InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In the Beginning... ❯ Rinsuke ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~*A/N: Kibo, the violet-haired vixen, here! Another chapter for all of you lovely people! Many thanks to my new reviewer: Muse-chan1! Sorry 'bout the spacing, stupid mediaminor doesn't like my formatting aparently. Hope this looks a lil' better!*~

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inu-Yasha. It all is the sole property of one Rumiko Takahashi. Lucky...

Chapter Four: Rinsuke

Six Months, Two Weeks

The past two weeks have been filled with war councils. My morning lessons with Jaken have ceased. Instead, I spend the mornings with my father's council, discussing strategy, troop placement, and observing on how to command the forces my father wields. He has increased the forces he has guarding the border, preventing any of the ningen from even nearing his lands. War should begin within the next two months. I am so eager to fight, to show my parents how much I have learned under Gendo's instruction. The thought of my mother's weakness always nips at me from the back of my mind, a biting reminder. I try to suppress it and focus on my training.

Today, following the most rigorous training I have had with Gendo yet, I once again went to the hot spring. Rei did not join me, for the first time this week. I had noticed at the midday meal that she had a small girl trailing behind her. A NINGEN girl. Normally, it would not affect me, but with the pending war with the Hosokawa clan has me on edge. Apparently, my father had allowed this ningen into his home, and I suppose a child poses no major threat. Still, I wondered what her connection was to Rei.
Prior to the evening council, I took my dinner alone in my room. Rei served me, the small girl in her wake. Curious, I questioned Rei about the child. She explained that the girl is her half-sister, who was sent to her following her mother's death. Apparently, her mother, a ningen, was impregnated by her lord, also a ningen, and had passed away recently due to an illness that had swept their village. The girl had survived, and shunned by the lord, was sent to her sister. I learned that the child's name is Rinsuke, and my parents had taken pity on the poor thing.

The evening council was more discussions of battalion organization and movement. I found it rather boring, but labored to pay attention. Kiri was the first to notice my blinking lids and stifled yawns, and whispered to my father. As his gaze shifted up to acknowledge me for the first time, I held my eyes wide open, returning his gaze. He smiled, dismissing me with a wave. Greatfully, I took my leave to the garden, hoping for some fresh air before bed. There I found my mother. She sat on a bench, staring up at the stars. I sat beside her, and she began speaking without looking at me.

She told me of how Rinsuke had appeared on our doorstep, alone, frightened, and rather disheveled. My mother was called to the door by her handmaiden, and swept the dirty child up into her arms, carrying her to her chambers. It took her some time to pry a stuttering explanation from the frightened girl, until she had distinguished enough of her speech to have Rei summoned. The two cleaned up and dressed the girl. I mentally picture her now, and cannot imagine her frightened or dirty. She seems to smile constantly, and I have often heard her giggles throughout the day. Her black hair just reaches her shoulders, and is shiny and appears healthy.

My mother continued to explain the details of how Rinsuke came to be in our charge, filling in a few details to Rei's bare-bones explanation from earlier. As I returned to my chambers for the night, I saw Rinsuke in the hall, headed towards Rei's chambers. I absently smiled. For some reason, the child has already endeared herself to me, although my initial reaction was that of repulsion. For her to still smile and laugh after all she has been through, the death of her mother, rejection by her father, being sent to live with strangers... youkai, no less... it takes immense courage. Courage unmatched by any other her age, youkai and ningen alike. Is this feeling... admiration? Do I admire the strength I see in this young ningen girl?

Who would have thought, this Sesshomaru, admiring a ningen?

~*A/N: There, another chapter done. I know I said I would update once a week, but, well, I have no excuse. Gomen nasai. I had to come up with a reason why Sesshomaru has such a connection to Rin, and I think this will serve. Rinsuke will be mentioned in future chapters to explain further. I also feel the need to explain why I use the term "ningen" instead of "human", other than my desire to include Japanese terms. Some words in Japanese are just better than those in English, such as "hanyou". I like it so much better than "half-breed". And "ningen" has more meanings than just "a human being"; it also means "humanity; character, personality". I find it to be a more all-encompassing term for the mortals that the Sesshomaru of Rumiko Takahashi so hates. He doesn't just hate humans, he hates humanity as a whole. Sorry for the long a/n... some things just needed explaining. So, go review now. Onegai? And I promise this time I'll review within a week. Well, I'm feeling a little dizzy with sleep, so ja ne for now!*~