InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ inuyasha and the lengere store ❯ inuyasha and the lengere store ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
InuYasha and the lengere store

Diablodude: ok this is my second one shot about inu yasha. the title gives away what this one shot is about. plz read and review. I BEG YOU!!
Inu Yasha was sitting by the well when kagome said she'd be back within a hour.

@@@@@@@@@@flashback@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@
"I'll be right back inuyasha " "i'll only be gone for an hour at most"
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@end flashback@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
it was almost 2 hours since kagome left inuyasha waiting for her.

'where is she?' 'i cant wait any..................that smell.....its her'

"Kagome!, what took you so damn long?!"

" well, inuyasha, i have to go and get some special medicine for my moms arthritis and todays a friday so the pharmacy is closing a bit earlier and lots of people will be there, and i got you some clothes because you never want me to leave the feudal era for more than three days at most, so you'll be coming with me."

"Feh, and why would i want to come with you?"

"because i said so,'d want to be "sat" more than 30 times if you dont."

"gulp. ok i'll come,but just because i dont want to be sat."
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@kagomes time@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
"come on inuyasha! hurry up and put those clothes on!"

"they're too tight"

"they're the baggiest things in the store! now come on out"

as soon as inuyasha walked out in front of the mirror he actually saw what he was wearing: skate boarding shoes, denim jeans,a white t-shirt,and a black hat with the silver courage symbol embedded on the hat to cover inuyashas ears.

"wow,inuyasha you.......look.............awsome."


"come on inuyasha, we have to get to the pharmacy now, it closes in 1 hour"
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@at the mall@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
"i'll be done in a little while inuyasha, so for now why dont you go look around the mall and let me know what you like" (thats a big mistake)

"ok, i'll see you when your done"

inuyasha was walking all around the mall checking out all kinds of stores(too lazy to write them all down) until he came to 2 stores that he caused a lot of havoc in:

the first store he came to was the pet store: as soon as inuyasha walked in he thought he saw a kitten that looked like kilala, so he picked "kilala" up and left the store........until the securty gaurds caught up with him and inuyasha tried to explain that he knew this cat.

the second store he came to was really embarrassing and he caused all kinds of havoc,it was the sexy lengere store.

as soon as inuyasha walked into the lengere store he found some see through speedos (for males) and thought it was some sort of weapon. as soon as he got hold of it he took one end,stretched it,and flung it onto a clerks head.(fan girls: imagine inuyasha in one of those.)

then inuyasha went to the bra section and found a pair of bras that he thought were demons. he took the seperate ends stretched hem out and saw two little "cup like thingies" since he held the bra too long it snaped and one part of the bra hit inuyasha in the arm ,so inuyasha decided it was a demon and slashed it into teeny pieces.

soon after the bra incedent he found a "plastic card thingie" and started to buy lots and lots of lengere not knowing what lengere is.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@back to kagome@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
'where is inuyasha? he's been gone longer than i have'



"kagome look at what i bougt!"

inuyasha was walking back to kagome with a big smile on his face............sort of because he was wearing female underwear over his head(like a mask) and was wearing a bra on his head like a hat with both "cup like thingies" sticking up.

"uh..........*blushing*.........inuyasha.........what did you buy?"

" uh........i dunno. i cant read."

"well let me tell you then,what you bought is called "lengere" and when two people like me and you for example *blushing harder* like people a lot ,the two buy things for the other to wear for the other person to see."


"never mind, im only 17 and i'll show you what i mean in 2 years ok?

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@

diablodude: well thats my one shot plz R&R this and my other stories.

Flames,Pointers,and Comments are allowed.

disclaimer: i do not own inuyasha, if i did i wouldnt be writing cheap ass stories no one reads v__v or reviews V__V



sorry if my one shots are too short.