InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha gets a bath ❯ On The Verge Of Heat Stroke ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1: On The Verge Of Heat Stroke

A/N: Sorry I had to re-download this chapter!

The sun was shining down like it was out to get the small group of travelers. Inuyasha wiped the thin layer of sweat that had begun to coat his forehead. He looked over to his right to see Kagome slowly trudging forward beside him. She was breathing heavily and her normally milky skin was considerably flushed from the heat.

He wanted to reach out and hold her fragile body up against him. However it was his pride that kept him from fully admitting his real feelings for the lovely young woman. In truth Inuyasha had long since realized that he no longer harbored any feelings for the deceased priestess Kikyo.

Kagome was the only woman who mattered to him now. She was the one that he would do anything for. Hell he would die for Kagome if he had to. She had trusted Inuyasha when no one had in a very long time. Since his time with Kikyo in fact.

No that wasn't right either because Kikyo had never really trusted him at all. So Kagome was the first person to trust him in his whole life. Kagome felt Inuyasha's golden eyes staring at her and glanced over at him. Her grayish tinted eyes met his own amber orbs. Kagome simply flashed him a sweet smile and then returned her attention forward.

Inuyasha felt the wheels of his mind begin to turn. 'Why is she so damned sweet to me? I have been such a complete jerk to her!' He was startled out of his thoughts when Kagome spoke. "I really need to take a bath. I'm covered in sweat and it's really gross!"

Inuyasha snorted. "Don't worry there's a hot spring up ahead." Kagome grinned. "Really? So I can finally get cleaned up?" Inuyasha rolled his golden eyes pretending to be annoyed even though he was really fascinated with her. "Yeah whatever. What's your deal about being clean all the time? You act like you have to bathe every day!"

Kagome put her hands on her hips a little irritated with Inuyasha's sarcasm. "For your information Inuyasha, I do have to take a bath everyday! It's disgusting to not bathe!" He rolled his eyes again. They were nearing the hot spring. "Don't you take baths Inuyasha?" "Why should I?" "Because you sweat and it makes you smell. So you're going to take a bath with me."

Inuyasha's eyes widened in shock. "What? Oh no Kagome, no way! I'm not taking a bath!" Kagome furrowed her eyebrows in frustration. "Oh yes you will or I'll say the special word!" Inuyasha cringed at the threat to say the word that sent him flying face first into the ground.

"Fine I'll go take a stupid bath if it will shut you up!" Kagome grinned and laced her arm with Inuyasha's. Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara all made a quick campsite and caught up on some much needed rest.

Kagome followed Inuyasha to a small and hidden hot spring. A group of tall and thick trees circled the crystal clear and bubbling hot spring. Kagome quickly stripped off her clothing and waded into the warm bubbling water with her shampoo and soap and washcloth.

Inuyasha still stood on the banks of the hot spring. "Come on Inuyasha!" He nervously stripped off his clothing and carefully eased himself into the warm water. Inuyasha watched as Kagome wet her thick black hair and then lathered up shampoo in it.

He sniffed the air and could smell the delicate scent of gardenias. It was Kagome's shampoo that smelled of gardenias. The scent was intoxicating to his sensitive nostrils. He watched as Kagome dipped beneath the water to rinse the shampoo from her hair.

She then squeezed some soap onto her washcloth and lathered it up. Inuyasha watched as Kagome ran the washcloth over her arms, chest, and neck. "Hey Inuyasha, you want to wash my back?" He felt his cheeks flush with immediate discomfort. "Why do you want me to do that?"

"Because I have a hard time reaching my back." "Okay." Inuyasha waded over to Kagome. He slowly took the washcloth from her left hand and gently began to scrub her back with it. Inuyasha stared over Kagome's shoulder and down at her breasts. They were large and perky with rosy pink nipples that were hardened from the cool air.

Inuyasha wanted so badly to reach out and caress her milky white breasts. He could feel pressure starting to build in his groin. 'Oh no, if Kagome figures out that I'm getting hot for her she'll flip out for sure!' Kagome had closed her eyes when Inuyasha had started to wash her back.

She could feel her heart start to beat faster and heat began to collect between her thighs. 'Oh my god! I think I'm actually getting turned on by Inuyasha washing my back!' Kagome decided to be brave and turned around to face Inuyasha. Inuyasha stared in shock at Kagome then averted his eyes quickly.

"Why are you looking away? Don't you think I'm pretty?" "I think you're beautiful Kagome. But I don't have any right to look at your body." Kagome cupped his face with her small hands. "Inuyasha, I want you to look at my body." "You do?" Kagome let out a girlish giggle and slid her fingers up to rub his dog ears.

Inuyasha closed his eyes and let out a low moan. "Uhnn Kagome, please don't do that." Kagome stepped closer to Inuyasha and pressed her breasts into his chest. "Why, what's the matter?" "I want to take you right now so please don't make it any worse!" "What if I want you to take me right now?"

