InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Want To Love You ❯ Night Life ( Chapter 5 )
DISCLAIMER: Yeah right people
WOW! You like this story that much huh??? I'm just going to have to HEAT THINGS UP A LITTLE MORE FOR YA THEN! ^______________^
BTW: Thank you my "friend" who helped a lot with this chapter.
P.S. To readers who think I'm going to fast…this is a R rated fic. If I didn't say so before then I'm saying it now… PEOPLE! The characters WILL be OOC!
To readers who like my story! I LOVE YOU! Your reviews make my day!!! ^__________^
P.P.S. NO FLAMES!!!!!!!! NONE!!!!!!!!!!!
"Okay, stop thinking about what happened this afternoon and just do your best in the club," Kagome thought to herself as she entered the club through the back way in the alley, greeting the girls as she passed by them to her dressing room.
This was her third day at her new work…and she was slowly adjusting.
"Hey, new girl, you're performing as the 'bandit' tonight, ok? Your costume is in your dressing room," called one of the older girls-she'd been working at Club 69 since it first opened.
She was the best of the best, and Kagome hoped to become as talented as her…since stripping seemed to be the only career that laid ahead for her, seeing as how Mama needed to pay the mortgage to the shrine, and Grandpa had his medical bills and Souta…
Kagome had to do well and earn money, if only for Souta. He deserved to get a good education, and by damn, he would get one.
Kagome finally reached her dressing room, one that she shared with another girl, Kagura. Turning the knob open, she stepped into the brightly lit room and saw that Kagura was already in costume as a cowgirl, wearing only her underwear, boots, a hat, and a vest, with fake pistols strapped to her sides.
"Giddy up cowgirl," Kagome remarked, dropping her backpack by the door and seating herself in front of the large mirror, getting ready and applying her makeup.
Kagura took a length of rope and wrapped it around her arms. "Not funny Kagome. God, I hate this outfit. The boots chaff at my skin." The girl fixed her bra in front of the mirror, looking over sideways at Kagome. "You realize you're the bandit tonight, right?"
Kagome shook up a liquid foundation bottle. "Yeah, so what?"
The older girl looked over at her. "So what?! That's the owner's son's favorite outfit and you're the one wearing it tonight, which means that the owner's son is coming and he's going to see you, and he'll decide whether you're good enough to stay or not. That guy has a lot of influence over his dad…and he can fire you like that. So you better be good Kagome and hope that you REALLY turn him on."
Kagome grinned and finished her makeup, standing up to change her clothes now. "Oh I'm not going to worry too much. I have my tricks. But tell me, what does this guy look like, so that I can recognize him?"
At this Kagura practically swooned, her eyes getting glassy with distant memories. "Oh, he's a real looker…beautiful, silvery hair and the nicest body EVER…and man, that ass of his…"
'Silvery hair?Wait…oh no, say it isn't him…'
"Is his name Sesshoumaru, by any chance?" Kagome asked, worry starting to build in the pit of her stomach.
Kagura stopped her daydreaming and looked at her with raised brows. "Yeah, how did you know?"
'Oh. Freaking. Shit.'
Kagome groaned and sat back down in her chair with a 'thunk.'
"I know him because I'm unlucky that way," she answered, pouting at her reflection and pushing what happened in the classroom to the back of her mind.
"What do you me-" Kagura started but was interrupted by banging on the door.
"Kagura, you're up! Kagome, you're on in twenty!"
Kagome groaned again and stood up, looking distastefully at the black leather outfit that she was supposed to shimmy into.
This was not her day.
"Ok, when the music starts, you go out there and do you thing, alright? And remember, focus on Sesshoumaru!" the club manager instructed, giving Kagome a slap on the behind as a farewell gesture.
'Freaking pervert,' Kagome thought, looking down and frowning at her attire.
She was clad in a skin tight black silk corset and underwear, wearing black fishnet stockings, black heels, black gloves, and a black feathery mask, making her the 'bandit.'
She even had a money bag filled with condoms to throw out at the crowd.
Apparently she was promoting "safe sex."
As if.
The music turned on, and Kagome took a deep breath and strutted out. She was going to face the music head on.
'Ha. Head on…shut up Kagome. You're not helping yourself.'
'God…I hope you don't see me now.'
She was swaying, she was untying her corset and letting the goods show and she was dancing the most erotically she had ever done in her life…
…and that bastard wasn't paying attention. He was ordering a cocktail!
'HEY! I'm not dancing for my own benefit TWIT!'
Kagome bent over backwards and spun around the pole, her legs wrapped around the metal.
And he was now looking with his chin in his palm, seeming cool as can be.
'At least the other customers like me….' she thought, watching as the crowd whooped and cat-called her.
"HEY BABY! Take it OFF!!!!"
Kagome couldn't believe that some of these men possibly had families. With little children. It was just gross.
Frustrated, she hopped off the platform and sashayed towards Sesshoumaru. He raised his eyebrows and said nothing as she slid herself into his lap. Lowering her voice to make it husky, she whispered,
"Hey there stranger. How are you doing tonight?"
Sesshoumaru said nothing, but started to really look at her, finally taking in her curves and her partly revealed breasts…and his eyes were clouding over with lust.
'Perfect,' Kagome thought with a conceited smile, leaning in to lick the side of his neck, nibbling at his earlobe.
She could feel him groan against her and she straddled him around the waist, giving him an open mouthed kiss which he returned willingly and forcefully.
"You like that, huh?" she whispered, running a hand down through his long hair and watching it fall through her fingers. Taking the tip of her index finger, she trailed it down his shirtfront, pulling the material out of his pants and moving her roaming hand up his chest, massaging him up and down. Then, like a spider would, she lightly danced her fingers down until they rested on his crotch, which she proceeded to caress and work on, feeling with satisfaction as it started to harden.
'Yes, I can just see it now…a nice, big bonus along with my paycheck.'
Removing her hand, she wrapped her arms around his neck and arched her back, letting her heaving chest playfully rub against his face, which he seemed to like quite a bit.
Kagome proceeded to give him a lap dance, watching as his face relaxed from its usual stoic expression and into one of deep wanting.
'Now…the grand finale…'
She cupped his face and gave him a warm, passionate kiss, one that she had manipulated over the years and perfected…the kiss that paid her family's bills.
It was called 'The Lover's Kiss,' making you feel like you were in love and was given love back.
It was kiss with promises, passion, and left you wanting more.
And Kagome, professional that she is, stopped it before the customer got too many ideas.
Breaking away, Kagome grinned down at him, her mask slightly askew.
"Who are you?" Sesshoumaru asked breathily, looking at her as if to take all of her in.
Kagome slowly slid off of him, licking her tongue over his swelled lips one last time.
"I'm the bandit. I'll steal your breath away, and you're not going to catch me."
And with that, she left him stunned and the audience going wild.
The day was suddenly much better.
So… You like? Hope so! Feel free to review!!!!
Questions? Comments? Ideas? Feel free to tell me!