InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Imperfect Curse ❯ Over the Edge ( Chapter 1 )
[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN INUYASHA! Only the characters I invent!
PLEASE NOTE: this chapter occurs ONE MONTH after the prologue! Yes yes large gap, but trust me, there are explainings about the time inbetween as the story goes on ok? Patience is the key, and if you just can't wait, review more and it will come sooner!
Shakujou - Miroku's staff, the staff of a houshi (monk). Apparently the rings on it are to warn those around of a monk's approach, "so that he will not accidentally step on even the tiniest of insects."
Shishi-youkai - lion demon
Katana - Japanese style sword, usually made of folded steel
Hiraikotsu - Sango's ginormous boomerang. The name means `flying bone'.
Hope you enjoy! Please R&R
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Chapter One - Over the Edge (one month later)
Inuyasha's head snapped up. He'd thought for sure that he had caught the scent of unwanted visitors nearby. His brilliant golden eyes narrowed in concentration as he tried to catch the smell again. He raked the edges of the small meadow with his sight. Hmm. He glanced in Kaia's direction, but she didn't seem to show signs of detecting the same scent. At the moment her attention was being held by Sango, who was demonstrating how she repaired her armor.
Maybe I'm just getting mixed up with Kaia's scent and our supper, he thought. Miroku sat in front of the cooking fire, stirring the stew, pausing every now and again to add to it or taste it. He'd been at it for a while, and each time he sampled the stew his expression would become more and more satisfied. Luckily, Miroku had gotten his hands on some rare and exotic spices, so the concoction he was currently mixing might actually be good. How the monk had come by these luxuries was beyond any of them, and he'd assured them all that it had absolutely nothing to do with the lovely kitchen maid that they'd met at the last inn they'd stayed the night at.
“And what was her name again?” Sango had asked the monk shortly after he'd revealed the treat.
“Hito—ah, I mean—whose name?” Miroku had stumbled in reply. A stormy look had followed this comment.
Inuyasha turned his attention back to the girls after hearing their soft giggles, only to see Shippo attempting to show off by attacking Kirara and wrestling playfully with her. Shippo, that runt. He's such an attention whore! The stupid kit was losing anyway. He felt a twinge of jealously as Kagome cheered him on, and the twinge flared up somewhat when the young fox jumped into her open arms.
Once again Inuyasha looked at Kaia. It had been nearly a month since she had begun traveling with them. She too was a half demon, but her demon half was that of a lioness, not a dog. She pushed back her long, wavy golden locks as she laughed along with the other two. Her very lion-like tail flicked around behind her. Shippo had become completely fascinated with it (having never known a shishi-youkai) and often played with it just to get the attention. Inuyasha sighed and shook his head as he watched more of the kitsune's antics, still cradled in Kagome's arms.
Kaia wore thick black dragon-hide armor over a simple blue haori. She wore a pair of short hakama that cut off just below her knees; the fabric was the same sky blue colour. As she talked to Sango about the slayer armor, she absentmindedly ran her fingers over the gauntlet that she wore on her left wrist. All Inuyasha knew about it was that Kaia's mother, Kuruna, had given it to her just before she died.
On the night that this unfortunate event occurred, Kaia had been going through her phase of vulnerability, where she was human for the night of the full moon. The full lioness demon had died protecting her only daughter, so Kaia blamed herself for her mother's demise. The half demon girl had almost been destroyed herself, in her human form, had it not been for Inuyasha and his friends. They got her the hell out of there before her attackers could finish her off. She'd stayed with them ever since.
Their courage and trust amazed Kaia, being a half demon. No one but her mother had ever shown her such kindness as this. She was eternally grateful to them, seeing as they risked their lives to save hers, and she vowed to remain loyal to them. There would be no giving up, however, on destroying Kuruna's murderer. It was her foremost goal, and she would not rest until the filth was dead.
The filth in question seemed to be incredibly powerful, elusive… and nameless.
Inuyasha was confused by this mysterious adversary. He…she—or whatever it was—was undeniably strong. Before the night they'd met Kaia there had been no encounter with it at all…just that one, all-of-a-sudden explosion of a battle. Though he had not voiced his thoughts out loud, the half demon had been suspicious that this enemy had gotten a hold of some of the few remaining jewel shards…and yet…during the battle the aura of that murderer seemed somehow more unique; not like the auras of those who'd taken advantage of the Shikon no Tama's power in the past.
