InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Insights ❯ Insights on a Reincarnation's Mind ( Chapter 4 )

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Here it is, folks! The conclusion to the story, “Insights.” It began with Inuyasha, it ends with Kagome.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
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What am I? Everyone says that I'm Kikyo's reincarnation. That was proved simply by the fact that the Shikon Jewel emerged from my body. Even my spiritual power comes from Kikyo's soul residing in my body. I look like Kikyo, I even smell similar to her, or Inuyasha would have figured out my true identify the moment we met.
I'm so much like my incarnation; I even love the same person she did. Only, we're different in the way we express our love. Kikyo wanted Inuyasha to become human for her; I love Inuyasha the way he is. His ears are so adorable, his eyes are a gorgeous shade of honey gold, and his silver hair is so long and beautiful. I cannot see why Kikyo wanted him to become human.
Even though Inuyasha is strong, I worry about him. He constantly acts as though he's fine, even if he is gravely injured. He's reckless in battle, trusting in his fire-rat cloak and powerful Tetsusaiga to protect him. He never takes the time to come up with a plan. I worry that someday, Inuyasha will face a foe that is much stronger, and, without the use of his wit, he will be defeated, or worse, killed. And, if he dies, the part of my heart that belongs to Inuyasha will die as well.
I don't know for sure if Inuyasha loves me. I know he hates it when I leave, or when I cry. I know he thinks I smell nice. I know that every time Koga claims my as his `woman,' Inuyasha freaks out. If you put it all together, it seems that Inuyasha loves me. But, every time Kikyo comes, he runs to her. That sure makes it seem like he loves her more.
I want Inuyasha to be happy. If going with Kikyo makes him happy, then that is what I want him to do. But, would he be happy in Hell? Heh, he'd be happy so long as he's with Kikyo. Maybe I can make him see he'd be happier here. Maybe I can keep him from going to Hell with Kikyo…listen to me. I sound so selfish.
Is it selfish to want Inuyasha to be happy? It definitely is if I choose the option that makes me happy, too. But wait, if I choose? I shouldn't be thinking that. I'm not the one who will be choosing.
Make your choice wisely, Inuyasha. You're not the only one whose happiness depends on the outcome.
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There it is, the conclusion to “Insights,” as told from Kagome's point of view. I plan on writing a semi-sequel. It would tell the story of what happens when Kikyo confronts Inuyasha and forces him to choose.
You know the drill. As always, please review!