InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Impurity of Selfishness ❯ Light in the Darkness: fight/pt 2 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ahh I am back and it's an action/adventure chapter- oh my gosh I am trying to write something different! Oh I guess it's not that different. I had a couple of ideas about what I wanted to happen but I wasn't sure it would be cool enough- and I really don't want it to be boring. I have this friend who has a better imagination than mine… well ok maybe not better, but let's just say that he's got more of a dark side than I do. His ideas were intriguing but I had to adapt them to make it work the way I wanted them to in the story. I'll give him credit for what he said at the end and mark some of the differences between what I did and what he suggested and try to explain why I did certain things. ;)
Here are the shoutouts for chapter 13/part 12
Angelstars: I'm so glad that you like my story enough to put it on your favs. <warm fuzzy feeling> But yeah, things are finally going to start taking shape in Inuyasha's mind and as for Kagome, she's just going to be confused for a really long time. That is the way that it has to be and when it happens, I will tell you guys and show you- yes this is why I had to write this as I did.
DiLLiRgA- I am so glad that you enjoyed that chapter. Yes, I am afraid that it is becoming extremely obvious who Kisho is, but oh well. You are right about the barriers in Kagome's mind, but there is a very good reason for that. Oh thank you for putting me on your fav list too- I appreciate it a lot- I really, really do.
I hope that you guys don't kill me because there is going to be some fluff in the coming chapters but I do have my reasons for that, which I will explain when I can. But here's this chapter anyway!
Previously on Impurity of Selfishness:
Out of the darkness, the youkai congratulates us on our strength. “You are very strong, oh yes- you are the first ones to break down the barrier on your own. The others I let in deliberately, so they could fulfill certain purposes for me.” He walks out into the light and smiles a disgusting smile.
In response, a completely undeterred Inuyasha readies Tetsusaiga and holds it in front of him. “Keh, why do you supposedly strong youkai always use weaklings to take care of your own business? Your lack of practice and attention will be your downfall. Hand over the Shikon no Kakera and if you do not, I will destroy you, and show you the true definition of strength. That will be my pleasure.”
Pt 13: Light in the Darkness: fight/pt 2
In response to Inuyasha's cocky challenge, the ugly youkai chuckles, much to the hanyou's annoyance. “This will be fun indeed, young hanyou. Yes, do not underestimate me- of course I can smell the human blood in you.” Inuyasha growls and bares his fangs. Slightly amused, the demon shrugs. “No matter- you appear to have some strength even as you are. Youkai, hanyou, human- they are all the same to me. Besides, the stronger that you are, the better off I will be in the end.”
Puzzled, I turn to Miroku, who is standing right beside me. “What kind of youkai is he?” Meanwhile, Inuyasha does not bother to ask any questions. As usual, he allows his anger to get the better of him and he begins slashing with the transformed fang and missing the slippery youkai each time.
Miroku looks over our opponent and sighs. “I hate to admit this, but I am not sure, Kagome-sama. It seems to be a cross between huge chimpanzee and a lizard.” He holds his chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Part chimp- that is bad, because chimps are supposed to be particularly clever. His strength and his unusually strong shield might be a couple of reasons of why he is still holding out against Naraku.” He nods grimly before shaking his head and turning to me. “But more importantly, Kagome-sama, where are the Shikon no Kakera?”
I close my eyes for a moment in order to focus myself. In my heart, I can feel the warmth of the glowing Shikon shards imbedded in the gargantuan body of our opponent. As soon as I sense them, I yell out to warn my hanyou friend. “Inuyasha, he has four shards.” Everyone looks at me with varying degrees of shock. “Yes, I'm completely sure- he has two in each hand- so please be careful!”
The disgusting youkai looks me up and down with a chilling grin. “Ah a young miko has come- that is a nice change. I have defeated many youkai, many warriors and many monks, but so few mikos, and certainly none as beautiful as this.” The youkai tries to give me a charming smile, but it only makes him appear more ugly than he seemed before. I take a step back with my disgust plainly showcased on my face. Having gotten the hint, he shrugs off my response. “Ah no matter- I would not leave you as you are regardless.” He rubs his long green fingers together lightly. “I have now within my grasp a miko that can sense the Shikon no Kakera. That will be a power that I cannot wait to obtain.” With heavy, unhurried steps, he begins to walk menacingly towards me. The wind changes to blow in my direction and I can smell his foul stench.