"You don't have any idea what you're saying Kagome." She snaked a hand under the water and quickly found his incredibly hard member. Kagome wrapped her slender fingers around his thick length and began to gently stroke him. Inuyasha began to moan and grunt as Kagome rolled his length in her hand.

He couldn't believe that his innocent Kagome was touching him like this. Inuyasha placed his hand on Kagome's to stop her delicious ministrations. "Kagome, are you sure that you even understand what it means to make love to an inuyoukai?" Her grayish eyes met his and he could see some confusion glittering in them. "I want to be with you Inuyasha." "We mate for life Kagome, do you understand that?" "Yes I completely understand and I want this."

Inuyasha stared deep into her grayish eyes with his own golden eyes. "Look Kagome, I care about you. I don't want anything to happen that you might regret later on." Kagome smiled. "You care about me?" "Yeah so?" "So does that mean you love me?" Inuyasha felt his pulse quicken from Kagome's words. "Why do you love me?" Kagome stared up at him with warm and tear filled grayish eyes. "Yes Inuyasha, I do love you. I have been in love with you for months now." His heart nearly leapt out of his chest when he heard those words.

"So Inuyasha, do you love me?" Kagome stood there now silently fearing that his answer would be no and that he was still in love with the deceased priestess Kikyo. She would be devastated if he didn't love her. Finally after what had seemed to be an eternity of silence, Inuyasha spoke. "Kagome, I think that it's time I let you know how I really feel."

She nodded waiting for him to continue. "I was in love with Kikyo for a very long time, but it was a hopeless cause because she never returned my feelings. And her trust in me was easily swayed by Naraku's trickery." "I know she hurt you a lot Inuyasha, but I promise my trust in you will not be broken."

Inuyasha smiled again. "I hadn't realized until recently that I actually like having you around. It just feels so comfortable and natural when we're together. It was never natural with Kikyo. It always felt cold and forced when I was with her." "Did you ever make love to Kikyo?" "No I didn't. I believe that Kikyo cared for me, but since she was a priestess and I was half demon, that she was ashamed of her feelings for me."

"Why would she be ashamed to care for you Inuyasha?" "Because she was the priestess who purified and guarded the Shikon Jewel and demons were her sworn enemy." Kagome's dark eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Oh Inuyasha that's so sad. I'm so sorry that Kikyo hurt you the way she did."

Inuyasha smiled and gently cupped Kagome's jaw with his strong clawed hand. "Please don't cry Kagome, none of that matters now. All that matters is the time that I get to spend with you." Kagome felt her cheeks burn from her blush. "Kagome, I have been wanting to confess my feelings for a while now, but my stubborn pride wouldn't let me. So now I'm going to swallow my stupid pride and tell you what's in my heart."

Kagome met his eyes and saw that he was ready to share everything with her. "Kagome, I am in love with you. You are the woman that has my heart, not Kikyo. You took Kikyo's place in my heart a long time ago." Kagome felt hot tears starting to flood down her milky white cheeks. "Oh Inuyasha I love you too! I loved you even when I knew your heart still ached for Kikyo but I didn't care."

Inuyasha's mouth met Kagome's in a passionate storm of kisses. It felt so wonderful now that he had told Kagome he loved her. Kagome leaned up and whispered into Inuyasha's ear. "Make love to me Inuyasha." He picked up Kagome and carried her to the shore. She laid the washcloth, shampoo, and soap on the ground beside them.

Inuyasha guided her small body to the ground carefully. He positioned himself over her gently so he didn't crush her. Kagome spread her legs wider so Inuyasha had more room to lay between them. She felt him brush the swollen tip of his length against her slick entrance.

Kagome allowed a whimper to escape her parted lips. Then Inuyasha gently began pushing his achingly hard member into Kagome's warmth. He soon felt the barrier of Kagome's innocence. "Kagome this is going to hurt some." She nodded and he continued. Inuyasha quickly pushed the rest of his thick hard length inside her.

Kagome cried out in pain as she felt Inuyasha rip through her barrier. Inuyasha kissed her softly. Then he continued to move inside her when she was ready. Soon the two were meeting each other's thrusts. When Inuyasha would thrust Kagome would raise her hips to meet him. She moaned out Inuyasha's name as her petite body convulsed from the incredible sensation of her first ever orgasm.

Her inner walls clenched around Inuyasha's member causing him to lose what little self control he had left. Inuyasha's length throbbed as it pushed out thick hot seed into Kagome's body. Then Inuyasha collapsed on top of Kagome completely exhausted.

Kagome broke the silence. "I love you so much Inuyasha." "I love you too my mate." "Your what?" "You're my mate now." Kagome smiled. Inuyasha placed his hand on her stomach gently. "And in a few months we will have a pup to take care of." Kagome giggled. "Oh Inuyasha! We're having a baby?" "Yeah." The two lovers kissed and then began dressing. They had a baby to begin preparing for. Kagome finally had everything she wished for. Inuyasha loved her and she was having their baby. She couldn't have wished for a better future.