InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In My Brother's Place ❯ Bad Switch ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

This is actually the combination of the original chapters 1, 2 and 3 with minor changes. For those of you who have read this before, it is not necessary to read it again. I thought the chapters should be longer since this story would have a lot of events later and I don't want to put too many short chapters out.

Thanks to those who reviewed!

`In My Brother's Place'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 1: Bad Switch


Inuyasha's Forest shook as trees and chunks of dirt flew everywhere. They were at it again. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha were fighting while exchanging insults as Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, Sango and Kirara watched from a safe distance away.

Sesshoumaru had once again come for the Tetsusaiga and Inuyasha of course had refused to give up the sword that was intended for him. Now the half brothers were fighting over it. Occasionally insults like "half breed" and "arrogant bastard" rang out and surprising were heard in the forest.

The group of three humans and two demons were unable to stop either of the inu youkai and hoping that the half brothers won't kill each other off in the process.

Earlier the group of travelers were staying at Kaede's village after a heated argument involving Inuyasha and Kagome, which resulted in Inuyasha slamming into the ground muttering curses that Shippo shouldn't have heard. After lunch, Inuyasha had smelled a youkai nearby and had recognized that scent as his brother's. The group had gone into Inuyasha's forest, hoping to lure the demon away from the village. Sesshoumaru had shown up in front of them and demanded the Tetsusaiga. Inuyasha had just refused and drew out and transformed the Tetsusaiga in its fearful fanged form. Sesshoumaru had drawn out his own sword, Toukijin (A/N: did I spell it right?), and so the brothers clashed swords with neither side intending to give up.

It was only a few moments ago and the group and Sesshoumaru noticed that Inuyasha was beginning to tire. His breath came out in long pants but he was determined to keep what's his.

Sesshoumaru inwardly smirked. `This half-breed is not worthy of the Tetsusaiga. He's too weak. It will soon be mine.'

Kagome was thinking of a way to stop this fighting. `Inuyasha will get hurt if I don't do something but what?' After a few thoughts… `Of course, my miko powers. The spell I learned the other day! It will work!' Her face lightened up considerably by this idea.

Kagome ran to the brothers while ignoring the protests from her friends. She stood about ten paces from both of the inu youkai and started chanting a spell she had learned recently from Kaede. The spell was supposed to freeze objects or in this case demons for a short amount of time by incasing the objects or demons into shields, preventing them from moving. This spell was not used often because it takes a lot of energy to perform.

Kagome was interrupted when a large branch of a tree came flying at her way. She just barely dodged the branch and squeaked, "EEP!"

A strange bright streak of light shot out from each of her hands and engulfed Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. They were shocked though Sesshoumaru's face was emotionless. Kagome was unable to finish the intended spell so she was confused. Her friends wore looks of confusion as well. Kagome had accidentally conjured up another spell though she did not know what this spell would do.

A red streak of light suddenly came out from Inuyasha's body and went into Sesshoumaru, while a blue streak of light shot out from Sesshoumaru's body and went into Inuyasha. The light disappeared and both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru fell into the ground.

The group ran to Inuyasha and hoped that whatever spell Kagome had cast was nothing too serious.

"What the fuck just happened?" The group stood shocked that it wasn't Inuyasha who had said this but Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru's normally emotionless face now bore a look of confusion and anger. Inuyasha stood up and blinked.

Sesshoumaru looked at his attire and his eyes widened. He was wearing Sesshoumaru's normal clothing: the white kimono with a yellow silk cloth tied around waist.

Inuyasha also took a glimpse at his clothing. He was wearing the usual red haori and had Tetsusaiga's sheath at his waist.

Both brothers had an expression of horror as the group stood once again confused. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha both shouted, "It CAN'T be!!!!!"

They both turned to Kagome and said, "What happened?"

Kagome's hands still lingered from the effects of the spell. She stood in between Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru and whispered, "I don't know."

"Inuyasha" said calmly, "Miko do you know the consequences of angering me?" Sesshoumaru was trying to look threatening but while he was in Inuyasha's body he settled for an emotionless look.

`Strange he never calls me Miko,' Kagome thought. "What are you talking about? Nothing happened," she said, looking at "Inuyasha".

"I'm here stupid. Haven't you figured it out already?" "Sesshoumaru" said.

Realization started to get in everyone's heads as they looked from Inuyasha to Sesshoumaru.

"How it this possible?" Sango asked herself.

"Kagome what were you trying to do?" Miroku asked Kagome.

Kagome answered, "I was trying to freeze them with a spell I learned from Kaede but I got interrupted, then. . ." She pointed at the inu youkai.

"It seems that the result is that Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru switched bodies," Miroku stated the obvious. Kagome nodded.

"Inuyasha" spoke with an ice-cold tone. "Miko reverse this spell at once."

"Sesshoumaru" said, "For once I agree with this bastard," as he glared at his half brother who returned the glare.

"I don't know how I conjured the spell let alone reverse it." Kagome stiffened, knowing that an explosion was to come with this statement.