After the youkai takes a few steps, Inuyasha bravely leaps between the youkai and I. “Hey, bastard. You aren't going to do anything bad to Kagome, not while I am around!”
From the sidelines, Shippo screams his two cents. “You can't hurt Kagome! She has been sick enough lately. Yeah, that's right!” He nods like a true authority on the subject of my health. “She passes out all the time! Now, you wouldn't want to push her or get her illness- whatever it is!” The opponent youkai makes a weird, but still scary face at the kitsune and he screams and runs behind a tree. Silently, I sweatdrop. I am not sick; I appreciate the concern but you guys can get a little extreme sometimes.
Suddenly I flare up in anger. “Shut up, you guys! I am not that sick. I am glad that you care about my health and safety, but geez! You don't need to go that far!”
Inuyasha, who is busy blocking the youkai's attacks, comments. “Hey, Kagome- can't we talk about this later?” He grins and prepares to tease me. “And shouldn't you prepare yourself? You are here to fight with us now aren't you? Keh, stupid woman,” he smartly comments with a wink and a smile. Oh he thinks that he is so strong and brilliant! He really gets on my nerves sometimes- especially when he's right. I sigh. Oh but I can't let him know that he got to me. I ready my bow and arrows without another word.
Miroku and Sango whisper back and forth during this exchange, but a few seconds later, Miroku breaks out of the huddle and calls out to the youkai. “Excuse me, but what did you mean that you would obtain Kagome-sama's powers?”
The youkai looks at Miroku with a condescending glance. “Oh houshi, you have not heard of that? I thought that you might have in your extensive training. How sad to know that they do not properly prepare you nowadays. Well, listen up and I'll become your sensei for a quick moment.” Miroku glares up at his “sensei,” but the youkai does not bother to comment on this. Instead, he distractedly begins the lesson. “Good, now, I have the power to take other youkai, hanyou and humans into my body and take their powers for my own.”
Miroku does not look impressed. “Yes that may be true; however, Naraku also has that power- why do you feel so special? Do you even know who Naraku is?”
The youkai looks slightly offended. “Of course, he's a dear friend of mine. I met him about 40 years ago and at that time he taught me how to absorb other lifeforms. Since then, I have perfected the technique beyond his crude instructions so that I may absorb only the power of the enemies and leave the bodies free for me to control. Naturally, he wants to consume me- that is one of the reasons he taught me the technique…” The horrifying demon rolls his yellow and brown streaked eyes. “But unfortunately for Naraku, I prefer autonomy. Due to my innovative improvements, I do not need to create detachments. Then, I am not a hanyou like he is either. Still for a hanyou, he is rather powerful. Shall I make the assumption that you also know Naraku? No, it is more than that, is it not? From the sound of it, you wish to destroy him.”
Inuyasha responds. “Keh, of course we want to destroy him, idiot.”
The youkai shrugs. “I do not care if you do or not. I have no desire to be connected with him, so naturally I do not have any concern over his existence or non-existence.” Hey- he knows Naraku- do you think that he might have some faint idea of where Naraku went since he has disappeared? He just might… I look at Miroku, who is obviously thinking the same thing.
The monk in purple regards the youkai with calm, questioning eyes. “We are indeed trying to destroy Naraku for many reasons which are irrelevant to you but if you are indeed a friend of Naraku's do you by any chance know where he went? We know for a fact that since he mysteriously disappeared, all the youkai that used to be somewhat subdued by his presence have come out the woodwork. All attempts we have made so far to find him have been shall we say unsuccessful?”
Inuyasha jumps into the conversation before the chimp/lizard youkai has a chance to respond. “Keh, Miroku- that's ridiculous! If that worthless hair detachment of his did not know, why on Earth should some huge hairy old friend of his know? But if you do know, tell us now before we destroy you! Your cooperation will be noted.”