Kagome's soft voice made his ear twitch in her direction. She was gazing at him with a small smile upon her face.
“Deep in thought, are you?” she asked sweetly.
“Sorry…” Inuyasha returned.
“I just asked you if you were hungry, that's all.” She had already received her share of Miroku's stew, and it suddenly made him realize how hungry he really was! He didn't have to wait any longer, as the monk-turned-chef passed him his own ration. Eyeing it warily, he took a tentative sniff. It seemed to be a good turnout, but he still wished it was a cup of Ramen. Kagome hadn't been home for over a week, and they had run out of his favourite meal only a few days ago. `Sorry, I forgot to bring more,' doesn't cut it with me, Kagome, the hanyou sighed. Still, he accepted the stew and slowly began to eat, reminiscing the events of the past.
It had taken everything that everyone in the group had to destroy Naraku, and it had proved to be a difficult task even with the help of Sesshomaru. Yes, the brother of Inuyasha had lent his help, however reluctant he was about it. Once that scum was dead, Sesshomaru's prize was one of Naraku's arms. However, the flesh was so cursed that he bade Kikyo to use her powers to purify it for him before she had finally accepted death and departed to the underworld. He then used the Tenseiga to attach his new arm. Kagome had said that now he was no longer a `war amp'—whatever that meant—Inuyasha shrugged at the thought.
So now the bulk of the sacred jewel lay in Kagome's possession. There were not many shards left to retrieve in order to make the jewel whole once more, so part of the company's current quest was to find those left behind. Inuyasha inwardly growled at the thought of retrieving Koga's, the stupid, skinny wolf prince. Maybe the trouble will be worth it if I can cut the shards out myself, he brooded with delight.
The appearance of Koga not a few weeks past was a memory that stuck out. He once again tried to lay claim on Kagome, much to everyone's annoyance and Kagome's embarrassment. How dare he even think of taking Kagome from me…Inuyasha's eyes darkened with rage, but then he smiled inwardly, remembering Kaia's reaction to Koga's interruption. She encouraged Kagome to speak for herself and was outraged to see Koga treating Kagome like a prized scrap of meat to be fought over. She certainly set him straight, sending him home with his tail tucked firmly between his scrawny little hairy legs. I didn't even have to kick his sorry ass this time. Heh. She certainly is useful, he snickered, chewing slowly.
Kaia had also met his demon brother, along with Jaken and Rin. It seemed now that he and Sesshomaru had settled some of their differences, though definitely not all. They had some amount of respect for one another, at least for the time being. The Western Lord's visit had been brief. He had come to discuss a strange disturbance that had occurred near his lands a few days before his stop-in at their village.
Inuyasha had relived the events of that night, somewhat grudgingly (and made sure to first ask Sesshomaru why the hell he thought it was any of his business). That was the very night that Kuruna died—the very night that they discovered Kaia. Inuyasha had used the Wind Scar when destroying the hundreds of demons that were after her. Something had already succeeded in taking her mother's life, but Inuyasha and the others managed to save their new hanyou friend before her life was taken too.
Inuyasha suddenly broke eye contact with his meal. His nose twitched furiously as he concentrated hard. He knew this time for sure he couldn't be mistaken. There definitely was a demon… more than one… and they were nearby, coming closer. Wait…that scent…oh no…He turned his silver head to face Kaia. She had paused in her conversation, her cat-like eyes wide. Her tail whipped back and forth swiftly, and she stood abruptly. Emotions flickered across her face, until it darkened, becoming unreadable. She turned to Inuyasha, her eyes gleaming with an intense blue light.
“I smell an ambush,” she growled.
“Yeah, and I'll be damned if those brainless beasts think they can sneak up on us! Come on, get ready!”
All of them did as he said, no questions asked. Kirara transformed, Kagome readied her bow and arrows, and Sango had donned her newly repaired slayer armor. The monk kicked dirt into the fire and grabbed his shakujou.
Kaia secured her own bow to her back and moved over to where Inuyasha stood. Again she caught scent of filth upon the wind. I knew it, she thought. This demon stench was far too familiar. They had to be more of that murderer's hordes.
“It's them alright,” Kaia hissed. “Without a doubt.” Inuyasha nodded his agreement.
A great gust of wind tore at the group, marking the arrival of their opponents. Kaia was afraid of this. She knew that this unknown foe had many beasts in its service, all of which were somehow twisted to its will. She recognized these minions…her mother had torn a number of them apart before her downfall.
