InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Innocence ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


by SarahBarah (a.k.a firesstar)

*Author's note

HEY EVERYBODY! Sarah here! I got a few reviews! I'm soo glad that everybody that reviewed, liked the story so far! *jumps up and down and huggles everybody* LOVE YA GUYS! A big shout out goes to Aquarius Nie! HEY THERE ARDIS! :D And, last but not least, the disclaimer:

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story except for Etsuko, and Chumoru!

Thank you to all who have reviewed my story, and I wish ya luck with all your stories! Bye for now!

Etsuko: *wink* ^.~

Chumoru: O.^;

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Chapter 2

Blood streamed from the wound on Etsuko's cheek, as she made her way through the tree tops.

Good lord, I'm going to bleed to death if this keeps up!

She glanced back at the inu-hanyou behind her. His golden orbs were locked on her, and she could feel his anger. She shuttered as she reached into her mind with her own. (Telepathy, as it is sometimes called ^.^; ) It was filled with darkness, and pain. Yet, at the same time, possessing love, and caring.

How can one's mind be filled with so much darkness, yet still have light?

The question clouded her thoughts. She would have no peace until she knew the answer. She leapt to the ground, landing in a crouched position. She glanced back once more, but the other hanyou was nowhere in sight. She sighed gratefully, and sat down for a moment to rest. Then she put a hand to her cheek, blood still pouring from it.

Why hasn't it stopped?

She ripped a piece of cloth from her haote and placed it upon her cheek. Blood soon seeped through the makeshift bandage and she scowled, throwing the bloody cloth into the grass beside her.

Oh hell, I'm going to die anyway, so what's the point?

She moved her legs up so that her knees met her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Then she leaned her chin on her knees and closed her eyes, waiting for Inuyasha to appear.



Kagome moved through the forest until she found the tree with Inuyasha's favorite branch to lounge on.

"Inuyasha? Shippo? Where are you guys?"

Her voice grew more worried as she called them. Butt she couldn't sense their presence anywhere, and she had been searching for awhile now.

"Please tell me your just playing. Please tell me your not hurt..."

She sighed, walking on, her heart beating rapidly. Her mind raced through all the places they could be. But still she searched, with no sign of them.


Inuyasha smirked as he sensed that the wolf-hanyou had stopped.

Keh, just like that stupid girl.

He leapt down and landed in front of Etsuko. He looked at her suspiciously, for she still was in a sitting position, and seemed utterly defenseless.

What the hell is she trying to pull?

He cautiously took a step closer to her, and gazed at her. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was slow and heavy.

She's asleep! How in the hell am I supposed to kick her ass when she's asleep?!

"Damn girl! Wake up!"

He nudged her with his toe and she responded by backhanding him in the face.

"SHIT! What'd you do that for?!"

He waved a hand in front of her face when she didn't respond, and then seated himself beside her. She growled and turned over, her head now resting on his lap. He started to push her away, but then caught himself looking at her face thoughtfully. She looked so peaceful as she slept, it reminded him of Kagome.

My Kagome...

Calling Kagome his, didn't freak him out quite as much as it had before. She knew of his feelings for her, and he knew of hers. They were finally free to care for one another without fear, and this made him truly happy. And happiness was something he didn't think he could ever feel again.

He slowly moved Etsuko's head off his lap and into the grass. That is when he noticed all the blood on him from where her head had rested, and he inspected the other hanyou with keen eyes. Then he saw it, the wound on her cheek, the wound he had inflicted. That's when he realized that Etsuko wasn't asleep, she was unconscious, she was dying. He looked at the hanyou with shock in his eyes.

All this time you were unconscious?

He rubbed his face again, remembering the backhand she had given him.

Must've been a reflex...

He picked her up and into his arms and swiftly and effortlessly, he leapt through the treetops. The others would know what to do, he hoped.


Shippo stalked a butterfly through the forest, his wonder-filled eyes, captivated by its color. He pawed at it playfully, as it fluttered around him, landing on his ear and tickling it with its tiny legs. He laughed and chased it once more as it flew deeper into the forest. Then, something flew by his head, something big. As he froze, terrified, he felt someone behind him, and he turned to see who it was...


Sango stood washing dishes while Miroku sat nearby, watching her. He got up and walked up behind her, a devious smile on his face. He reached out to pull her ear playfully, but before he could, Sango, without turning around, grabbed a soup bowl and hit him with it, right in the middle of his forehead. He fell over, rubbing the large mark on his forehead.

"So... does this mean you won't be bearing my child anytime soon?"

On of Sango's eyebrows twitched as she scowled and continued washing dishes. Suddenly, as Miroku was getting to his feet, a terrified cry rang out.