The youkai looks somewhat amused. “My cooperation will be noted? Oh you are so kind to ask me to give up. More than that- I should tell you now? My, my, my aren't we demanding, hmmm? Unfortunately for you, I have no idea where Naraku is at the moment, and frankly, I have no desire to know the answer. You will not either when you are dead. Of course, you have no prayer in defeating me, so it really does not matter if I know or not.” Miroku, Sango and I give each other an unimpressed glance. Yeah we have heard that so many times. You think that they could leave it out or think of other ways of saying it. I am so sick of hearing that kind of garbage. Still, it does make it slightly more fun when we triumph over the moronic youkai. Hmm, tradeoffs…The youkai happily continues his speech and sounds as if he is speaking at a garden party instead of throwing superfluous words around in the middle of battle. “So, enough harmless chit-chat, I suppose, do you not agree, little hanyou? Aren't you going to allow your little human friends to fight with you or do you refuse their help? You are going to need it,” the creature politely informs him.
In response, Inuyasha growls ever louder and louder. His shorter hairs are practically sticking straight up in the air with pure anger. Sango and Miroku look at each other and run forward. Yes they want to fight; they know how- unlike me. I do not know exactly what I am supposed to do. Sango has Hiraikotsu and Kirara. A soft voice inside whispers… You have your purity arrow. They might need it; after all, this appears to be a strong opponent. Can you imagine how many people and youkai this enemy has taken into himself? Remember what happened when you shot your purity arrow at Naraku and seriously wounded him. You may be the best person to fight this youkai, instead of the worst. Don't doubt yourself so much- especially when your friends all believe in you. I consider my own advice and sigh. Yeah I know- you are right.
I look back to the battle and watch Inuyasha continually try to slash the enemy, but still failing with each and every swing of Tetsusaiga. The youkai even catches the glistening fang as if it was nothing and forcefully tosses it away. The sword with its tuft of fur at the hilt detransforms to its pathetic and dormant state. As Inuyasha scrambles to retrieve his father's gift so that he will not fight without it and lose his mind, Sango throws Hiraikotsu at the hands of the youkai, but the stubborn opponent easily blocks it, grabs it and throws in the opposite direction. She looks completely shocked and so does not move for a few moments. Very few could parry Tetsusaiga and block Hiraikotsu with trouble, let alone with ease.
Miroku scowls and looks at his left hand. “I wish that I could use my Kazanna but then I would take the shards with him and I can't do that. I guess that I will do what I can.” He runs at the youkai and meanwhile Sango dashes to her boomerang weapon.
By this time, Inuyasha has reached his sword and made it transform to its previous state of shiny, sharp magnificence. Miroku and the half demon begin somewhat coordinated attacks on their opponent. A half-minute later, Sango joins the guys with Kirara. As I watch their growing fighting sprits, I realize that I must fight with them. Although I already have readied an arrow in my bow, I point it down toward the bright green spring grass.
As I put my mind towards battle, my consciousness is consumed by a partial trance. Without realizing what I am doing, I reach out to the fighting spirits. I can feel the blinding courage from Inuyasha's stubborn mind, the reluctant but not hesitant concentration of Miroku and Sango's almost psychically coordinated attacks with Kirara. Beyond that, I can feel the unthreatened, condescending power from the attacking youkai. As I slip deeper into the well of my instincts, I begin to see some pictures and hear some of the thoughts of our enemy. I see horrible possibilities.
As the sun goes down over the day, there is no wind, for the purple barrier stops anything from entering the area that is now our graveyard. No, this is not our grave, but perhaps I wish that it were. At least, may I die while still being me, while being Kagome? Our fallen but still living shells surround the youkai, who sips our strength and will away from us. All of us lay unmoving and unconscious inside dark green bubbles, somewhat like the bubbles that the frog youkai use in order to save souls so that they may devour them. Soon after, the youkai turns to the barrier, which falls to Kikyo's commanding touch. My soul flies into her shell where it shall reside forever. I cease to be. A flash of blue lightening cracks over the sky. We are all blinded as we awaken to pseudo-life. After the light fades, I see all of us fighting for the youkai as he has obviously taken over our minds and bodies. Naraku consumes our now-master, takes all the Shikon no Kakera as we lay as corpses under a blackening sky. His maniacal grin would disturb us if we were still ourselves. With a burst of power, he fuses all the Shikon no Kakera together and holds the completed Shikon no Tama in his hand. Behind a tree, Kikyo waits to bring him to his doom as the entire world shudders in fear.
