InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Inuyasha goes to School ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Should I tell him?"

"We'll tell you tomorrow in the morning, sleep," Taisho said in her normal voice.

"You're a girl!" Miroku said.

"Heh, no kidding," Taisho said.

"Taisho, wake up, it's time for school, get into your uniform,"

"No fucking way in seven hells that I'm wearing that overly revealing Kagome's world uniform,"

"You have to, it's the rules," Satya said.

"Feh," Inuyasha said. "The things I do for my siblings,"

"So, Girl Inu, who are you for real?" Miroku said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Taisho, his twin," Taisho said. Miroku's hand went to her back and then her butt. "And I'm, *WHACK* just as dangerous as him so you better not be improper," Taisho said.

"Miroku, I knew you were a hentai but groping Inuyasha just ain't right!" Sango said whacking him with her heraikutso. Kagome and Taisho laughed.

"He is not Inuyasha, she is Taisho, Inuyasha's twin sister," Miroku said.

"Inuyasha has a sister? Cool," Sango said shaking her hand.

"Sorry about yesterday, I like teasing Inuyasha," Shippou said.

"I thought so," Taisho said.

"Inuyasha but your headband on," Satya ordered. She put the makeup on him. "Here, put your uniform on,"

"I told you bitch, I'm not going to!" Inuyasha exclaimed. "I draw the line at this! This is worse the Sesshoumaru,"

"I could call you a bitch literally, so just get over it!" Satya said.

"Fine, I'll wear the stupid uniform, but I'm going back to my time after school," Inuyasha said.

"Whatever," Satya said.

Inuyasha came out of the bathroom, wearing the short green skirt, and the top and the headband and the wig and the makeup. He definitely looked like a girl here.

"Shoot, I forgot about the glasses," Satya said. "Wait a minute, I can say your trying out contacts,"


"They're to see better, where do you think you're going with that sword!" Satya said.

"I'm not going anywhere without it!" Inuyasha said.

"Oh yeah that's right, Taisho said those swords seal the youkia blood, well you'll have to keep it in the bottom of your backpack and don't let it get seen, cause you'll get in trouble." Satya said.

"Hey, Taisho, come on, did you study for the History test today? You know, It's on myths and legends of the Sengoku Jedai"

"Feh," Inuyasha replied.

"Come on Taisho let's get to class," Satya said grabbing his hand. They ran to class.