InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome's Modern Adventure ❯ An Unexpected Encounter ( Chapter 3 )

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Chapter Three: An Unexpected Encounter
The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky. Trees moved in the same direction as the gentle wind blowing them. People flocked one way and another, rushing to work, to the grocery store, or to no where in particular. All this Kagome could see through the big window panes in the classroom.
`It's too beautiful a day to sit in doors.' Kagome thought dreamily to herself. `I bet it's hard for Inuyasha to stay out of trouble with this beautiful day. I wonder what he's doing right now.'
Unaware of the rest of the class, Kagome sat in her desk and thought about what she and Inuyasha would do after school. It was going to be hard to figure out how to hide those dog ears of his, but there had to be some way.
Staring at Kagome and snickering to one another, Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi knew exactly what Kagome was thinking about. How they wished they could be sitting there a dreaming about their boyfriends. It must be nice.
Inuyasha's leg moved up and down rapidly. Kagome had told him to stay inside and he wanted to do exactly what she said, but it was so difficult for him to do. The sun and breeze were calling his name. He needed to go out and run for a bit. Just a quick run around the neighborhood would help drastically.
He turned his head and looked at the clock on the mantle piece. The hands were positioned on the one and the six. If he remembered correctly, Kagome would be back when the hands were on the three and the six.
Growling, Inuyasha whipped his head around. How could she expect him to just sit inside all day and wait for her. He was a hanyou for crying out loud. Hanyou's were not made to just sit around in doors. That's what humans were made for.
Inuyasha closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He grasped Tetsusaiga's handle firmly. Surely Kagome wouldn't mind too much if he just took a quick walk around the shrine.
Making up his mind, Inuyasha stood up and walked towards the front door. He stuck out his hand and carefully opened the door. The sunlight bombarded his eyes. Inuyasha quickly shut his eyes and began to slowly open his eyes, allowing them to get use to the strength of the light.
Once his eyes were used to the light, he placed one foot outside of the house and forced the rest of his body to do the same.
Inuyasha took one deep breath in. `Ahhh, it's so nice out here. I don't see how humans can stand to stay indoors all day.'
Inuyasha strolled around the shrine, taking in the scenery around him. Nothing had changed since the last time he came here. Suddenly his eyes stopped on a familiar sight, the Goshinboku. That tree was the reason why he was here at this exact moment. If it hadn't have been for Kikyou pinning him with her sacred arrow to that tree, he wouldn't have met Kagome. How long would've it been before someone came along to release him from that spell? What would've happened if no one had have come? Questions like these constantly swarmed his mind.
`Why do I think about these things so much? What's done is done and I can't change it…I wouldn't want to change it.' Inuyasha coaxed himself.
The school bell rang, indicating that classes were done for the day. Students spilled forcefully out of the school. Kagome and her friends followed suit, flowing out of the school. However, unlike the rest of the students, Kagome was deep in thought.
“You've been thinking a lot today,” Yuka interrupted.
Kagome lifted her head from the ground. “I guess I have.”
“Are you thinking about that two-timing boyfriend of yours?” Eri sneered.
“Well…kinda.” Kagome nervously anwered.
“Why do you even put up with him?”
“I don't know. I guess it's because there's a side of him that many people don't get to see, and yet he allows me to see it…only me.” Kagome looked up to the sky, a grin forming on her mouth.
“If it was me, I wouldn't put up with it,” Ayumi chimed in.
“I'm sure you wouldn't,” Kagome teased.
Inuyasha looked back at the clock on the mantle. `It's already at the three and the six. Where is Kagome?' Inuyasha growled to himself.
He was beginning to worry that something had happened to Kagome. If anything happened to Kagome, he would never forgive himself. She's told him time and time again that this era wasn't as dangerous as the feudal era, but Inuyasha couldn't help but think that there were still some dangers in her time.
Inuyasha rose swiftly to his feet and stormed over to the door. Who cares if Kagome told him to stay put, something didn't seem right to him. She was late, which automatically meant that she was in trouble. He stepped outside and ran to the entrance of the shrine. He didn't stop at the entrance, but kept going onward in the direction of her school.
