InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ InuYasha: A Kid on a Journey ❯ InuYasha's Older Half-Brother, Sesshomaru! ( Chapter 6 )
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Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha.
InuYasha's Older Half-Brother, Sesshomaru!
InuYasha and his new mini group were walking away from the slayer's village. Walking to the destiny they had with Akuryou. Hoping that they can slay him, for all he has done to them. Hoping that they would be able to get their revenge on him, to get back their honor he has token from them. They will never give up till he is dead. They walk on and on. Suddenly, InuYasha smelt a demon, which almost had the same sent as him!
"Guys," He says, "I smell a demon. And this demon almost has the same scent as me!" Mikomi and Dokyou gasp at this information.
"Are you serious?" Asked Mikomi is a curiosity in his voice.
"Maybe you're sense of smell is off." Says Dokyou with lots of concern in his voice, for he was worried for his friend.
"No, I'm positive! This demon has the same scent as mine!" Says InuYasha with a very serious tone in his voice, that would give you the creeps. He was not crazy! "It's over in this direction!" He then runs off.
Elsewhere, a demon that almost looks like InuYasha is walking around in a swamp. "Jaken," He calls, "Get your butt over here!" A little green imp then runs up.
"Yes, my lord!" He says as he runs up to the demon.
"I smell my younger half-brother, InuYasha coming! Stay in that bush until I tell you to come out!
"Yes, Sesshomaru-sama!" Says Jaken. He runs to the bush.
A few minutes later, InuYasha and his group runs into the swamp. InuYasha then spots Sesshomaru. "There's that demon that smells like me!" He yells.
"It's nice to meet you, my younger half-brother!" Says Sesshomaru.
"H-half-brother!" Says InuYasha with complete shock in his voice. Since when did he have a brother?
"Yes, father really wanted to dump mother for a human. He almost seemed eager to dump her too!" Says Sesshomaru with a slight bit of anger in his voice. How could father do that?
"Well whop-de-do!" Says InuYasha with lots of sarcasm in his voice, "Not my problem!" Sesshomaru doesn't look amused.
"Well, I don't like you for that!" He says, "And I'm going to kill you!" He then bounces at InuYasha. "Poison Claw!" He yells. Poison then comes out of his claws and gets InuYasha in the throat. InuYasha gags on the poison.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screams as he punches Sesshomaru in the face. Sesshomaru flies backwards. He then holds the spot where InuYasha punched.
"Stupid half-breed!" He yells, "I'll kill you! Jaken, come out!" Jaken then pops out of the bush.
"Yes, what is it, Sesshomaru-sama?" He asked.
"Use your staff on my brother!" Yells Sesshomaru.
"Yes, my lord!" Says Jaken. He points his staff at InuYasha and fire shoots out.
"InuYasha!" Screams both Mikomi and Dokyou. They were so worried about their friend.
"GGGGRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!" Growls InuYasha. He punches the flames away. "STUPID IMP!" He yells as he kicks Jaken into the swamp.
"HELP! I CAN'T SWIM!" Yells Jaken. He then struggles to stay above the water.
"Damn you!" Says Sesshomaru, "You haven't seen the last of me! I'll be back!" He then grabs Jaken out of the swamp and runs away.
InuYasha sighs and walks over to his friends. "Hey InuYasha." Says Dokyou.
"What?" Asked InuYasha.
"You're a good fighter! Do you have any weapons?" Asked Dokyou.
"No, why?" Asked InuYasha.
"Well would you like me to buy you a sword and teach you how to use it?" Asked Dokyou.
InuYasha smiles. "Sure, I'd like that!" He says. The group then walks off to the nearest village.
That was rather interesting! R+R. I got some InuYasha manga yesterday. It's good, although Viz flipped it. Flipping it just messed it up. Swords are worn on the left side of your hip, not right! And lots of other things, but I won't bother since that would take awhile! Well enough of my criticism, R+R!