InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Innocent and Unforgettable X-mas ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Innocent and Unforgettable X-mas
By. DemonGirl-Setsuna
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DemonGirl-Setsuna: Hi there! Setsuna here!
I’d like to say Marry X-mas!
Here is chapter 3!
Please Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don’t own InuYasha or anything belonging to Rumiko Takahashi.
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Ch. 3
“InuYasha, what was that noise? Are you alright?”, Kagome worriedly asks, pounding on the door.
When she receives no answer, she slides open the door to a shocking sight; InuYasha laying face down wearing only boxers, a small puddle of blood pooled by his head.
“InuYasha!”, she screams, running over to his side.
“What’s wrong?”, Karin questions, standing in the doorway.
“InuYasha slipped and hit his head on the bathtub”, she explains, as her cousin walks over to her side to examine the injury.
“Is it bad?”
“Go get the first aid kit and the little black case from my suitcase”, Karin orders.
Kagome quickly grabs what she was told to get, while Karin drags InuYasha into the den with a facecloth tightly pressed to his wound.
Karin carefully cleans the wound with a damp washcloth, then gingerly bandages his head after giving him a shot of pain-killer.
“How is he?”, Kagome asks.
“He’s sleeping comfortably now, the wound wasn’t too deep”, Karin replies, “But I won’t know the extent of the injury until he wakes up”, she adds.
“InuYasha…”, Kagome whispers, gently stroking his cheek.
“I’ll check on him in five minutes”, her cousin states.
“Sure”, she quietly replies, listening to InuYasha’s soft breathing.
She’s so worried about him’, Karin thinks, leaving the room.
Thirty Minutes Later…
Kagome silently watches over InuYasha as he sleeps.
“How is he, sis?”, Sota asks.
“He’s still unconscious”, she replies, gently brushing her fingers against his lips.
InuYasha suddenly starts to stir.
“Sota go get Karin!”, Kagome orders, sending him running to go get their cousin.
“Inu…Ya…sha?”, she questions, as his violet eyes slowly fluttered open.
“Kagome…”, he blinks.
“You shouldn’t move”, she warns, as he tries to sit up.
“What happened?”, he asks, wincing in pain after putting a hand to his head.
“You slipped on a bar of soap and hit your head on the tub”, she replies.
“Where is my shirt and pants?”, he questions, with a blush on his face.
“Here they are InuYasha”, Kagome says, handing the sweater and jeans to him, slightly puzzled as to why he was blushing.
“Thank you, Kagome”, he politely thanks, slipping the clothing on.
InuYasha thanking me, without an attitude or insult. He isn’t acting normal’, she thinks, even more confused.
“Is something wrong?”, he sweetly asks.
“Are you sure you’re feeling alright, InuYasha?”
“I feel fine”, he innocently replies.
“You’ll probably return to normal when your demon blood returns in the morning”, she loudly whispers to herself.
“What demon blood?”, InuYasha asks in a innocent, yet confused tone.
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DemonGirl-Setsuna: Well? What did you think? Please review!
Catch you readers next time in chapter 4!