InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha gets a bath ❯ Suffering From Thoughts Of Kagome ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter4: Suffering From Thoughts Of Kagome

A/N: Sesshomaru is going to fall in love with Kagome because I said so! :P

Sesshomaru lay in his huge feather filled futon wide awake. It had been hours since his brother and Kagome had left. He couldn't seem to keep his mind from thinking about Kagome. 'She's beautiful! Why is she married to my worthless half breed brother? I could give her a much better life than he ever could!'

Sesshomaru shook his head. 'Why are you even thinking about that woman like that? She's your brother's wife and she's a human! Not to mention she's pregnant with Inuyasha's mutt!' Sesshomaru closed his eyes and immediately saw Kagome's angelic face staring at him.

He snapped his eye lids open at once. 'Damn! Why is this woman tormenting my thoughts?' Sesshomaru glanced down and could see that he was now fully aroused from his thoughts of Kagome. He groaned and slipped his hand underneath his sheets. Sesshomaru grunted as he wrapped his long thick fingers around his swollen length.

He began to imagine it was Kagome's hand holding his swollen flesh as he pumped it. Sesshomaru moaned and grunted as he quickly pumped his throbbing length. Once he was seconds from his climax he grabbed a tissue from his nightstand. Sesshomaru gave a low moan as his member throbbed and released his hot seed into the tissue.

After having relieved himself from his aching length Sesshomaru was exhausted. Wiping the sheen of sweat from his brow he began to relax. Slowly Sesshomaru allowed sleep to claim him. Dreams of taking Kagome and claiming her for his own plagued him.

He dreamt that Kagome agreed to leave Inuyasha and destroy her unborn child as well. Then she came to live with Sesshomaru and became his wife. Sesshomaru wanted nothing more than to take Kagome to bed and fill her womb with his seed. He unconsciously made the decision to take Kagome from Inuyasha.

Inuyasha didn't deserve a woman as amazing and breathtaking as she was. She was the only woman that was worthy of becoming Sesshomaru's mate. Morning came all too quickly for the exhausted Lord. He grumbled to himself as he flung his long legs over the edge of his futon. Sesshomaru ran his claws through his long white hair as he stood to stretch.

After a few leisurely stretches Sesshomaru grabbed his blue cotton bathrobe and headed to his royal bath. He walked down the hallway his bare feet tingling from the contact with the cold tile. Sesshomaru came to the large cherry wood door that led into the royal bath.

He went inside and shut the door softly. He carefully placed his bathrobe on the stone countertop and turned to face the large marble tub. Sesshomaru saw that his servants had already filled the tub with warm water from the nearby hot springs on his territory. He then carefully settled his muscular nude body into the warm water.

His mind began to wander and immediately settled on Kagome. ' I have to find a way to get her to hate Inuyasha and make her fall in love with me. But how?' Sesshomaru began to wash his body carefully while he tried to find a reasonable solution to his problem. He had not come up with one by the time his bath was finished.

Frustrated Sesshomaru let the water drain from his tub and stood up. He stepped out slowly and grabbed one of the neatly folded bath linens on the stone countertop. Sesshomaru quickly dried himself off and threw on his blue bathrobe. He headed back to his room and dressed in his royal kimono and armor. He came into the great dining hall where his servants had prepared a large breakfast for him.

Sesshomaru summoned Jakken into the dining hall. The little toad demon cautiously entered the large room. "You called for me Lord Sesshomaru?" "Yes Jakken, I need your assistance with something very important." "Yes master, what is it that you wish for me to do?" "I wish for you to retrieve Kagome and bring her to me."

Jakken stared in disbelief at his master's wishes. "But my Lord, what do you need from Kagome? She is Inuyasha's wife." Sesshomaru scowled at the mention of his half breed brother. "I know that you fool! However, I ordered you to kidnap her and bring her back to me! Do you understand your instructions Jakken?"

The little toad bowed down to Sesshomaru. "Yes Lord Sesshomaru! I will kidnap Kagome at once!" "Excellent. Take one of my demons to distract Inuyasha." Jakken nodded and went to choose a demon. He chose a dragon like demon that could fly and breathe fire. Jakken sent the dragon beast to terrorize the village that was nearby Inuyasha's home.

As Jakken anticipated Inuyasha rushed off to save the village leaving Kagome alone. Jakken quickly slipped into Inuyasha's home to find Kagome sleeping soundly on their large futon. He pointed the staff of heads at the sleeping woman and a bubble like force field sealed around her entire body.

Jakken then used a demon chant to shrink her in size to fit into his brown leather side pouch. Then he quickly headed back to Sesshomaru's palace before Inuyasha could return. Upon returning home to Sesshomaru's palace, Jakken placed a strong spirit force field around the entire castle to keep Inuyasha out for as long as possible.