InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Inuyasha the Trouble Maker ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Like I said before, I'm her friend and I'm a boy,"

"Boyfriend is more than just friends, Inuyasha," Satya said.

"Feh, whatever," Inuyasha said. Then Satya noticed people we're staying at Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha, you're a girl, make your voice sound more like one," Satya whispered, knowing that Inuyasha could hear with those ears.

"So according to Taisho, dog demons can't eat chocolate, so I'll get us some pizza and vanilla ice-cream," Satya said.

"I want ramen," Inuyasha demanded.

"They don't have Ramen here," Satya said.

"Fine, whatever," Inuyasha said.

"So, Inuyasha, my friend, I'll be right back, to see if the girls are in danger," Miroku said walking towards the springs.

"Eh, no fucking chance of that, ern Miroku," Taisho said running in front of him.

"What is that on your face, Inuyasha?" he asked.

"Glasses, from Kagome's time, they make me see clearer," Taisho thought fast.

"You're voice sounds a bit squeaky, today," Miroku said. "Almost like a girl,"

"Feh, you're scaring me, if you grope me, I swear I'll kill you before your hand does," Taisho threatened.

"I am not that kind of guy, Inuyasha," Miroku said.

Sango and Kagome came back with Shippou. They were brushing their hair and now walking back to Kaede's hut.

"Inuyasha, Shikon Jewels, this way coming fast, very fast!" Kagome said. Taisho sniffed the air. "Wolf youkia," Taisho said.

"Kouga-kun," Kagome said. A big tornado like thing rolled by them.

"Hey, Kagome, how's dog turd treating ya," he said.

"When you say dog turd, you better not be talking about me," Taisho said.

"You smell funny dog turd, are you sick?" Kouga asked.

"Kouga, leave Inuyasha alone," Kagome said.

"Okay, Kagome, my woman," he said. "Hey, Inuyasha, cat got your tongue?"

"Ice-cream, great, almost as good as ramen, I'll have to ask Kagome to bring some," Inuyasha said.

"So Kagome loves stuff at Icing, let's try there first, Taisho," Satya said.

"What's at icing, is Ice-cream there?" Inuyasha asked.

"Nope, but stuff, Kagome loves, the stuff here ain't that expensive, go find something you think Kagome would like," Satya said. "I'm getting myself and Taisho something,"

"Hey, can I get Taisho something too?"

"Here, you have ten dollars, do what ever you like with it," Satya said. Inuyasha looked at the bill.

"Oh never mind, just show me what you want, and I'll pay for it," Satya said. Inuyasha looked around and saw something. "Satya, what the fuck is this?" Inuyasha asked.

"Excuse me girls, if you continue to curse like that in this story, we'll have security escort you out," the cashier said.

"Feh, I'd like to see you-"