InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Wanted to Make a Long Title That Had No Real Connection to the Story and Here It Is ❯ Chapter 9
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 9
“If you were that tired, I'm sure we could have stopped.” Kagome stated eyebrow raised, watching her brother press his ear to the earth. The Ranger opened his eyes to glare at his sister. “Ok, alright, I'll be over here.” Pointing to where Legolas was standing and walked over to him. “He's in kind of a bad mood. I wouldn't talk to him right now if I was you.” Legolas looked at the half-elf.
“You shouldn't provoke him so.”
“I know I just can't help it sometimes. Pull me away whenever I do please? So I'll stay on his good side and get to know you better at the same time. See? Everyone wins!” Kagome had been thinking along the same lines. She did bother Aragorn a lot for no apparent reason to the point where it seemed he was going to seriously harm her. The worst part was sometimes she didn't know when to stop. If Legolas was around to pull her away when she started to annoy her brother, she would get the chance to know Legolas better. It seemed that they never got the chance to talk, and she wanted to get to know him better.
“Their pace has quickened.” Legolas and Kagome looked towards Aragorn as he stood up. “They must have caught our scent. Hurry!” Aragorn and Legolas took off running while Kagome turned towards Gimli who was still behind.
“Come on Dwarf. You're lagging behind!” She yelled at him before taking running after Aragorn and Legolas.
Gimli huffed at her but continued jogging, “Three days and night's pursuit. No food. No rest. And no quarry but what bare rock can tell.”
Kagome heard him from the short distance between them, “You're only saying that because we're several leagues behind them. Stop being so pessimistic!”
For the rest of the day, the four hunters ran in silence across the plains, every once in a while the silence broken by someone speaking.
“Cramp! Cramp!” Aragorn looked back to see his sister holding her foot up, hopping in circles, before something on the ground caught his eye.
“Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.”
“They may yet be alive.” Legolas commented holding Kagome up as she finished getting rid of the cramp in her foot.
“Less than a day ahead of us. Come!” And Aragorn started running again.
“Man, that was painful.” And Kagome followed after her brother.
“Legolas shook his head before looking back. “Come Gimli! We are gaining on them!” And off went the elf.
“I'm wasted on cross-country! We dwarves are natural sprinters! Very dangerous over short distances!” Gimli panted after them, but stopped as the rest were looking off into the distance.
“Rohan.” Aragorn told them. “Home of the horse-lords. There is something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures, sets it against us.” Legolas glanced at him before setting off to a higher perch. “Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?”
Kagome looked put off for a couple seconds, “Why didn't you ask me what I see?”
“Because I know your Elvish eyesight isn't as good as his. In fact, it's quite horrible. And I keep forgetting that you're half elf.” He informed her shrugging.
“The Uruks turn northeast. They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!” Legolas yelled back.
“Saruman.” Aragorn took off running again followed shortly after by Kagome then Legolas.
“Stupid elves, making me run these long distances.” Gimli puffed following them slower than before.
“We heard that!” Both elves called back to the slightly embarrassed dwarf. Gimli didn't speak for the rest of the day.
“Hey look Aragorn! I can close my hand again!” Kagome excitedly called to her brother who was watching her open and close her hand slowly but continuously without flinching. “I think it's healing rather nicely, don't you?” She asked him as he came closer to her. Aragorn took the makeshift bandage off her and brought her hand up to eye level, looking through the small hole into her eye, giving her a blank look. She shrugged, “As long as it doesn't hurt.”
Legolas looked over to them before speaking, “A red sun rises. Blood has been spilt this night.” The Four Hunters looked towards the west as galloping was heard. Aragorn lead them to a gathering of boulders. When the horses passed, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas emerged while Kagome hopped up to sit on a boulder.
“Riders of Rohan!” Aragorn called out, “What news from the Mark?!” The Riders made a large turn around to circle around the three on the ground while Kagome went unnoticed by all, silently watching.
“What business does an elf, a man, and a dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak Quickly!”
“Give me your name horse master, and I shall give you mine.” Oh, smells like trouble
Kagome hopped off the boulder and started to push through the horses when the exchanging of threats commenced. She pushed apart some horses forcing her way through. “Excuse Me. Move Please. Thank You. Oh point your spear somewhere else. Move.” When she reached the center all attention was on her. Touching Legolas' arm he relaxed his bow and put away his arrow. Facing the man she spoke again. “Don't mind him; he's just a rude dwarf. It's in his nature. Anyways, I am Kagome, elf of Lothlorien and daughter of Arathorn, this is my brother Aragorn. This is Gimli, son of Gloin and Legolas of the Woodland realm. We are friends of Rohan and of Théoden, your king.”
The man dismounted, “Théoden no longer recognizes friend from foe. Not even his own kin. I am Eomer.” All the spears went down when Eomer took off his helmet. Now I don't feel like I'm going to die. Comforting.
((((Long monologue by Eomer bout friend and foe crap, too lazy))))
“We are not spies.” Aragorn spoke for the second time, “We track a party of Uruk-Hai westward across the plain. They've taken two of our friends captive.”
Eomer shook his head, “The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered them during the night.”
“But there were two hobbits. Did you see two hobbits?” Gimli asked frantically.
“They would be small-” Aragorn spoke.
“T'would seem only children to your eyes.” Kagome finished.
Pointing a finger towards a billowing cloud of smoke Eomer spoke, “We left none alive. We piled to carcasses and burned them.”
“I am sorry. Hasufel! Arod! May these horses bear you better fortune than their former masters.”
“I have a question.” Kagome said to Eomer. When he looked at her she continued, “Now that you're banished what do you?”
Eomer shrugged, “We ride around. Farewell.” He put on his helmet and mounted his horse. “Look for your friends. But do not trust to hope, it has forsaken these lands. We ride north!”
“Well, I'm not riding with Gimli, so hop on Little Brother.” Kagome chirped after the Riders left to go ride around. Aragorn did as he was told and Legolas and Gimli climbed on the other horse.
“How can you be so cheerful? The hobbits could be dead.” Gimli looked slightly sick at the mention.
“I just have a feeling that they're alright.” She commented riding off.
They reached the pile of carcasses and Gimli found one of their belts while Kagome walked past the pile, eyes searching the ground for something before coming to stand before the line of trees, looking in judging something.
Aragorn instead followed the tracks. “A hobbit lay here, and the other. They crawled. Their hands were bound. Their bonds were cut. They ran over here. They were followed. The tracks lead away from the battle… and into Fangorn Forest.” Aragorn came to stand beside his sister soon followed by Legolas and Gimli.
“Fangorn. What madness drove them there?” Gimli asked no one in particular.
“Maybe it was their growing desire to get away from you.” Kagome giggled as she skipped into the forest. Gimli only grunted and followed once everyone else was inside.
“I thought you were a better Ranger, Brother. Thought that you could track what happened faster.” Aragorn walked farther into the trees pretending he didn't hear what his sister said as she laughed.
Sorry it took so long, I couldn't figure out how to start off this chapter.
Bruce n' Charlie