InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome's Modern Adventure ❯ A Sudden Turn Around ( Chapter 13 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Chapter Thirteen:
Kagome slowly opened her eyes. “Wh-what happened?” she asked weakly. She raised herself up off the couch. She looked around and realized where she was. She was still at the dance. Suddenly she recollected what happened.
“You fainted,” a concerned voice answered.
Kagome knew that voice. She looked at the owner and gasped. “I-Inuyasha?”
“How are you feeling?”
“I'm…” she stopped herself. “Wait! Why aren't you in the dance room kissing your Queen?” she snapped sarcastically.
“What do you mean by that? I was worried about you!” Inuyasha snapped back.
“Sure you were!” Kagome interrupted.
“I was! When I saw you faint out there on the dance floor, which was surprising, I rushed to your side!” Inuyasha finished, annoyed.
“Well you shouldn't have,” Kagome huffed, turning her head away from Inuyasha. “Really, you shouldn't have.” Kagome lifted herself off the couch, but fell back down. Her head was hurting from the fall.
“Don't move, Kagome,” Hojo called out. “You really hit your head hard.”
Kagome looked over at Hojo, who was running towards her. “I'm fine, really,” Kagome reassured him.
“You still should sit down for a while,” Hojo told her.
“Oh, Kagome,” a group of voices rang in unison. It was Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi.
“How could this have happened?” Eri asked.
“How could Inuyasha have done this to you?” Yuka chimed.
“He's such a jerk,” Ayumi yelled.
“I'm standing right behind you,” Inuyasha raged. He hated when people talked about him when he was right there, listening to every word they were saying.
“How could you have done this to Kagome?!” the girls yelled at him. They all gathered around him, eyes flaring with rage. Inuyasha staggered back a bit, but held his ground.
“It's not like I might to do this to her,” Inuyasha screamed back.
“Yeah right! You knew exactly what you were doing!”
Kagome arose from the couch and headed towards the group, staggering a bit. Hojo leaned in to help her, but she pushed him aside. She marched straight up to Inuyasha, not stopping until she was but a breath away. She raised her hands and put them on his shoulders. Inuyasha's eyes widened. `What could she possible be doing?' he asked himself, confused. Suddenly, he was pushed back, his butt hitting the floor.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome began. “Get out of my sight!”
Inuyasha's eyes widened even more than they had before. Was she actually telling him to go away? It's not like she's never done this to him before, but this time seemed different. Kagome seemed more upset, more hurt by what he had done. There was nothing he had done with Kikyo that had made her this upset. Normally her eyes were clouded with rage, not disappointment. This hurt Inuyasha the worst.
Before Inuyasha could say anything, Kagome ran out of the room, her face in her hands. Hojo, Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi all followed her, glaring ferociously at Inuyasha as they passed. He had really done it this time.
Kagome sobbed into her hands. The tears poured out of her eyes onto her cupped hands. She sat on the curb in front of the school, wondering it was she could've done to make Inuyasha act this way. She knew that it was her fault, that somehow she had done something to push him away from her.
`What did I do, Inuyasha, to make you do this?'
The more she thought, the harder she cried. She had pushed the one person she cared for, she loved, away from her. In a way, she was acting just like Kikyo, making him into something he wasn't. She wasn't letting him be who he is, an arrogant, prideful, caring hanyou, her hanyou.
“Kagome?” a voice asked softly. “Are you okay?”
Kagome lifted her head and looked to see who the voice was. When she realized it was Hojo, she stuck her head down in her lap. She was hoping that maybe it would have been Inuyasha.
“I'm fine,” she responded, the sound of tears in her voice.
“It doesn't seem like it,” Hojo pointed out.
“I'm fine, really,” Kagome reassured him. “I'm just tired.”
“Do you want to go home?”
Kagome shook her head. She didn't want to go home and dwell on the situation any more than she already was. Besides, if she did that, Mana would see that she had won, once again.