"Sh-Shippo," Sango said softly to Miroku, dropping the dish she was washing. It made a loud crash as it broke into a million pieces on the ground. They didn't stop to pick them up, but ran towards where the sound had come.


Shippo stared at the full demon form of a bear demon. His body shook uncontrollably as the demon's emerald orbs glittered with an evil light. He turned a the sound of feet pounding on the path.


His ears pricked forward and for a moment he almost forgot the demon before him, but he was soon reminded by the sound of razor sharp claws, singing through the air before ripping into a nearby tree.

"Time for dinner," the demon whispered gruffly, as his deadly jaws formed a sly smile. Shippo couldn't help but cry out as the demon hovered over him, about to strike him down with one swipe of its claws. But just before Shippo could finish praying for Kagome, or Inuyasha to save him, Miroku, Sango, and Kirara appeared. Kirara transformed into a giant flaming cat, and Sango and Miroku donned their weapons, ready to fight. Shippo almost cried, when he saw them, joy filling his once terror-stricken face.


He ran towards them, and past the demon bear, landing in Sango's arms.

"It's alright, Shippo-chan, everything is okay now," she said smiling warmly, rubbing the place between his ears, which always made him purr. Then the demon, frustrated at being ignored, ran towards them, his eyes blazing. Miroku stepped forward, ready to unleash his wind-tunnel. But before he could, the demon stopped in his tracks. Startled, they all gazed at the demon in wonder. The demon bear just stared back at them for a moment before transforming into what seemed to be his human form. It was amazing to watch, as the demon was surrounded by mist, and then, as the mist cleared, there, in the demon's place, was a man. But, he was not an ordinary man. His emerald green orbs held purity, much unlike his former self, and atop his head were two fuzzy brown bear ears. His hair was a red-chestnut color, and it was held back by a white ribbon, and he wore a navy blue haote. And if Kagome was there, she would have noticed the single jewel shard, buried in his pocket. His face showed kindness, which startled them further, and they stared at him in awe for a moment.

Wow, he sure is handsome, Sango thought, her eyes glancing guiltily at Miroku. But Miroku was too busy staring at the demon bear to notice.

"Who are you? And what do you want with us?"

Miroku kept his gaze on the demon's illuminant green orbs as he spoke.

"I am Chumoru, pleased to meet ye," the demon bear said, bowing slightly, his manner, friendly.

Sango and Shippo kept quiet, both looking at Chumoru suspiciously. Kirara growled, the hairs rising on the back of her neck. Miroku returned the bow, and then wondered for a moment why he had, after all, this was the same demon who had tried to kill Shippo only a moment ago... wasn't it? Chumoru only smiled at them all, not seeming to notice the growling of Kirara, or the constant gaze of Shippo and Sango.

"I was just passing through. I got a bit hungry though..." he glanced at Shippo, "So I stopped to catch some food. Guess I kind of mistook your friend there for a rabbit. I'm sorry about that." He looked at Miroku apologetically and then turned to Shippo and walked towards him, reaching out to pat his head. But Shippo shrank back into a ball, burying his face in Sango's hair. Sango just nodded to Chumoru, as if accepting the apology for him. Chumoru nodded back, understandably, and took back his hand.

Well, at least he's nice about it, unlike someone I know...

Sango sighed softly at the thought of a certain inu-hanyou who could, as it seemed, be pissed off at the slightest thing. She wondered now where he was, and why he hadn't made it back yet. And then, a loud thump was heard behind them.


Inuyasha had carried Etsuko almost to the hut, when he caught scent of Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara.

But no Kagome, he thought, as he moved closer to the scent.

As he jumped from the tree tops to the ground, he saw them all standing ahead, talking to a funny looking man. Wait, that was no man! That was a demon! Or rather, a half-breed like him and Etsuko. When he landed by them, he quickly set Etsuko down, and unsheathed his sword, not taking any chances.

"Don't tell me, your another demon after the jewel, right?"

He narrowed his golden orbs, his father's fang gleaming in his grasp.

"Inuyasha! Wait a minute," Miroku yelled at him, but the cry was cast on deaf ears.

Luckily for Chumoru, his reflexes were faster. Even as the inu-hanyou slashed at him, almost dead-on target, Chumoru somehow dodged him.

His speed is unreal! Who is this guy, Inuyasha thought, as the fang struck the ground.

"The tetsusaiga, do you really think it can be controlled by a worthless half-breed like you?" Sesshomoru's voice rang in his head.