The horrible pictures fade and I can see reality again. An ironic voice in my head asks… What is real? How much time was I out? It only seems as if I missed a split-second of the battle. Miroku and Sango are on the ground; Inuyasha again readies Tetsusaiga. The demon laughs quietly before shooting dark green poison from his hands and aiming it directly at Inuyasha.
Inuyasha laughs as he dodges but before I can warn him, the poison follows his quick motions and spouts fingers to grab Tetsusaiga from Inuyasha's firm grasp. Naturally, the half dog demon is unwilling to let go of the Tetsusaiga, his only hope of subduing his strong demonic blood. The youkai smiles and makes the poison reach out and encircle the entire body of the hanyou with the Tetsusaiga still in his firm grasp. With a cocky grin, Inuyasha tries to slice the bubble with his sword but finds that his swing has no effect.
Miroku watches his friend and worriedly calls out, “Inuyasha, do not use Kaze no Kizu. If it does not penetrate the barrier, you will destroy yourself. We will get you out of there.”
Still in my half-trance, I speak to them. “He is being possessed by the youkai just like the warriors were. His powers will be drained from him along with his will and soul. Miroku-sama, the poison is related to that of Naraku's bees, so you cannot use your Kazanna at all with this opponent. Sango-chan, you are connected to Hiraikotsu, are you not? If the demon holds it with his poison, he can subdue you enough to put you in a bubble as well. Please do not try.” All of a sudden, these words attract the attention of the youkai. He conjures a strong wind and blows Miroku, Sango and Kirara into trees in order to knock them out or make them stop attacking for a moment.
“Miko, you are, as I had suspected, the only real opponent for me. Still, I am impressed that you were able to catch my thoughts. I put up barriers but you managed to get around them easily. I am very impressed with your abilities.” Meanwhile, Inuyasha begins raging in his cage as he begins to lose both his demonic power and his human self. Over and over, he begins shouting Kagome and Kikyo. He continues to repeat those two words, but the names become whispers with almost sobs. Oh he's beginning to lose his mind. Saying my name in conjunction with Kikyo's? That is a little bit odd. I doubt that he knows that he is stating such random things.
Flaring with strong battle aura, I begin to scream at the demon. “You cannot hurt my friends, you bastard!” I'll show him. No one messes with my friends when there is something I can do about it! A state of calmness moves through my heart as I focus. I am not sure what I am doing, but Kaede-baa-chan told me to follow my instincts and that is exactly what I will do.
With a burst of inspiration, I begin to invade the youkai's thoughts. Although my mind seems plunged into darkness, I find myself concentrating harder and harder on manifesting my own presence in his mind. As images of my friends under his control try to fill my mind, I refuse to give in to despair and mentally shout out my answer. In the darkness of his mind, I scream. As I cry out, blue and white energy emanates from my own spirit self. The energy swirling faster and faster around me, like the Kaze no Kizu around Tetsusaiga, I suddenly let go of the force and unleash it on the core of his mind.
The youkai weakens for a moment as he is physically, emotionally and spiritually blinded. Since his powers are weakened by my invasive and crippling attack, I enchant my arrow and send it towards Inuyasha's green prison. Glancing at Miroku and Sango out of the corner of my mind, I see that they have just begun to awaken. Each pair of eyes is wide and staring straight at me. I have no time to explain, nor do I have an explanation to give to them, but for now something in me tells me to prepare another arrow as fast as I can. I need to focus my energy and stop worrying about mechanics… I need to simply perform. My arrow flies straight and true and glows with intense light as it burns off the youkai's hands. The arm that was closest to me disintegrates with the cleansing energy. I look back at Sango and Miroku, who are now beginning to get up. Looking back towards my chosen enemy, I allow the light calmness to take over my heart again completely and after I fall into the trance, I raise my arm. White and yellow energy come out of my hands- the white to purify his poison and the yellow to freeze him in place. The white energy begins to purify the Shikon no Kakera and then as a chain reaction, purify his blood. His body cannot take the intense purity of my spell and it begins to destroy him from the inside out.