“No, I'll stay.”
“If you don't feel up to it, I don't mind carrying you home.”
“No, Hojo. I don't want to ruin your night, or mine, just because some boy hurt my feelings.” She lifted her head from her lap and smiled brightly. Hojo couldn't help but smile back at her.
“Okay then. Let's go and boogy,” Hojo yelled.
Kagome giggled. “Um…Hojo?”
He looked down at her. “Yeah?”
“Don't ever say the word `boogy' again, okay?”
Hojo laughed and offered Kagome his hand. She gladly took it. “Okay then.”
“What are you doing on the ground, my King?” an all too familiar voice asked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha let out a slight growl and stood up. He turned around and faced the voice. “Heh, no reason really.”
Mana smiled her mischievous little smile. Inuaysha bared his fangs.
“What's wrong, Inuyasha? Are you not happy to be rid of that pest?” Mana asked.
If he could've, he would've punched her right then and there, but she was a girl and he didn't punch girls. “So that kiss was just to get `the pest' away from me?” Inuyasha asked, trying really hard to conceal his anger.
“Of course it was. She was getting on my nerves, and I'm sure on yours too,” she added quickly.
“What gave you that idea?”
“What are you trying to say, Inuyasha? Did you actually have some feelings for that girl?” Mana asked, eyes narrowing.
“So what if I did? What would you do about it? Do to me what you did to her?”
“Listen here, Inuyasha,” Mana started. “You could be right down there with her if you don't watch it.”
Inuyasha laughed. “Is that a threat?”
“Yes, Inuyasha. It's a threat.”
“That's not much of a threat.” Mana's smile faded into a frown. “I could care less what you do. I'm done being used for your little games.” Inuyasha threw his crown at her, turned around, and began to walk out of the theatre.
“Inuaysha,” Mana yelled after him. “If you take one step out of that door, I swear I will make the rest of your year at this high school a living Hell!”
Inuyasha just waved her off and kept on walking. As he was nearing the entrance, Kagome walked in, her arm around Hojo's. `Don't look at her. Just walk out like nothing has happened,' he told himself. He did just that. He walked past her without a word or a glance.
As she entered the grand theatre, Kagome couldn't help but look over at Mana and her group. Before she could discern what was going on, Inuyasha came into view, his black hair flowing behind him. He gave a wave of his hand and kept walking, not even noticing she was there. `What is going on?'
She watched as Inuyasha walked out of the theatre and into the night. Oh how she wanted to call out to him and ask him if everything was okay. Once he disappeared, she glanced back at Mana. Her eyes were on the entrance where Inuyasha had walked out, fire spewing from them. Her mischievous smile had transformed into a cold, hateful frown. Kagome couldn't help but shudder at the coldness. `What did Inuyasha do to make her so angry?'
A glimmer caught Kagome's eyes. Mana was holding something, but what was it? Kagome squinted her eyes as hard as she could. “That's Inuyasha's crown,” she blurted out.
Hojo turned to Kagome to see her staring in Mana's direction. “What is that, Kagome?”
“Mana! She's holding Inuyasha's crown!”
Hojo took a quick look over at Mana and found what Kagome was talking about. “That is his, isn't it? Why would she have his crown? Shouldn't be on his head?”
“I don't know, but something isn't right. I've never seen Mana look that cold before.”
`What has Inuyasha gotten himself into now?'
Sorry it's taken me son long to update. I'm in the process of moving this week, plus the car wreck I was in last Friday didn't help in me updating quicker either. Things have just been hectic around here! Don't worry! I'm not hurt or anything, just my car…poor baby! v.v Oh well! Stuff happens! Hehehe! Inuyasha is finally doing something smart! But don't think this is the end of the story! Mana's not completely out of the picture, muahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Thanks for all the reviews, guys! I can't believe this many people enjoy reading my story! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside….not really, but it does make me feel good. ^^ Keep it up!