InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome's Modern Adventure ❯ Evil Plot Revealed ( Chapter 11 )

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Chapter Eleven: Evil Plot Revealed
“So, Inuyasha, what do you think about this?” Mana asked, twirling in front of him in a blue, jewel encrusted dress.
“Heh, looks okay.”
“I've tried on several of these and all you've said about all of them is `it looks okay.' I need more feedback than that,” Mana fumed.
“Whatever. This is girl stuff. What do I know about girl stuff?” Inuyasha stood up out of the chair he was sitting in and walked towards the group of guys on the other side of the store.
“Humph.” Mana walked back into the dressing room, still fuming.
“Hey, Inuyasha,” Akio, the head boy of the group, called out. “I see you finally got out of the witches clutches.”
“Heh, yeah.”
“You know, you're a very lucky person. No one has been able to warm up to Mana as fast as you have. I'm surprised.”
“There's not much to it really.”
“Please, share some of your secrets,” Ken, another boy in the group, insisted.
“There are no secrets. Just let them do whatever they want to do and they'll be happy. That's all there is to it.”
Goose bumps ran up and down his spine. “Ka-Kagome?”
“Are you still thinking about that girl?” Akio snorted.
“I…I thought I heard her or something.”
“Man, she must really mean something to you for her to have that kind of effect on you.”
“Eh, not really. She's annoying.” Inuyasha's ears lowered, unnoticed by the others. He couldn't believe he was saying such things about her when the only reason he's here right now is because of her.
A short pause issued after his comment.
“Let's forget about that girl and focus on what's at hand,” Akio interrupted. “We need to find some dashing suits to go with our girls' dresses. What do ya say, Inuyasha?”
“Yeah, sounds good to me.” `Anything to get Kagome out of my mind.'
“Oh, Kagome! What are you going to wear? Are you excited?” her friends prodded her.
“I guess, and I don't know what I'm going to wear.”
“We need to go shopping, right now!”
Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi dragged Kagome out the door and towards the mall.
`This will be a good way to get Inuyasha off my mind.'
“Mana, you're going to look so stunning at the dance,” Toshiko complimented her.
“I know. You don't have to tell me that.”
They walked to the cash register, dresses in hand, when Kagome and her friends entered the shop.
“Ugh, what are they doing here?” Mana grunted.
Kagome turned to her friends, away from Mana's glare. “Oh no, look who it is.”
“That witch just likes to follow us everywhere, doesn't she?” Eri pointed out.
“Let's just ignore them. We're not here for her; we're here for Kagome. Now, what do you think about this dress?” Ayumi asked, holding out a beautiful, green satin dress. “I think you should try it on.”
“Why yes, Kagome. I think you should try it on as well.”
Kagome didn't have to turn around to figure out who the owner of the voice was. Mana stood behind the gang, sizing them all up, especially Kagome.
“I'm sure Hojo's breath will be taken away if you wear that dress.”
“What business is it of yours if it does take his breath away?” Yuka gritted.
“None, but I just wanted to help. Really, Kagome, that color is perfect for you, swamp-ish green.” Toshiko and Mana both laughed cockily at her remark.
“Ha ha,” Eri mocked. “Don't listen to them, Kagome. It's a beautiful color.”
“You know what? I think I will try it on.” With that, Kagome grabbed the dress out of Ayumi's hands and darted towards the dressing room.
“Heh, whatever. Let's go pay for our dresses, Toshiko.”
Kagome's friends grinned as the pair of witches made their way to the cash register. Oh how good it felt to give Mana a taste of her own medicine.
“So, how does it fit?” they all called out to Kagome.
“It fits….very well. Want to see?”
“Yes!” they screamed in unison.
Kagome stepped out of the dressing room in what seemed like a dress made from heaven. She looked like the goddess of the forest. Her chocolate eyes and her dark brown hair matched perfectly with the evergreen color of the dress. The way the dress fit helped to accentuate ever slender curve of Kagome's body. Beads glistened with ever step she took. The back of the dress trailed a bit at the base while the cut of the back showed off Kagome's beautiful, tan back.
“Oh, Kagome. You look beautiful,” Ayumi complimented, close to tears.