NO, DAMN YOU! YOU'RE WRONG, his head screamed at the voice. He swiped once more at Chumoru, but this time, managed to catch Chumoru on the ear. The bear-hanyou fell to his knees, holding his torn ear as it bled down his face, staining his hair with its warm sticky mixture.

"No, what have you done, Inuyasha," Sango asked the surprised inu-hanyou.

"I thought I was saving your ass! Your welcome!"

Inuyasha's face burned hot as his anger grew. Sango ignored him and ran to help Chumoru, Shippo and Kirara following.

So much for gratitude!

He growled menacingly as Sango helped Chumoru up, Miroku standing by Inuyasha, watching.

"Well, Inuyasha, I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen. Chumoru is not harmful to us, as it would seem. Though, I sometimes wonder about you..."

Miroku closed his eyes and leaned on his staff, Inuyasha's face burning even hotter.

"And what is that supposed to mean, monk?"

"Nothing at all."

Inuyasha glared at him for a moment, the two unmoving. But soon he grew restless and leapt off to find Kagome. Miroku didn't open his eyes until he had gone, and then he followed Sango and Chumoru and the others back to the hut. On the way though, a silver flash caught his eye. He walked towards it, and saw what looked like a maiden, with silver-gray hair, and... was that a tail?

"What is this?"

One of the silver ears on the top of the maiden's head twitched.

Could this be... another half-demon like Inuyasha?

He stared at her pale face, and saw a large gash on her cheek. It was starting to close, yet there was still some blood from the wound. He picked her up and carried her towards the hut.


Kagome sighed softly as she sat on one of the branches of Inuyasha's favorite tree. She couldn't tell how late it was, for the trees hid the light somewhat, but she knew it must be getting dark.

Where is he? Where are both of them?

"Shippo? Inuyasha? Anyone," she called once more into the forest. "I hope you guys are happy," she said angrily, "I'm worried sick about you two and I'm about ready to call a search party!" She wished that, at that moment, Inuyasha was there so she could tell him to sit, or at least pull his ears, he hated that. She sighed again, thinking of the first time they had kissed. It was as if her whole body had a tingling sensation running through it, her adrenaline pumping, and she knew he felt the same.

Oh Inuyasha, if only you didn't act like such a jerk sometimes...


Her thoughts were interrupted by Inuyasha ~as usual ^.^~ as he ran towards her.

"Well, if it isn't dog boy..." she said, getting down from the tree. He caught her as she started to fall, a smile playing on her lips as she looked up at him. He smiled softly back, putting her down and holding her close to his chest for a moment. She welcomed every bit of his embrace, the warmth of his arms, the smell of his hair, the gentle touch of his hands, and the feeling of safety he gave her. The only thing she could do to thank him was to kiss his cheek, giggling inwardly as she watched his face grow red, his ear twitching nervously. She reached up and tweeked the ear and he just stared at her, golden orbs filled with the desire to hold her forever and never let go.

"I came looking for you and Shippo. Where were you guys?"

He looked back at her, unsure of what to say. So he tried to avoid the subject of where he had been if possible.

"The brat's with the monk and the others."

"And what about you?"

Not possible.

"What do you mean? I'm right here."

"You know exactly what I mean, Inuyasha! Where were you?"

Nice try.

Oh shut up all ready! Stupid inner voice!

He hesitated, hoping that, in some magic twist of fate, she would forget her last question. No such luck.

"Inuyasha... I'm waiting..."

She tapped her foot, looking at him hard.

Alright, here goes the last day of my life without eating dirt...

"I was... walking... and I found a girl who was hurt, so I brought her back to the-" He paused, thinking.

Oh lord, I forgot her! She's probably awake by now!

"Dammit," he cursed under his breath, "C'mon Kagome, we have to go!"

He picked her up without another word, and she just looked at him, speechless.

What a strange boy...

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Hey! That's the end of this chappie! Hope ya liked it just as much as the first! Or, more even! I tried to write more this time, so if its a bit long, then you know why. I may have pushed it a little bit with the part about Etsuko backhanding Inuyasha in the face while she was asleep... hehe... But I thought it would be kinda funny so I didn't take it out. Anyways, so, tell me how you liked it! Please review! I really enjoy reading them, and constructive criticism is welcomed! Thank you to all who reviewed so far! I hope you'll tune in next time! BYE! ^.~


Chumoru: HEY! WAIT A MINUTE! I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SAY ANYTHING! >( *thwaps Sarah* Fine, I'll let it go this time, but next time I'm gonna get ya! *holds up menacing looking giant frying pan*

Sarah: *cowers at the sight of frying pan* Um... ok... O.O;;; *runs away* Tootle loo!