InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Sesshoumaru ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"I'm here to warn you about Naraku, he's after you and wants to kill you," she said.

"And why am I to trust you, you smell is identical to him," Taisho said pulling out her sword.

"Fool, I control the wind, and am against Naraku," Kagura said.

"What's the wind got to do with my sword, and who is this Naraku?" Taisho asked.

"It would be best to meet your former self, Inuyasha," Kagura said. She grabbed Taisho's hand and the setting seemed to spin then they appeared in front of a well. Kagura jumped in and Taisho followed.

"Eeek! Where the fuck are we?" Taisho asked.

"In the Feudal Era, I'll leave you here," Kagura said and with a gust of wind, she disappeared. Taisho was left climbing out of the well.

"Kagura thinks that she can just get away with betraying me again, I'll settle with her after the Inuyasha reincarnate," Naraku said to himself in his new castle.

Taisho stopped suddenly when she smelled the scent of a youkia. It was coming towards her fast. She looked back and saw that it was right behind her now. She ran towards the trees and tripped over a root. Then the snake bit her leg and venom came through the fangs. Then it changed into a humanoid baboon pelt clothed demon.

Taisho opened her mouth to say something but no words came out. "Hehehe, my snake demon form has taken your speech and given you poison, since you are in the same time as your previous body, he will also die because you two share the same souls," Then the evil baboon guy disappeared. `Damn you fucking asshole!' Taisho tried to say. Taisho decided she needed to go somewhere for the poison, but didn't know where. Well if she was back in her real time, then she might as well go to her old village, she decided. She needed to go through another village first though. As she walked through an old woman stopped her.

"Inuyasha what are ye doing alone?" she asked. Taisho turned around to look at her. She was a human, what would a human want with Inuyasha. Surely, she couldn't trust her. She had to find her brother. She ran as fast as she could into the forest looking for her brother's scent. Then she found a scent that smelled familiar she followed it and bumped right into someone. `Is that Inuyasha?' Taisho thought first but then saw stripes and a crescent moon on his face, and no dog-ears. Oh, no, it was her half brother, Sesshoumaru. She started to feel numbness in her leg. She tried to walk with it but fell to the ground.

"Weak half-breed, younger brother, you smell slightly different, what happened to you, none the less, draw tetsusaiga," he said. But then Rin popped out of nowhere from the trees and in front of them two. Taisho opened her mouth and was about to speak, `I'm a girl not a guy! Can't you tell, no wait you probably can't because you look like one, and by the way, I'm getting kind of sick and tired of being called by my brother's name I am Taisho! Taisho, not fucking Inuyasha!' Rin must have understood because she replied, "Taisho, Sesshoumaru-sama does not look like a girl, Rin thinks Sesshoumaru-sama is very strong,"