InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome's Modern Adventure ❯ Just For You ( Chapter 2 )
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Chapter Two: Just For You
Inuyasha walked briskly into Kaede's hut. Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kaede sat in front of a fire started in the middle of the room. They all turned around to see Inuyasha standing in the doorway, alone.
“Where's Kagome?” Sango asked, bewildered.
“She's decided to stand behind for a little while.”
The gang's eyes widened. It wasn't like Inuyasha to allow Kagome to stay behind. What was going on?
“What's wrong with Kagome?” A worried Shippo asked.
“Keh, she's fine.” Inuyasha retorted.
“Then why are you allowing her to stay behind?” Miroku incriminated.
Inuyasha's cheeks flushed. “Since she's been gone from her time for so long, I decided to allow her to stay a little longer. Is there anything wrong with that, monk?” Inuyasha spat.
“Not at all. It's very kind of you.” Miroku smiled.
Inuyasha crossed his arms across his chest and turned away from the group. “Feh. I just wanted to let ya'll know so ya'll don't get worried.”
The gang glared at each other, wondering what exactly was on his mind.
“Is there some other reason for her staying behind?” Miroku courageously asked.
Inuyasha turned his head, one golden eye glaring at the monk. “What other reason would there be?”
“Are you afraid to allow Kagome to come back?”
“Why would I be afraid?” Inuyasha spat.
“Maybe because you care about her safety?” Shippo sneered. A smile flashed across his face.
“That's not the reason at all!” Inuyasha was becoming increasingly annoyed with the incriminations. He sped over to Shippo and gave him a good punch in the head.
“Ow! Why d'ya do that?!” Shippo rubbed his bruised head.
“Yes, why did ye do that?” Kaede joined in. If they asked enough questions, then maybe they could get more out of him.
“Look! All she wants to stay behind for a little longer so she can let me get a taste of her time! That's all! So stop badgering me!”
“A taste of her time?” Sango questioned, surprised. Normally Kagome wouldn't allow Inuyasha to stay in her time, let alone go out and about in the city. What was she planning?
“Yeah, is that a problem?”
“No, not at all. It just sounds…weird. That's all.” Sango quickly replied.
“Well, good! Do any of you have any objections with me going?!” Inuyasha glared about the room.
“No.” They replied in unison.
“Good! I'll be back in a few days to give ya'll an update!” With that, Inuyasha stormed out of the hut, still annoyed at all their quetioning.
“Well that was weird.” Shippo chimed.
“Yes it was. What is Lady Kagome planning?” Miroku contemplated.
“I'm sure she knows what she's doing.” Sango had an idea. This would allow both of them to be alone for a while to get to know more about each other. Sango smiled at the thought. How sweet it was! She bowed her head and prayed that everything would go exactly the way Kagome wanted them to.
Kagome stood in the shower, washing her long black hair. `It's so nice being able to take a bath with soap,' she thought playfully.
Stepping out of the shower, she walked into her room and searched the drawers for a new, clean, school uniform. She spread them out on the bed and began to dress. After putting on all her clothes, she went over to her beauty stand and looked in the mirror. Her hands began to work through her hair. Picking up a hairbrush, she placed it at the top of her head and moved it down slowly. She continued to brush, getting out those pesky tangles. The brush was then put back where it had originally sat on the stand.
Running out of her room, down the stairs, the smell of breakfast reached her nostrils. `Mmm, I've sure missed my mom's cooking.' She walked into the kitchen and sat down at the dinner table that was located in the middle of the room.
“Good morning, Kagome.” Her mother greeted her. “I hope you're hungry.”
“I sure am!” Kagome smiled. Placed in front of her was a plate filled with eggs, bacon, and waffles. She looked at the food and began to poke at the food with her fork. `Nothing like a nice, home cooked meal.'
