InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ InuYasha: A Kid on a Journey ❯ Kikyo and Kaede! ( Chapter 3 )
Hello! OK, I have not been having much luck with this fic but I give this chances. I don't know if all the action/adventure people are asleep, but I want to try to save this fic! This is one of the only serious fics I wrote so I can't give up on it! So please R+R this and my other fics!
Kikyo and Kaede
InuYasha and Mikomi are walking down the path. They haven't said much since InuYasha still can't believe how big of a pervert Mikomi is. They continue to walk. InuYasha then smells blood. "Mikomi," He says, "I smell blood in that direction!" He then points to a place with lots of smoke.
"HOLY CRAP!" Yells Mikomi, "THAT PLACE IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!" He stares in aw.
"Since when was crap holy, monk?" Asks InuYasha. He and Mikomi then runs to the fire. They then get to where the fire is, a village. The two boys stare in aw. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!?!?!" Asks InuYasha.
"I wonder if this village was attacked by Akuryou." Says Mikomi. He then starts to do a pray for the dead villagers.
"THAT CREEP!" Yells InuYasha, "DOESN'T HE HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO?!?!?!?!" He then start kicking at a wall. The wall then breaks to revile two little girl hiding there.
The girls looks at InuYasha then screams. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! A DEMON FOUND ME! HELP!" The younger one screams.
"I'M NOT EVIL!" Yells InuYasha. Who were these girls?
"Your not?" Asks the older one, "How can I trust you?" She gives him a glare. She would not let a demon hurt her or her little sister.
"Because, I'm only half-demon!" Yells InuYasha. God what would happen next?
"Excuse me," Says Mikomi as he takes the oldest ones hands, "But would you mind bearing my child?" He then grope her butt.
"HENTAI!" Yells the girl as she knocks him out. Who was that pervert who grabbed HER butt?
"Mikomi…" Says InuYasha. Things just got worse and worse.
Later, the gang is one a hill talking. "Thanks for helping us!" Says the older girl, "I'm Kikyo and she is my younger sister Kaede! We're pristest in training!" (Yes the ones we know from the TV series. Only Kikyo is about 10 years younger and Kaede is like 57 years younger and has both eyes!)
"It's nice to meet both of you!" Says InuYasha, "Would you like to join us in our journey to kill Akuryou?"
"Who's that?" Asks Kikyo.
"He's an evil demon who attacked my village and killed my mother! He also attacked your village! I could smell his scent there!" Says InuYasha.
"NO!" Screams Kaede, "I DON'T LIKE FIGHTING!"
"Maybe you should just drop us off at a village." Says Kikyo. She wasn't going to force her sister to do anything.
"I think she is right, InuYasha!" Says Mikomi, "I don't think they'll be much good." He wasn't going to put 2 lovely ladies in danger. No way!
"Right," Says InuYasha. "We'll drop them off at a village." He wouldn't travel around with women! Although, that Kikyo is kindda cute! (I DON'T THINK KIKYO IS CUTE! I THINK SHE'S A BITCH! That was just InuYasha's POV!)They then start walking down the path.
The next day, they reach a village. "I'll go talk to the headman!" Says Mikomi. He then goes to see the village headman.
Mikomi reaches the village and finds the headman. "Excuse me," He says, "But me and my friend found two orfan girls with no where to stay. Could you take them in?"
"Two girls," Say the headman, "Are the cute?" He just loved cute girls!
"YUP!" Says Mikomi, "And the older one has a nice butt!" He then gives a perverted grin!
"Are you a pervert?" Asks the headman. How could a kid be perverted?
"YUP!" Says Mikomi. The headman then falls over backwards.
"I'll take them." Says the headman. He had to get the girls away from the pervert!
Mikomi then walks back to the others. "THE HEADMAN WILL TAKE THEM!" He yells.
"That's great!" Says InuYasha.
"Come with me, ladies!" Says Mikomi. He then takes them to the headman.
"I hope they will be alright." Says InuYasha, "That Kikyo was kindda cute!"
Wow! That was interesting! I think this is my longest chapter yet for this fic! Well anyways R+R! I NEED REVIEWS FOR THIS FIC! And also the pic of Mikomi is coming for those of you on! I just need to get my scanner working!