InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ in her eyes ❯ saving sango ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(A/N okay yall the next chapter of in her eyes. hope you like it. I know I'm evil by ending the first chapter with a cliffy. lol you think I would actually leave you with a satisfying ending so you wouldn't come back. pish. yeah right. I have a lot of cliffys so you better read and review. see ya hope you like it)
Saving sango
“Where could he be?" InuYasha asked Kagome, who was riding on his back.
" I don't know but he must be frantic" she told InuYasha while searching the forest for Sango.
A scream came ringing through the forest in an extremely high pitch. InuYahsa ran harder than he ever
had before. He knew Sango was in trouble. `Only an hour till sundown, oh I'm screwed' he thought.
When he found Sango she was on the ground unconscious barely clinging to life. Miroku was hitting
Naraku with that staff thing and doing almost no damage. InuYahsa and Kagome took immediate action.
Kagome whistled for Kirara and put Sango on her back, then hulled her boomerang bone on Kirara too.
She told Kirara to go find Keade and get her to help Sango. Then she grabbed her bow and arrow she
thankfully brought and aimed at Naraku. SHHHHHIICCC the arrow shot through the air and hit
Naraku's shoulder. InuYahsa was beginning to turn human. Only a few beams of sunlight still showed
over the horizon and soon fate would come. InuYasha took his last few seconds and hit Naraku with all
he had. Kagome knew that wouldn't hold him long and that the only thing that would hold Naraku were
her arrows. Before she could shoot Naraku hit InuYasha against a tree and began just plain butchering
him. She did something she had never done before and will probably never do again. She loaded her
bow with two arrows and shot. Then again but with three. Kagome shot and hit. She wished she could
say she was fast enough but that would be a lie. InuYasha was covered in human blood in a heap on the
ground. She wondered ' Even though my arrows hit Naraku will InuYahsa live?'. Miroku opened his
right hand and tried to suck in Naraku (A/N the real Naraku not a golem) but even though he was
obliterated there was a shield around him. No use.
Even though InuYasha was gonna hate her for this, she did it anyway. "KOGA"
A whirlwind of dust came towards them at high speeds “Ho Kagome, you called" Koga said.
" Yes Koga please help InuYasha, he's injured" Kagome said through tears she was shedding for
Koga grabbed Kagome's hands and said “Even if it does require helping that insolent puppy I'll always
make you happy"
“Thank you Koga. Take him to Keade's village" She told him and he was off.
Miroku asked Kagome " How are we gonna get home?"
“Easy Shippo's about a mile away from us right now so all I have to do is call him" Kagome replied then
yelled " SHIPPO"
About a minute later Shippo came and helped them get to Keade's village.
(A/N okay now I wasn't sure if this was a cliffy or not. I mean I leave you wondering but you're probably not begging for more. At least I don't think you are. any who you know the rule read and review. moral(s): keep you connections open, take risks, and watch your back. Yes I always put at least one shallow moral. Any who I hope you liked it. see ya)