InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Diaries ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3
So, once again, through no fault of his own, he found himself sitting in this damn tree, writing in this damn diary. How could she ever think this would help him manage his anger when all it did was make him mad as hell at having to put up with her modern ideas about what to do? Humans in her time were even weaker than humans in his time. If she would just let him handle things his way, everything would be taken care of as soon as it became a problem. With a sword as big as his, he could take care of a lot of problems.
Take that mangy wolf, for instance. If she would just let him, he could take care of that problem with his sword in no time. Hell, he wouldn’t even need his sword. Just let him get close enough with his claws, and he’d make sure the wolf was never a problem, again. This was all the lupine womanizer’s fault, anyway. If Koga hadn’t been there to start this trouble, he wouldn’t be confined in this leafy prison, trying to find the right words to satisfy Kagome.
When the village headman had approached, begging for help, he hadn’t wanted to put their quest on hold yet again. After all, how were they ever going to finally put this to rest if they had to stop and help everyone who asked them? It really shouldn’t matter that there had been no leads on either shards or Naraku in weeks, he reasoned, they had to press on, and put their mission before anything else. He knew his Kagome’s heart was soft when it came to helping others, but he also knew the monk was only thinking of the payment he would receive for their assistance. But he was outnumbered, with Shippou siding with Kagome, and Sango taking up the monk’s cause.
When had being outnumbered ever stopped him, before? If he had ever paid attention to odds, he would have been dead long ago! He knew that if they were to have any hope of getting on with their task, he would just have to be strong. So he’d planted his feet, crossed his arms and told them that he would not allow them to be detoured.
As the stream started to rise from the mad-as-hell miko, he realized he may have gone too far. It was strange, but he could swear that her eyes were starting to turn just a little bit red. Trying his best to hide behind an uncooperative Sango, he couldn’t help the yelp that unexpectedly escaped his unsuspecting throat. Damn, she could be scarey, sometimes! Even he knew better than to deny her whatever she wanted when she was like this.
Silently congratulating himself on being able to avoid another face plant, he turned to look at her as she called his name. He should have known that when she used that fake, sweeter than honey dipped in sugar voice, there was going to be pain involved. And that said pain would involve him, personally.
In all their time together, it had always amazed him that she had never once said that word when he was standing on nice, soft grass. How did she unswervingly pick the times when he was standing on a path that had been packed hard from thousands of tramping feet, or on the only rocky patch of land for miles around? Oi! She was one sneaky wench, as far as he was concerned.
Now they were stuck trying to help control a bunch of smelly pigs. He thought that if the stench didn’t kill him, the slop he had to chase these slippery devils through just might do the trick. He’d had to do some dirty jobs in order to survive, but nothing in his life had ever compared to this. He couldn’t tell where the mud ended, and the pig shit began. All he knew was that he was now covered in both, and it was all that mangy wolf’s fault.
The headman had told them that a strange whirlwind had passed through the village, and that was what set the pigs into a panic. Running rampant around and around their pen, one pigheaded member of the herd had gotten the bright idea to run straight into the fence. Naturally the fence had lost the battle. Would the gods grant him any other fate? Seriously, if he ever caught a break, he would get down on his knees, and kiss his bastard brother’s ass!
He’d thought the best way to handle the situation was to show these creatures who was alpha, right from the start. Putting his fiercest glower on his face, he turned to stalk the ringleader. How was he supposed to know that something that despicable looking could be so cunning and fast? Before he knew what was happening, said pig had dashed between his legs. The result of his trying to play matador to the charging swine was him ending up on his ass in a puddle of questionable origin. Meanwhile, the pig in question was running straight into the middle of the village that they were supposedly protecting.
Putting on a bit more speed, he dashed after the offensive squealer. His plan was to bring this head pig down to show the others just who was boss. No one had ever told him how hard it would be to try to hold an irate, muddy, volatile Sus scrofa. The boss pig had a hell of a different idea about what was going to happen next, apparently. Uttering a squeal that he was positive would result in hearing loss for the next twenty years, the swine made a lunge for freedom.
He could only watch with dread as the future pork roast made it’s way toward a small hut, with the rest of the herd following closely behind. He had no problem with sacrificing one hut, if it meant saving the rest of the village. If he could contain the group of good for nothing-but-sausages in there, he would be able to reclaim his rightful place in Kagome’s good graces.
As he’s always found before, every good plan had a flaw. How could anyone have expected him to know that the hut he was herding the pork rinds to was the one place this village chose to house all the children whose parents were busy trying to insure the survival of the hamlet? The villagers decided to voice their concerns all at once. He couldn’t make any sense of the confusion of words that were being directed at him. All he heard were random snatches and a few individual words, such as “stop”, “not that way” and “the children”. And why would she say that word when he was standing in the biggest puddle of pig slop he had ever seen? At least it was the softest place she had ever sat him!
Once the cautionary word sunk in, along with the slop, and the spell wore off, he had to race to try and divert the disaster that was looming. He managed to turn aside all but the lead pig. Damn, but that bacon factory was making him mad! Following closely on the oinker’s curly tail, he dashed into the hut full of now screaming brats. The noise level was almost enough to make him draw his sword, and be done with them all. But he was a fast learner, wasn’t he? And he knew that his Kagome would not be pleased with that. Hell, she might even sit him for something like that. So, working as fast as he could, he started gathering up all the crying, snot nosed, germ carrying little terrors. The first one that he’d picked up appeared to be the leader of this midget human pack. The chubby little bundle in his arms began demanding to be put down as soon as he’d been picked up. By the gods, how could one small child make so much noise. And the contortions that the child could put his body through were enough to make him wonder if the brat had any bones at all.