"Inuyasha" stood and said nothing, but his eyes however danced with anger. "Sesshoumaru" on the other hand looked threatening beyond belief. "WWHHAATT!!! I'm not going to be stuck in this bastard's body forever!" The real Inuyasha lunged at Kagome, intending to shake her to get a decent answer from her.

On reflex and nothing that the one inside Sesshoumaru's body was Inuyasha, Kagome yelled, "SIT!"

To everyone's surprise, the real Sesshoumaru slammed into the ground while the real Inuyasha had a puzzled look on his face. Inuyasha however soon realized what this meant and his face now had a huge smirk.

He turned to Kagome with the same smirk. Kagome was shocked and stared at him with wide eyes. "You can't hurt me now Kagome. I'm free."

Her thoughts turned frantic as he walked towards her, still smirking. `Oh no. Bad switch. Bad switch. Bad switch,' repeated over and over in her head.


The real Sesshoumaru was pissed to say the least. First he followed the group into Inuyasha's forest, demanding the Tetsusaiga, then he found himself in Inuyasha's body, and now he was kissing dirt. He cursed the stupid rosary around his neck and briefly wondered how Inuyasha could take this torture time and time again. He knew Inuyasha did not know when to shut up; surely Inuyasha had infuriated the miko more than once. As the subduing spell faded, Sesshoumaru lifted his head to see Inuyasha in his body, smirking almost evilly, and walking towards the girl. The miko looked terrified.

Inuyasha, still with a HUGE smirk over his face, was enjoying the look on Kagome. He was aware that the effect was increased ten fold since he was in Sesshoumaru's body. `Yes, it's so good to have that stupid rosary off me!' ran in this mind. He wasn't going to hurt Kagome; he only wanted to scare the hell out of her. His full attention was on Kagome. Had his attention been elsewhere he would have sensed a houshi and a taijiya sneaking up behind him. He did however felt the pain that came when a staff and a boomerang connected with his head at full force. Inuyasha fell on the ground unconscious, inches from Kagome's feet, with swirling eyes.

Miroku and Sango sighed with relief. They had been afraid of what Inuyasha would do as payback for Kagome sitting him all the time, not that it was her fault; it was he who had always made her angry. The group of shard hunters looked at Inuyasha. It was amusing to see two huge lumps on "Sesshoumaru's" head.

Kagome turned to "Inuyasha". Now that Sesshoumaru was in her control, she wasn't terrified of him anymore. She knew that she should not remind him that his power had decreased by half since he was in Inuyasha's body, while at the same moment, Inuyasha's power had increased dramatically.

As Sango and Miroku, with Shippo and Kirara after them, carried (more like dragged) Inuyasha to the village, Kagome said to the Western Lord, "You should come with us to the village. Maybe Kaede knows what this spell is, and how to reverse it."

Sesshoumaru glared his ice-cold glare at her. Even though it was less intimidating on Inuyasha's face, it still caused Kagome to shiver. "For your sake, you better hope so," he said in an emotionless tone, and walked towards Kaede's village, with Kagome trailing behind.


Sesshoumaru was sitting outside of the hut where Inuyasha was being treated. He wasn't sure if he should be grateful or not. `No definitely not grateful,' he thought. Sure he had the Tetsusaiga and was able to use it now but he was in his half brother's weak body. Trading his body for the Tetsusaiga was NOT worth it. Not to mention his other swords, Toukijin and Tenseiga were now in Inuyasha's possession.

Inuyasha was still unconscious and suffering from the pain the lumps formed. Kagome was sitting beside him, placing an ice pack from her first aid kit on his head. Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara sat around the hut, hoping Kaede would return soon; they were facing a bad dilemma here. They were also worried that the brothers would try to kill each other again.

The silence was broken when Miroku decided to sneak a hand too far down Sango's backside and ended up with a red cheek where Sango's palm connected with his face. The sound of the slap woke Inuyasha up. He jerked his head up and immediately felt the pain at full force.

"Oww. Okay what the fuck happened to my head?" he shouted to the group. Sango and Miroku did not want to tell him that it was they who had caused his pain. His rage was bad enough before. Now that he was in a full youkai's body and without the rosary, there was no telling what he might do.

"Err, uh…" Kagome was at a loss of what to say. She knew that he was probably uncontrollable at the moment.

"Well?" Inuyasha said, now standing up and glaring at his friends, waiting for an answer. He was getting angrier with each passing second as the group failed to provide him with any sort of explanation.

Outside, Sesshoumaru was listening in their conversation and was inwardly amused. `Let's see them get out of this one,' he mused, as he sat there, waiting for the old priestess Kaede to return.


NOTE: I wrote the last few sentences in the other's point of view so to them it would be Inuyasha looking at his own clothes with a look of horror and vice versa, while the REAL Inuyasha was in Sesshoumaru's body. So from now on I would be referring to the REAL person when I say their name. So if I say Sesshoumaru I meant the REAL Sesshoumaru okay? And if I put quotation marks before and after that name it means the body as in "Inuyasha" would mean Sesshoumaru in Inuyasha's body.

This chapter was revised. The next part is also revised.

Fenikkusu Ice