you well” he said softly, “Do what you must to save Rin. But don't forget what you still have here. Safe journey.”
Kagome hugged her grandfather then walked out the door with Sango. Miroku shook his hand and followed the women.
InuYasha hesitated then spoke gruffly, “I may never get another chance to say this old man.”
Grandfather watched him silently.
“It has been an honor working with you and being a part of your family.”
Tears filled the older man's eyes, “And it has been the same for me. InuYasha.”
InuYasha flashed a smiled before stepping out and closing the door behind him. The four of them walked swiftly across the courtyard towards the old well. Each was dressed in their original attire, save for Kagome who now wore a short black skirt and a button-down blue top. Taking hold of each other's hands they stepped on top of the side boards and jumped in.

Rin groaned and slowly opened her eyes. Looking around she saw she was in a large bed, covered with silk blankets. Slipping out from the covers she inspected her surroundings, trying to figure out where she was.
Passing by a mirror she looked at her reflection. Her long hair was tousled from sleep but her eyes were bright. She started to move away when she noticed a dark spot under her shirt. Lifted the fabric her eyes widened at the large bruise on her left side, “How the hell did I get this?”
She closed her eyes and pictured herself in the last place she remembered. The forest. Then she met that strange man who looked down on her and ordered her about.
Her eyes snapped open. “I was attacked. By a large…something” she murmured.
Lightly brushing her fingers over her side she strained to remember. “He saved me. That man...Sesshomaru. He came to my rescue. Twice. He must have brought me here.”
She sighed and dropped her shirt, “Great. Now he's arrogant and my hero.”
She walked over to the door, “I should at least thank him. He did save my life.”
She pulled on the handle and the door creaked open; peeking outside she looked for any sign of life. Seeing no one she walked down the hallway, “Man, this place is creepy.” She shivered and folded her arms.
“Come play with me Master Jaken!”
Rin spun around at the sound of a young child's voice, but there was no one there.
“Not again” she muttered. She recognized the voice of the little girl she'd seen at home. The little girl who looked like her.
She took a few deep breaths, “I am not crazy. There is a reason and explanation for this.”
She continued walking trying to not jump at the shadows that seemed to fly out at her.
A child laughed.
Rin quickened her pace.
“Oh please can I have a garden? I'll take good care of it!”
Rin's fast paced turned into a jog.
“Will you always protect me my lord? Forever?”
Rin broke into a full run.
“Help me Master Jaken!”
Rin covered her ears “NO!”
“Stop it!” Rin screamed and burst through a door. Landing in a heap on the floor her body shuttered as she tried to steady her breathing. Finally looking up she locked eyes with none other then Sesshomaru.
He frowned, “What is the matter with you?”
Rin slowly got to her feet, “I-I got scared” she said softly, “This place is creepy and waking up in a strange place is a frightening experience.”
Sesshomaru's frowned deepened, “I see. What is your name human?”
“Rin. Rin Higurashi.”
His eyes flickered with an emotion. Anger, pain, fear; Rin couldn't quite tell.
She slowly blew out her breath, “I…would like to thank you sir. For saving my life.” Sesshomaru stared at her then simply turned away, “You must be hungry. Jaken will show you where you can eat, than you may leave.”
Rin nodded, “Thank you.”
Sesshomaru called and a small little green creature appeared, “Yes Mi Lord?”
“Jaken, find something for Rin to eat, then show her the way out.”
Jaken looked startled, “But Mi Lord!”
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed at the creature and he jumped, “As you wish my Lord. Follow me human, this way.”
Rin started to follow but stop short, “How did you know my name?”
Sesshomaru froze, “What?”
Rin turned around and looked at him closely, “How did you know my name was Rin?”
Sesshomaru regained his composure and sat down, “What a foolish question. You just told me yourself not moments ago.”
Rin walked over and looked him straight in the eye, “Not here. Back in the forest. When that thing had me. You called out my name.”
Sesshomaru's face hardened, “Do you make it a habit of badgering those who rescue you?”
Rin's face flushed but she did not move. “I do know you. Don't I?”