InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I will always return to you ❯ a different POV ( Chapter 18 )
Sorry every one. I have a severe case of writers block. basically the way my mind works is I have a story running through my head at all hours of the day. I dream about the stories I am currently working on. and right now all I have is snow. (you know how some times local channels go off at late nights or some channels are not used so you get this annoying fuzzy snow thing. that's what I'm getting)
All my characters are frozen in time and refuse to move. Grrrrr they make me angry.
But I will try my best to make this chapter something. And I think I have some where to take this once I'm done with this chapter. Hopefully I can jump start my creative process.
Here it goes
The woman Narcissa stood on the deck looking at the fleet of ships following her lead. She was making good time but not nearly as well as she wanted. She needed the army though.
Memories of her mother drove her onward.
To the Romans she was an outsider and not worthy to rule. She would prove herself with this conquest. She would start with Japan. Using this as her base of operations she would extend out and she will make a great empire to challenge the Romans. They will regret denying her the throne.
The woman Kagome is a strange creature. She will be a challenge. She is the only person who knows my plan. . . but how many has she told by now. I still don't know how much power she has.
She was strong willed and does posess a great amount of energy but she alone cannot stand against me.
How many others like her are there?
I remember she was wearing a crown of sorts and she is with child. Most likely that means she is married to a man of power but do husbands in Japan treat their wives as Romans do?
If they are like the Romans then her husband will not believe in dreams and fantasy's of a pregnant wife. He will be the one controling the power in the family and that will hinder her defenses.
If the husband is some sort of king and he does believe her then what do have to fear at most. An army of ragtag pesants who think they are warriors.
No I have nothing to fear from the Husband.
Demons though. . . Mother told me of the demons that live on the Island. They are vile creatures. Few are truly powerful and dangerous. They have numbers and strength but they are always fighting amongst themselves.
I will first take care of the human threat and then I will handle the lesser demons and I will plan for the powerful one's once I know who they are and what they can do.
Their inability to work together will be there undoing. If only that woman Kagome would lift the veil she has placed over Japan I would be able to see what is going on.
Kagome sat on the large Chair surrounded by pillowas and Servants. The last few weeks have been strained with every one worrying over her condition.
I was able to convince Sesshoumaru to let me dine in the great hall to see the people and let them see me.
"It'll be good for moral. They are worried and are starting to lose sight of why they are here."
"No. You need to rest."
"I'll let you carry me out there and back. I'll only stay an hour. Please."
Sesshoumaru glared at her for a moment.
"Sesshy you know the only thing keeping this army together is me. They need to see me so quite being selfish and share."
I tried to keep serious but the thought of Sesshoumaru sharing anything made me crack up laughing.
"I fail to see what is so funny."
"Nothing. See. Not laughing. *Snicker* Really I'm done. *Supress smile* PLEASE!"
It was an amazing thing to see when I reached the dinning hall. All the segragation I saw before wasn't there. I saw tables with demons sitting next to Monks and Exterminatiors laughing at jokes told by Demons and It was perfect.
When Sesshoumaru brought me in I was able to sit and people took turns to come and wish me good health and inquire about how I was doing.
"This, Sesshoumaru, this is what we are going to defeat Narcissa with. Not some new fangled invention I brought from the future. Not any one person. Not even one group of people. It's going to be all of Japan vs a few boats of mercenaries and sailors."
"this is your vision for Japan?"
"yes a united people. Demons and humans."
"Is this how it is in your future?"
"In my future we spent hundreds of years supressing any human who was different. If they were not white they were not important enough to matter. that's how it was in America and even at the time of my leaving to come to fedal Japan people were still being judged by the color of their skin.
"this goes much deeper Sesshoumaru. these are two different species of people. We're close enough to being the same that we can be seen as equals but the differences are so great and big.
"the fact that we can come together over a common goal has wiped out any doubt I ever had about this plan working."
"I'm glad you no longer doubt us. It's time for you to get back to our room. You need to rest."
Baby name finalist
After this chapter you probably have until Sunday to put in last minute votes. If you would like to support one of the names instead of submitting one yourself tell me.
Asahane - means morning wind - From Valkyrie Nienna Helyanwe
Talim - sacred wind - From Heather Fire_demon_chick
Mitsuko - Child of light - from Jiyu Hatell Kodai
Kalika - no meaning givin - from Tuttir