“Look to the sky!” she screamed over the roar of the wind. They all raised their eyes to see cursed eagle-like demons of a great size. Their immense numbers covered the sky like angry storm clouds, wheeling and swooping, ready to strike. The beasts' great talons slashed and snapped at them, causing the group to hit the dirt. Long, curved beaks opened and screeched ear-piercing screams, making all of them cringe in pain. These demons were more than ready for battle.
The assault began. Kagome rolled out of the way as one swept down from the sky and clawed at her, missing her just barely. She pushed herself up off the ground and took hold of her bow, notching an arrow with a practiced speed. She took the first shot, the missile glowing pink with the forceful purifying magic. Yet her mark faded into nothing, and the arrow went through this strange illusionary thing and clattered onto the hard ground. It had completely vanished!
“What?” Kagome yelled in confusion.
“Damn! They're using a duplicating spell of some kind!” Miroku bellowed as he struck a real one with his staff, sending it back up to the sky, shrieking in anger. Another eagle dove at him, and when he swung his weapon at it, the creature's form dissipated into nothing. “I can't tell which ones are real and which ones are just illusions!”
Sango lifted her oversized boomerang over her head and let it fly. It cut through the air with an awful swiftness, preventing any birds from escaping the demon slayer's wrath. It bit into one of the demons and ripped it in two, the bloodied parts falling to the earth.
“That one was real!” she voiced angrily. “They don't stand a chance if they need a spell to protect themselves and attempt to intimidate us!”
Kirara took down another one and Inuyasha found another fake. These `eagles' were quickly losing numbers as the group picked them apart, one by one.
Inuyasha barked orders for all of them to get behind him. They did as best they could, as fast as they could. He gripped his mighty fang, feeling the power of the Wind Scar pulsing through the blade as he vaulted into the air. He swung it high, and slammed it to the ground, letting intense energy ring from the blade. The ground split as it was hit with the Tetsusaiga's force, and the demon eagles disintegrated into nothing as they were consumed by the blast. After the dust cleared, only a few of the ambushers were left: those lucky enough to be out of the path of the Wind Scar when its might was set loose.
Another ear-splitting screech echoed throughout the area. One of the remaining creatures swooped down at Kirara, knocking her off her feet before she could defend herself, sending her tumbling across the dusty ground. A trail of blood was left in the great cat's wake. Shippo, who had been clinging on to her back, was flung off and hit the dirt hard, yelping in pain. Miroku scrambled to retrieve him as Kagome destroyed the beast with another purified arrow.
Yet another eagle-like demon swooped over Sango's head, causing her to duck, skillfully evading its razor-edge talons. It knocked Miroku over just as he was about to reach Shippo, slicing into his side and tossing him like a rag doll into a tree. It dodged the Tetsusaiga's murderous swipe and snatched up the breathless fox demon, taking flight once more.
Kaia tore through another of the predators with her vicious claws and then turned, roaring in anger. These beasts would not harm her companions. Unsheathing her katana, she leapt through the air, melting another fake bird with a violent stab. She hit the ground running. Inuyasha was sprinting right beside her, with Miroku a few steps after, limping heavily and keeping up as best he could.
The hanyou girl launched herself at Shippo's captor, slicing off its feet and grabbing the cub, pulling him safely into her arms. Inuyasha sliced away the demon with his mighty fang, and he agilely evaded a fake as it was melted to nonexistence by Sango's great weapon.
Kaia gripped Shippo tightly to her chest as she watched the ground below her. They would land safely, but right on the brink of the cliff over the gaping gorge. The ground came ever closer until she heard the cry of the last remaining eagle. Time seemed to slow down as her mind screamed a warning…
She turned her head just in time to see the beast, talons outstretched, before it slammed into her, ripping at her shoulder with its sharpened needle claws. The girl roared in pain and heard Shippo cry out in fear.
“Kaia! Kaia! No!”
The half lioness demon looked up above her to see Sango's Hiraikotsu tear through her attacker. Below her was only the mist of the relentless depths of the abyss. Just as she passed the brim of the deep ravine, she used all of her strength to hurl Shippo towards the others.
Kaia witnessed Shippo reach safety and then heard Sango's scream…
The winds whistled and shrieked in her ears as the mist and darkness in the unending canyon surrounded her…
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So there's the first chapter of my first ever fan fic! I hope you liked it; I just had to put in a little cliffhanger.
Please read and review!
Thanks! CHEERS