All the girls looked at Kagome in awe. Mana was right; Hojo's breath would be taken away.
“Does it show too much?”
“No!” the girls screamed in unison.
Kagome smiled the first smile she had showed since the incident at school with Inuyasha.
The week leading up to the dance was always chaotic. People ran around the school, asking what their friends were going to wear to the dance, if they were going to get a limo, or even if they had a date yet. If they said no to the latter, the girls would panic even more and search their brains for some sort of a solution.
Even the teachers were somewhat crazy. They knew they had a schedule to keep, but they also realized the students would not abide to that schedule since the dance was coming up. Instead of giving up and allowing the kids to think only of the dance, they decided to be a little more relaxed with their assignments, but at the same time, not tolerating any disregard for the rules.
Inuyasha, as usual, kept getting himself in trouble with his comments here and there, and pretty much his lack of interest in class. No matter how hard the teachers tried, they just couldn't seem to calm him down. Since what he did was nothing serious enough to be harshly punished, the teachers could do nothing but sigh.
During the week, hundreds of girls asked Inuyasha about the dance. The only response he would give them was, “Keh,” but that was enough to bring them to their knees.
Unnoticed by Inuyasha, however, Hojo was receiving just as many invitations by girls as he was. Even though the girls knew that they were taking, they didn't see any harm in at least trying.
Inuyasha had known for a while, thanks to Mana, that Kagome was going to the dance with Hojo. Truthfully, for a while, it hurt Inuyasha, but his pride jumped back up soon enough. He knew that she would do something like that to try and get back at him, but he believed that he hadn't done anything wrong; Kagome was just getting worked up over nothing.
“Congratulations, Kagome,” a random girl yelled to her.
“Um..thanks,”Kagome nervously replied. Ever since the school had found out that she was going to the dance with one of the most popular boys in school, Kagome had received many compliments from people around the school she didn't even think knew her name.
“Wow, you're slowly becoming one of the most popular girls in school,” Yuka commented.
“You're so luck, Kagome,” Eri added.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Kagome humbly replied.
“Oh stop being so humble about it, Kagome,” a familiar voice chimed in.
“What are you doing over here, Inuyasha?”
“I just wanted to congratulate you on your new found love,” Inuyasha spat.
“Heh, you're just jealous that I found someone to go with to the dance,” Kagome spat back.
“Keh, like I care about this stupid dance, or these people.”
“Oh really? It seems that you care a lot about them, since you seem to hang around with them so much.”
“Heh,” Inuyasha huffed.
“Just…leave me alone, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha staggered back. “W-what?”
“I said leave me alone,” Kagome repeated.
“Why are you so mad at me, Kagome?!”
“I'm not mad, Inuyasha. Just hurt.”
“What did I do?”
“Inuyasha, I don't want to talk to you right now,” Kagome coolly said. She stood up and left her friends and Inuyasha staring in disbelief.
“Wow, she controlled herself very well,” Ayumi pointed out.
“Heh, whatever.”
Unknown to Inuyasha and Kagome, Mana watched the whole spectacle between the two of them.
“Mana?” Toshiko asked nervously.
Flames issued forth from her body. That girl! Who did she think she was, stealing Inuyasha from her? Well, she wasn't really stealing him from her, but she sure was taking a lot of time that could be focused on Mana from Inuyasha.
“What does Inuyasha see in that girl?” Akio asked.
“I don't know, but I think I need to start doing a little something about all this,” Mana said with a mischievous smile on her face.
“What do you have in mind?” Raiden asked, intrigued.
“Let's just say she's had her fun, and now she needs to climb back down the social ladder.”
“When did she climb up?” Toshiko asked, confused.
“Since Hojo asked her to go to the dance with him,” Mana replied, annoyed. “Ever since then, she's been the talk of the school, instead of me.”
“Heh, this should be fun,” Akio smirked.
“Oh, it will be.”
Mana is just…mean! Next chapter will be all about the dance. It will prove to be an entertaining read. I'm looking forward to writing it. I'm so evil!! Alright, enough of that. Thanks for all of the reviews! Keep reading!