InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Interruptions ❯ Interruptions ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: InterruptionsGenre: Inuyasha romance/comedyParing: InuyashaXKagomeRating: PG-13Summary: Inuyasha and Kagome are trying to have a night of romance, but it would seem that the universe is against them.Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha, would I be writing FANfiction?A quick Author's note: This fic takes place....god knows when.But in this little universe Inuyasha and Kagome are well into an established relationship. You don't need a heavy understanding of cannon to read this, and there are no spoilers in this fic.

Kagome Higurashi was having one of those nights. not one of Those nights, one of those nights. know the kind I’m talking about: The rest of the family’s out of town, the boyfriend’s over, and you’ve got all night ahead of you to do whatever you want. Kagome Higurashi was doing just that.Currently, she was moaning her head off underneath a rather studly half-demon, who (obviously) also happened to be the aforementioned boyfriend; Inuyasha. certainly wasn’t complaining about their current activities either. In fact, his range of speech was about the same as Kagome’s was; assorted grunts and moans.This was the third time they’d started up with the, a-hem, bedroom acrobatics. this time, they both hoped they’d get to finish it. hadn’t they gotten to finish even once you ask?Quite a few things, actually.First, they’d been in the kitchen just after dinner, and the phone had rung. out to be Kagome’s mother, and a rather long conversation had ensued (much to Inuyasha’s dismay). Kagome (following her mother’s instructions) had to move a couple of artifacts from the storage shed into the house because it was supposed to rain that night and Grampa Higurashi didn’t think they could handle the dampness that was bound to accumulate in the shed. had tried to convince her that it could wait until later, but Kagome had said that doing it now would mean no interruptions later, which was quite a fine idea in Inuyasha’s mind.
So then, after getting the offending artifacts dealt with, they had moved up towards Kagome’s room, and were becoming rather, er, passionate in the hallway. was all well and good and leading to better and better things as clothes were shed. That is, until Kagome, whilst backing up closer to the wall had managed to step on Buyo’s tail. s to say, this lead to quite the mood kill and a scratched ankle.
It would seem that love is persistent, for an angry cat couldn’t discourage Inuyasha.As soon as the scratches were dealt with, and Kagome had made sure Buyo was alright, Inuyasha lead her back up to her bedroom. time however, he got them all the way in and closed the door before resuming his attempts at romance.
All of this had (finally) lead to their current engagement on Kagome’s bed. the universe obviously didn’t like them that day; once again, something interrupted them.This time they had gotten much further along, and were within minutes of finishing. there was a very loud creak from the bed. Inuyasha hardly noticed it, but Kagome was a little concerned. Still, she paid it no mind and concentrated on the sensations flowing through her body. was a mistake. A moment later, they found out why when two things happened in quick succession. there was a very loud CRACK! such a noise, they paused. ’s eyes grew wide, and a horrible feeling of understanding came over Inuyasha.
“No way.No fuckin’ way,” he said, eyes nearly as wide a Kagome’s. This comment was followed by an uncomfortable drop as the bed collapsed, just as Inuyasha had feared.
Indeed, the universe was against them.