InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome's Modern Adventure ❯ New Friends? ( Chapter 8 )

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Chapter Eight: New Friends?
Kagome stared in utter disbelief. How could Inuyasha become that popular in so little time? More importantly, how could Inuyasha just walk over there and forget about her?
“Kagome? Is that your boyfriend over there with that group of girls?” Eri asked. The other girls were looking at Kagome and Inuyasha with their mouths dropped.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome sprang from her seat and stormed off towards Inuyasha, muttering profanities under her breath. If there was ever a time she wanted…no…craved to say “sit,” now was the time.
Inuyasha sat at the table, listening to the girls compliments for what he did. He never knew that just being his usual blunt self would get him this much attention, especially good attention. Normally when he did that kind of thing, Kagome scold him for it. These girls were a nice change.
Kagome walked up behind Inuyasha without him noticing. The girls at the table looked up and immediately shut their mouths. Wondering what the reason for the sudden change in atmosphere was, Inuyasha turned around and saw exactly what the girls saw. Kagome hovered over him, death in her eyes. What did he do now?
“Inuyasha! What do you think you're doing?” Kagome asked as politely as she could.
“I thought that it would be best to give you some space.”
“Some space? Why?” Kagome's temper began to break.
“Yeah, for what I did,” Inuyasha coolly replied.
“And what exactly was that?” The side of Kagome's mouth twitched. Inuyasha gulped and proceeded, cautiously.
“You know, I told you to lighten up and you just went off on me.”
Kagome clinched her fists and let out a sigh. He was right, though. Maybe she did need to lighten up, but not so much as jeopardize her schooling career.
“I'm sorry that I blew up on you,” Kagome began. Inuyasha's ears perked up. Was she…did he just hear her say that right? She was sorry?
“But,” Kagome continued. “What you did was out of line. You can't just go around and disrespect teachers like that. Like it or not, they have power over you. If you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you. But if you're mean to them, they can be mean back and fail you.”
“Heh, why should I care about failing? It's not like I'm going to continue going to school or anything after this year.”
“You just don't understand, do you?” Kagome bent her head down, her temper tapering. What was the point? Maybe it was a bad idea to have asked Inuyasha to do this with her. There was just so much he didn't understand.
Inuyasha's eyes softened slightly. He raised himself off his seat and looked down at Kagome. “Well, it would help a lot if you tried to help me understand!” he yelled.
Kagome gasped and raised her head up to Inuyasha. Her eyes stared into his. “You keep contradicting yourself!”
“How am I contradicting myself?” Kagome spat.
“You keep telling me to blend in with these humans and when I finally do, you yell at me! You told me this morning that you wanted me to be more human-like. Well, for a while I thought that was what I was doing. Humans can be cocky at times. If you think about it, humans are a lot like demons. The only difference is humans are more compassionate than demons.”
Kagome was speechless; the girls at the table were the same. Inuyasha was right. She had wanted him to be more human-like, to blend in with her classmates, and that was exactly what he was doing. No one had noticed that his eyes had a supernatural glow to them, or that there were two pink spots springing from the top of his head.
“So let me just be me, or more the human side of me. It will all turn out fine, I promise.” Inuyasha placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a friendly squeeze. He walked off in the direction of her table. “Are you coming?”
Kagome snapped out of the trance Inuyasha had put on her. “Um…yeah.” She looked back at the girls sitting at the table. Goo-goo eyes was all that she could see. Inuyasha knew what he was doing. He had what it took to survive in her time, but that didn't mean that she didn't need have to have her eyes on him every now and again. No matter how confident Inuyasha was about this time, he couldn't be left alone to fend for himself. He still needed some guidance, but by the end of the year, he would probably know just as much as Kagome knew.
A smile stretched across her face and she ran to Inuyasha. She flung her arms around him and then walked ahead of him. Now it was Inuyasha's turn to be speechless.
To everyone's disappointment, lunch ended and the second half of school started. Again, classes were uneventful, until last period, Home Economics. It was nice to end the day with an easy, non-homework-giving class. To Kagome, this would be the easiest class she would take all year. For one, she already knew how to cook, and two, there was no math involved.
Kagome and Inuyasha sat at a table set just for two. While Kagome talked to Ayumi, Inuyasha looked around the room. Everything looked the same as all the classrooms, except for the giant contraptions located on one side of the room. He had seen these before, at Kagome's house. The food he received came from these contraptions. How? He had no idea, but he had a feeling he was going to find out.
The class resumed their seats as a tall lady with long brown hair and large rimed glasses walked into the room. Her arms were filled with books that had large amounts of paper flowing from them. She sat the bundle on the desk that faced the student's tables. She took one look out into the classroom and turned her back towards them. She reached a hand out, picked up a stalk of chalk, and began writing on the green board.
“Good morning, class!” she finally greeted. “My name is Mrs. Ibuka and I'm going to be your Home Ec teacher for the year.”
Mrs. Ibuka paused and looked out into the classroom. Already some of the students were setting their minds somewhere else.
“This year you're going to learn how to bake and sew. Doesn't that sound fun?” she beamed.
No answer.
Coughing, she continued. “I thought that we would start the year off by learning how to cross-stitch. What I want everyone to do is after school, go to the nearest arts and crafts store and pick up some cross-stitching supplies. When you come to class tomorrow, I want all of you to have your materials with you so we can start our first project.”