Kagome and her friends continued to walk together, chatting about this boy and that girl. Pretty much it was only Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi talking. Kagome strolled along, deep in her own thoughts. She still couldn't figure out how she was going to hide Inuyasha's ears. All she could come up with was just to dye them the same color as his hair, black.
For the time being, the only thing Kagome was going to have to worry about was her friends coming in contact with Inuyasha…and his dog ears. Running at top speed down the street was Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome whispered. The full blow of what was actually happening didn't quite hit her at first. She just stared off in the distance. All she could see was a red something running towards her and her friends. This red something was also calling out her name, in a familiar voice. Who could she know who was red and owned that voice? Suddenly the light bulb in her head turned on.
Her eyes widened. `Oh my god, what is he doing outside? I thought I told him to stay inside! Wait, why isn't he wearing his hat? Someone could see him.' She gasped. `Someone like my friends could see him!'
Her friends looked at Kagome. Kagome's face had lost its complexion in a second. Why was she going to do? Her friends couldn't meet him now. Noticing the surprise on her face, Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi decided to ask Kagome about the stranger.
“Do you know who that is?” They all questioned at the same time.
“What?!” Kagome staggered back and held her hands in front of her. “Of course not! Why would you thing that?”
“Well, he just screamed out your name for one,” Eri pointed out.
Kagome was beginning to turn into a ghost. Her whole body began to shake and slump over. She felt she was going to be sick. How could Inuyasha do this to her?
“I…I think I need to SIT down,” Kagome emphasized.
She turned around and sat on a bench, her friends close behind. No one noticed the big thump sound that followed Kagome's statement.
Inuyasha was dazed. `Damn it, Kagome!' he roared to himself. `Why did she have to go and do that? I was just worried about her and trying to make sure she was alright and this is the thanks I get!'
Inuyasha rose off of the ground and rushed over to Kagome. A fierce storm was brewing in his amber eyes. Kagome was not going to get away with what she did to him.
“Why the hell did you do that to me?!” Inuyasha raged.
Kagome looked up, her worst fear realized. There was no way that her friends would be distracted from him, especially since he was right there in the middle of all of them.
“Kagome? I thought you told us that you didn't know this guy?” Yuka stammered.
Kagome let out a sigh and decided that now was as good a time to tell them the truth. “Guys, this is Inuyasha.”
Her friends were shocked. So this was the two-timing boyfriend, finally showing himself. What nerve. Kagome gave her friends a pleading look. She didn't want them to fight with him. Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi looked at each other and decided to grant Kagome's wish.
“I'm waiting for an explanation!” The angry hanyou exclaimed.
Kagome just glared at him, the same fierce storm brewing in her eyes. Inuyasha backed up a bit. He was the one who was supposed to be upset, not her; she didn't get slammed into the ground.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome stood up abruptly, her bangs hiding her eyes. Inuyasha knew this couldn't be good. Why did it always result in this? It was supposed to be the other way around.
Inuyasha braced himself for what was to come, only to be surprised.
“Go home and will talk about this later!” Kagome ordered.
Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi stepped back. They didn't want to get in the middle of Kagome's wrath.
Heeding the others, Inuyasha decided to do the same thing. “Heh, fine!” He yelled, turning his back towards Kagome. “Just don't take too long getting back from now on.” The group dispersed, letting Inuyasha go through.
Once he was out of sight, Kagome's friends turned back to her. Kagome had sat back down on the bench, exhausted from the encounter.
“Are you okay?” Ayumi worried.
“I'm fine.”
“What a jerk!” Eri chimed in.
“You got that right.” Kagome agreed. `How dare him obey my request. Doesn't he know I was just trying to look out for him? He could've gotten hurt.'
Kagome sat up and walked off in the direction Inuyasha went. Her friends followed quietly. `Inuyasha.'
Sorry it took me so long to update. Work has been keeping me busy. But here's the next chapter. Hope you guys liked this one. I don't think it came out exactly how I wanted it to, but you can't get every chapter perfect. There's always that one chapter were things just didn't go you way. Thanks for all the reviews! Keep it up! ^^