Rushing to Kagome’s side, he thrust three of the clamoring kids at her. He knew she wouldn’t be strong enough to control the leader of the brat pack, though. He resigned himself to having to face the head pig while trying to control the alpha baby with no help.
He’d soon found, much to his consternation, that trying to hold a squirming, determined babe was much the same as trying to hold an irate, slippery pig. As the stubborn little human managed to free itself from his grasp, he realized that he couldn’t count on help from any of his usual sources. Checking them off, one by one, he saw the folly of each, in it’s own turn.
First, and foremost, was his trusty sword. It had never before failed to aid him in times of need. But the thought of his Kagome’s face, looking upon what would be left of the subdued child, was enough to cause him to reject that plan of action. No, there would be no help from his Tessaiga on this front.
Second, he realized his great strength would be useless in this particular battle. True, he would be able to overpower the runt if he chose to, but at the same cost as using his sword. He just knew either option would earn him one hell of a sit.
The third factor was his superior speed. For the life of him, he couldn’t think of a way that speed would be of any help in holding onto the little brat. Once he had the child in his grasp, maybe his speed could assist him in removing the milk sucker from danger, but how in the name of all the kamis could it help him get that grasp in the first place?
He would just have to rely on something he was not as comfortable with. He would have to try and charm the youngster into doing as he was told. Never taking his eye off the boss pig, he put on what he considered his most personable smile, and slowly made his way over to the boss brat. Never having practiced charm, he didn’t really know that his smile resembled more of a death rictus than an overture of friendship. As he moved closer, the child moved further away, and the noise coming out of it rose in volume. He’d had to cover his ears, but he’d remembered to keep his charming smile plastered on his face.
He had no idea what Kagome was talking about when she started shouting at him. How could he be scaring the babies? He was being so damn charming his face hurt a helluva lot! He couldn’t be any more damn charming without his damn smile breaking his damn face in two! He hated being charming! He would never understand why Kagome felt the need to say that word when he was trying so hard to resolve this situation that he’d had no part in making in the first place..
The floor of the hut was no bed of roses, but at least it didn’t have thorns, and it wasn’t nearly as hard as the rocks she usually chose to sit him on. It smelled better than the slop outside, too.
So, maybe charm wasn’t the answer, either. Steeling his resolve, and lowering his ears as much as possible–to block out as much noise as possible–he made the only move he could think of. Taking off at a dead run, he grabbed the squealing kid under his left arm, and the squealing pig under his right. Before anyone knew what was happening, he had shoved the miniature tyrant into the open arms of one of the village women, and delivered the mud dweller to the bewildered headman.
Looking at the scene with a sense of satisfaction, he couldn’t help congratulating himself for a effecting a swift conclusion to the situation. His self-congratulatory mood was short lived, though, as he could smell a fast approaching stench with which he was all too familiar.
Kouga! What did the fucking wolf want, now? How could he get his Kagome out of here before the wolf arrived? While pondering their options of escape, he was knocked aside by the whirlwind that had become well-known to him, unfortunately. He turned just in time to see the wolf grab Kagome’s hands in his own. How dare Kouga touch Kagome! As he felt his rage rise, his hand automatically went to his sword’s hilt. He’d take care of this problem right here, right now!
He’d only taken three great strides, when Kagome’s strident voice reached his ears. It seemed to have reached the rosary around his neck at the same time. As the dreaded word reverberated through the village, he found himself face down in the selfsame puddle he had become acquainted with earlier.
So now, here he was again. Up in a tree with the damn book that was supposed to make him feel less angry. Damned if he could see how it would ever work. Looking around at those on the ground before he started writing, he couldn’t help but feel that every being in this world and the next, along with all those in the seven hells was out to make his life frustrating.
First, there was the horrible human child, napping peacefully with the previously swaggering swine. It seemed that they had decided to become life long friends. Now there would be no pork dinner in his immediate future.
Next, he saw the villagers taking advantage of the nicely repaired childcare hut and pigpen. He also saw the monk accepting their thanks for the work that Inuyasha himself had done. He could have been down there basking in their admiration, but no! He was stuck in the tree with the book!
Lastly, he saw his Kagome sitting in the sun, talking quietly with the wolf. And she was smiling! At Kouga! And the wolf was holding her hands! Again!! Didn’t she know that she was his, and that he was hers for all time? He wondered if his wind scar would reach the wolf from where he sat. Looking directly below, he smiled at the sight of the nice, soft grass he’d had the foresight to pile around the tree. There were no pig puddles anywhere around, either. Sometimes, he did learn. But, tempting as it was, he’d had to dismiss the plan to rid the world of the menace known as Kouga. His Kagome was much too close to the wolf to take that chance. He knew his aim was deadly, but she was just too precious to chance it.
So he resigned himself to completing his task, and put his pen to the paper and wrote:
I selflessly offered my assistance to those in need, to correct a situation I had no part in making. For all my help, I was made an outcast in this tree.
As he deftly jumped to the ground, and started to walk toward Kagome, he noticed all the villagers sidling away from him. He knew the reason. His sense of scenting was sharper than theirs, after all. Too many puddles of pig shit, and not enough baths were not a good combination! But did that mean that she had to say that word? ‘Stop’, or ‘Don’t come any closer’ would have worked just as well. And why did he have to be standing in another questionable puddle when she said it?
As he lay there, trying as hard as he could to keep his face out of the muck, he could swear he heard the wolf mutter “He’ll never learn”.