InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Yasha in the Cupboard ❯ Prologe: Tiny ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Inu Yasha in the CupboardA fanfiction by Kaliko Rosa (Lovely Videl)
Based on Rumiko Takahashi's "Inu Yasha" and the hit novel, "Indian in the Cupboard"

Dedicated to Brianne


Tiny hands,
And tiny feet.
Tiny smiles,
So warmly greet.
Tiny eyes
So glisten gold,
Lust and deep,
With thoughts untold.

Tiny grin,
Yet hearty laughs.
Tiny mouth,
Yet boastful words
Tiny steps,
Little feet
Go unheard.

Tiny voice,
Softly whispers,
Tiny red,
In the late night.
Little teeny tiny,
Small in stature,
Short in height.

Tiny hands to hold my own,
Tiny kisses upon my nose,
Tiny secrets in the air,
Tiny memories that lie there.

And though thou art so tiny,
Yet the tiniest friend I know,
Still, in this sweet so tiny time,
My love for thee doth grow.

end prologue