InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In the Arms of the Enemy... ❯ Betrayed ( Prologue )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
In The Arms of the Enemy…
Chapter Zero
Kagome couldn't believe what she had just witness. Her eyes began to fill with tears as she watched InuYasha and Kikyo hold each other. Her mind refusing to accept the words he had just spoken to the undead priestess.
“She means nothing to me my love. Once we have restored the Shikon no Tama, we shall restore your soul to its rightful place.” She heard the Han'yÅ tell the woman. “She is no more than a means to restore you, to return to you the life that was stolen. After she has severed her purpose she is of no use to me.”
The raven haired woman gave a final teary gaze at the pair before turning and walking away. Her vision blurred by her broken hearted tears as she made her way back to the camp site. His hurtful words tore into her soul and drowning its once fiery sprit, she was nothing to him. Neither friend nor foe, not even something in between, she was only a tool. One he used to find the shards of the Jewel of Four Souls.
In the distance she could see the camp site. The healthy fire burning away in the center of the groups' nightly camp site, its warmth holding back the chilled night air. The others had long since fallen asleep as she had. Only she had been awakened as she felt her soul being pulled away from her. Even in her half sleeping mind she knew the undead priestess was near.
As her eyes opened she had caught a glimpse her half demon “friend” as he made his way hurriedly into the forest. Oh kami why had she followed him? Why did she have to see and hear how they thought of her.
As she climbed into the warmth of her sleeping bag her tears renewed themselves. Each tear she cried left her feeling emptier inside. Was this what the fates had destined her for? Now that the bone eaters well had been sealed she no longer had a way to return to her time. Having seen the stone with her own eyes had reminded her of how her Grandfather had said it had been sealed for many years. Now she was trapped here, her fate seemingly to restore the jewel then be cast off so the undead miko could have her soul back.
“Mama…” whimpered the tiny kit as he lazily climbed to his feet and began moving towards her.
A hollow smile crossed her face as the kit nuzzled against her. She had long ago adopted the kitsune as her own and they had quickly become close. He had come to rely on her like he would his natural mother and she felt less empty now that he was her kit. His tiny fur covered body nuzzling against her in his half sleeping state making himself comfortable against her before sleep reclaimed him.
She looked down at her son, running her fingers through his fur as she cried silently into the night. Only when she had no more to give had sleep mercifully came to her. Enshrouding her in its embrace like she was doing for her kit.
In the distance a pair of golden eyes watched her as she cried herself to sleep. He had been hunting this night, following the trail of some long forgotten prey when he caught a whiff of her scent in the air. It had been close to where his half brother was, nearly over powered by the stench of grave soil given off by his brother undead lover.
He had given it little heed till it began to change. The once pleasant aroma given off by the young miko suddenly changed. Soon the scent of fresh tears, pain filled tears filled his senses. He scented the air again focusing in on her, the once lively scent had begun to wither filling full of despair and emptiness.
Something inside the lord of the western lands compelled him forward. What was it that drove him to the out skirts of the miko's camp site? Curiosity perhaps, or was it the same weakness in his blood that his father had.
He watched her as she emerged for the tree line, her small body trembling as she made her way to the place she would sleep. His fangs threatening to bare themselves to the world as the air grew heavy with his brother's wench's tears. His orbs locking onto the young kitsune kit as his ears picked up the unmistakable whimper he had made as he called for his mother.
Had he not seen it with his own eyes he would not have believed it. While nearly all humans and youkai despised the each other those that at least tried to be civil had settled in his territory. They had done this more in his father day then his own but they still stayed clear off each other as much as possible. The humans he had noticed held a particular dislike for demon children they had not hurt any as of yet, but they did however gather the human children and leave when they spotted them playing together. If not shooing the offending demon away.
Yet this odd miko did nothing of the sort, she had in fact taken in the kit and began to raise it as her own. She made no distinction between the fact that the child was a demon or not. She acted as if it was the most natural thing for her to have a kit as her son, even allowing the youngling to share her bed when he was cold or frightened. In every way but that of blood he had observed on there many encounters that they where mother and child.
The curiosity he felt grew all the stronger as he watch the pair for the long minuets it took the miko to succumb to the nights embrace. What was it that made this human different from the others? What was it that allowed her to take the kit as her own without reservation? It was all the proud demon lord could do at that moment to restrain these thoughts as they danced through his mind. With a final look Sesshomaru turned disappearing into the wilds from whence he came.
The proud demon lord's mind asked one final thing of him before he moved deeper into the shadows. `What was it that hurt her so?'