“Oo, this sounds like so much fun,” Kagome giggled. “Doesn't this sound like fun, Inuyasha?”
“Heh, it sounds pointless to me.”
Kagome let out a sigh and returned her attention to the teacher. Before she fully restored her attention, she couldn't help but notice that some of the girls in the classroom were staring at Inuyasha. Kagome tried as hard as she could not to pay attention to them, but something inside her was starting to break. If they didn't stop staring at him…
The bell rang, ending the day.
Kagome and Inuyasha picked up their books and made their way to the door when suddenly some girls flocked Inuyasha.
“We heard what you did and we think that it was so cool. How ever did you get the courage to face Mr. Fushida like that?” one of the girls asked.
“Um…” Inuyasha was tongue-tied. All these girls kept making weird faces at him and talking to him. What kind of place was this?
Kagome stormed over and shooed the girls away with her evil glare. After they were out the door, Kagome turned to Inuyasha, took his hand, and led him out the door. Once they were out in the hall, Kagome let go of his hand and walked in the direction of her locker. Inuyasha couldn't tell if Kagome was mad at him or what.
Reaching her locker, Kagome fumbled with the lock and opened the door. She rummaged through her locker and closed it with a bang.
“What is it, Inuyasha?”
“Are you mad at me?”
Kagome sighed. “No; I'm just mad at the idiot girls in this school. Once they meet a “bad boy” or whatever, the get all gooey eyed. It makes me sick.”
Inuyasha sighed a sigh of relief. Thank the gods she wasn't mad at him.
They started making their way towards the entrance of the school when someone grabbed Inuyasha by the shoulder and turned him abruptly around.
“And where do you think you're going?” Mr. Fushida asked.
“Um…I was going home.”
“Oh no you're not. You and me have a little date, remember?”
Inuyasha racked his brain to figure out just what Mr. Fushida was asking him. “Oh, I remember. I've got that detention thing this afternoon.”
“That's right! Come with me and we'll begin your punishment.”
“You can go on without me, Kagome. I know the way home,” he called back at Kagome.
“Are you sure?” she yelled to him.
“Where's Inuyasha?” Souta asked from across the table.
“He's…busy,” Kagome semi-lied.
“Did you both have a good first day of school?” Mrs. Higurashi asked.
“It was…well…interesting.” Kagome continued eating her meal. She couldn't stop thinking about Inuyasha and wonder why he was so late.
“I think I'm going to go upstairs and start studying.”
“Okay, dear.”
Kagome looked at the digital clock on her desk. 9:15pm. `Where is Inuyasha?' Kagome worried. She stood up and walked over to her window. She looked out into the distance, trying to find someone running up to the shrine in the distance. No one.
As she turned around, the door to her room started to open. Popping his head in was Inuyasha.
“Hey,” he greeted softly.
“Where the hell have you been?!” Kagome screamed, throwing a pillow at him.
“I got…caught up.” Inuyasha scratched the back of his head, not even bothering to catch the pillow before it hit him.
“Caught up with what exactly?” Kagome interrogated.
“I saw some of the people from school on my way here and they stopped me and started talking to me.”
“What did ya'll talk about?” Kagome asked a little more gently. `At least nothing bad happened.' She sat down at her desk, reading herself for his story.
“We talked about what happened today. It wasn't really that interesting.”
“Apparently it was. You stayed out for a long time.”
“They invited me to go get some….what was it called? Oh yeah, ice cream.”
“That sounds nice.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“What are the names of your new friends?”
“Uh, I don't really remember,” Inuyasha lied.
“Oh, well maybe next time I can come along with you,” Kagome said, a cheery smile forming on her face.
“Sure, I guess.”
Kagome turned back around and resumed her studies. Inuyasha took a seat on her bed to stare out the window. She watched him out of the corner of her eye. How deep in thought he seemed. What was bothering him?
“What now?”
“What's wrong?”
Inuyasha turned his eyes to look at her. Kagome gulped, noticing the small gleam in his eyes. He sighed and turned away from her.
“Nothing,” he coolly, almost coldly, replied.
“Oh.” Kagome was disappointed at his sudden lack of interest in her. `Hmph, I bet he's thinking about those girls and his new friends.' A low growl issued from her throat. How could he be so unemotional?
“What?” she snapped.
“I…enjoyed going to school with you today.”
Kagome's head popped up and she spun around to look at him. “I-Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha offered her a smile and a chuckle. “School's not at all what you've made it out to be. It's quite easy, and a bit more exciting than fighting youkai,” Inuyasha boasted.
“So I guess this means that you won't be studying tonight, or any other night for that matter?”
“Heh, why do I, a half demon, have to study?”
“How did detention go?”
“Heh, Mr. Fushida had me clean the eating area and the classroom; no big deal.”
Kagome chuckled. Her hanyou would never change, no matter what situation he would be put in.
Alright, kids. Here's the next installment. I kinda finished this not really knowing where I was, but I wanted to get it finished. For the next couple of weeks things around here are going to be hectic, getting ready for school and all, so I don't know if I'll be able to update as much. No worries though. The next chapter is in progress right now. So keep doin' what ya'll are doin' and I'll keep doin' the same! Please read and review!