She picked up a pile of food with her fork and placed it in her mouth. How good the food tasted! Her eyes closed, savoring the food. When she opened her eyes, she noticed her plate was gone. Shocked, she searched the table until her eyes landed on a familiar sight. Sitting right next to her, eating her food, was Inuyasha. She jumped in her chair. What was he doing there, eating her food?!
“Inuyasha! What are you doing?!” She raged.
“Hello, Kagome.” Inuyasha managed to spit out between enormous bites of food. “I'm here to spend some time with you in your time, remember?”
“But why are you eating my food?”
“Isn't it obvious? I'm hungry.” Inuyasha responded, annoyed at her stupid question.
“You could've just asked for some food instead of being rude and taking my food!” She yelled.
What a great way to start their time together, arguing over food. No matter how long they spend together, they'd never stop bickering.
“Here you go, Kagome.” Mrs. Higurashi intervened. She placed another plate containing the same amount of food in front of Kagome. “There's plenty more where that came from, Inuyasha.” She smiled.
“Thanks.” Inuyasha mumbled.
“I'm off to school. Be good, Inuyasha. Do not leave this house.” Kagome warned.
“Feh, why would I want to go anywhere?” Inuyasha snorted. “It's not like there's really any place here that I absolutely want to go.”
Kagome sighed and rolled her eyes. Inuyasha could be stubborn, and seem like he's not listening to a thing you say, but deep down he really did. She just had to keep that in mind.
Kagome ventured on. “My mom's going to call the school today and get you enrolled.”
“Yeah, you have to be enrolled in the school in order to go to class.” Kagome explained.
Inuyasha raised his eyebrows. Everything that was coming out of her mouth made no sense to him. Couldn't he just walk into school and do whatever it is you do at school? `It sounds just like humans.' Inuyasha thought. `Always making things so complicating.'
Kagome continued on with her conversation. “I'll come back after school and we'll go shopping for some…normal clothes and figure out a way to hide those ears of yours.” She looked at his ears, which caused him to glance upwards.
“Can't I just wear that thing you normally put on my head?”
“Hats are not allowed in school.” Kagome explained.
“This school sounds even more confusing than before.”
Kagome shrugged her shoulders. “You get used to all the rules after a while.”
“Feh.” Inuyasha responded. “Whatever.”
Kagome looked down at the ground, away from Inuyasha. He noticed that her mood had just dampened. What could he have done this time?
“You know, you don't have to go through with this.” Kagome acknowledged.
“If this is really something you want to do,” Inuyasha assured her, “then I'll do it.”
Kagome looked up into his eyes. She could always tell if he was lying by the way his eyes glistened. After a pause, a smile began to creep onto her face.
Inuyasha crossed his arms and glanced away from her face. “Whatever.” Kagome couldn't help but giggle at the statement.
The whole family gathered outside to see Kagome off. Mrs. Higurashi reached down and gave her daughter a hug. “I hope you have a great day at school.”
“Thanks. Me too.” Kagme smiled.
“Yeah, have fun at this school.” Inuyasha added.
Kagome closed her eyes, cocked her head to the side, and smiled at him. Inuyasha loved to see Kagome smile, especially when she was smiling because he did something right. A smile formed on his face, along with a soft glitter in his amber eyes.
After a moment of serenity in each other's eyes, Kagome turned and began to run off towards her school. Reaching the front of the shrine, she turned back one last time and waved. Everyone returned her wave, including Inuyasha.
`I can't believe that Inuyasha is doing this, just for me.' Her heart leaped up in her rib cage. She glanced out into the horizon and then back down at her watch. “Oh no! I'm going to be late for school!” The thought of Inuyasha disappeared from her mind as she ran down the steps.
I've been thinking about it, and I've realized that this story is going to be pretty long. I have no clue how long though. There's so much stuff that can happen, funny and sad at the same time. This will prove to be the biggest writing project I've taken on, but I'm looking forward to it. If there's anything in particular that ya'll would like to happen to Inuyasha and/or Kagome, just let me know and I'll try to fit it in there. Keep reviewing! ^^