Inuyasha comes out of his trance and stares completely stunned at me, the young miko who is destroying his opponent. Although the effects have weakened, the poison still somewhat affects his state of mind. He finally stops chanting names and finally looks for the rest of his friends, who have all gotten up and begun to charge the demon again. After watching his allies charge, Inuyasha's mind finally clears. With renewed courage, he tells the others to stand back. They see the look in his eyes and do not wish to be caught in his attack, so they comply without question or too much grumbling.
Turning back to the demon, Inuyasha grins evilly. “You sick freak- you see how strong you really are. You are just an insane jerk, but not for long. You will never try to take over anyone's mind and body ever again. Oh well, bye bye! Kaze no Kizu!” The sword finishes off the destruction that I had already begun.
After the demon is dead, I walk up to the puddles of purified youkai blood, now a shimmering silver color. I can see the already purified shards, which I gently gather and put in the little vial with the others that we have collected. The danger completely gone, they all stare at me in surprise. I look at them with wide eyes. “What did I do? Did I do something wrong, everyone? I'm sorry that I did not attack sooner.”
Inuyasha shakes his head. “No, it's fine, Kagome.” He looks down at his feet. “Umm, well, can you maybe…tell us how did you do that?” They all lean forward and anticipate my answer, but I really don't have one for them.
“Well, I…” I think about it for a moment. “You know- I don't know- I'm gonna ask Kaede-baa-chan about it.” Inuyasha's jaw is still on the ground- much to my amusement- and he continues staring at me in surprise. “Oh Inuyasha, you had to have a weak human save you this time?” I taunt. He starts to hyperventilate and glare at me with cold yellow eyes, but I just walk away. “Oh whatever. I'm so tired and” Her stomach growls. “I am really hungry too. Let's go back and get something to eat, shall we?” I smile at them and they still react to me as though they are still in shocked daze. They shrug and nod. A few moments afterwards, we jump on the transformed Kirara and quickly return to the village so we can eat.
Ok there's my new chapter and I am kinda excited. I have another idea that I am playing with and it is finally coming together. It is completely different from this story in some ways- mainly I'm not going to mess with people's emotions nearly as much. Anyway, this is still my primary project, so don't worry about updates. I had this idea and I wanted to get it out there first you know and working on it actually helps me when I begin to get a little writer's block about this one. Please review b/c I love reviews. BTW, I have already written part of Pt 14 already and the tentative name is “Dreams are missing each other”
I said I would give credit to my friend. Our conversation went pretty much like this:
BW: I know that I want it to spout huge poison bubbles that can surround an enemy and either control them with their jyaki/evil energy or melt them with the poison... or both. Any interesting ideas?
him: Yeah. Make it instead of evil energy, deadly spiritual plague that twists their physical form into something unrecognizable yet invariably horrible, giving said demon ability to control them, or let the plague take root, complete its life cycle, and melt down the victim by bursting from its entrails in swarms of demonic maggots. That any good?
BW: Hmm interesting. Pervasive, infecting jyaki- sounds like something one of Naraku's mini me's would be able to do. That would be strong enough to make the statement when the youkai gets completely obliterated. Hmm assuming this is one sick youkai... any ideas of how he could play with his victims... of course they won't be victims in my story- they have to live through some more chapters. <sigh> I don't know how well this is gonna go over- I'm no good at writing action/adventure, never tried. I just don't want it to be boring.
him: Yeah, sure. Make his victims enter into an emotional relationship with one of your heroes, then at the proper dramatic moment, pull the curtain and say, 'whoops, just a plague fiend!'
Ok naturally you know what I used and didn't use.
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