InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha gets a bath ❯ Kagome Gives Inuyasha A Daughter ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter8:Kagome Gives Inuyasha A Daughter.

A/N: Kagome and Inuyasha have an adorable little girl! Maybe being a dad will make him try to mend his bad relationship with his brother ;)

The time had finally come for Kagome to give birth to her and Inuyasha's child. Kaede was delivering the baby. Kagome lay on a bamboo floor mat with her legs spread wide. She was sweating from the intense pain of her contractions. Soon it came time for Kagome to begin pushing.

She groaned loudly as she pushed the baby's head out of her womb. "Good work Kagome, the head is out. Keep pushing!" Kagome gave two good and hard pushes and the baby was finally freed from her womb. Kaede cleaned the baby off and severed the umbilical cord that held it to it's mother.

She wrapped the baby in a clean white linen and allowed Kagome to hold her new baby. Kagome looked at the small baby girl that she and Inuyasha had created. She was tiny with black hair that had traces of silver hair like her father's woven through it. Kagome also noticed that she had amber eyes just like Inuyasha's but no dog like ears on her head.

Her ears looked like Kagome's but they had a slight point at the tip of them. Her skin was a milky white and she looked a lot like Kagome. Inuyasha smiled down at his tired wife. "She's beautiful Kagome. What are we going to call her?" "How about Nola?" He smiled again. "I think Nola will be just fine." Kagome handed Nola to Inuyasha for him to hold her.

Inuyasha cradled Nola to his broad chest as he looked down at her angelic little face. "Inuyasha, do you think that Sesshomaru will want to know his niece?" Inuyasha frowned at Kagome's mention of his older brother. "Would you actually want to see Sesshomaru again since he kidnapped and raped you?" Kagome winced at the sudden remembrance of her rape. "Yes I do want Nola to know her uncle. I won't hold bitterness towards Sesshomaru."

"Well you're certainly a more forgiving person than I am." The two laughed and then went back to admiring their new daughter. Kagome sat up and loosened the obi on her kimono top so she could feed Nola. Nola was soon latched on to Kagome's right breast to have her first meal. Inuyasha watched as his wife breast fed their little girl.

Miles away from Inuyasha and Kagome's small home things were beginning to seem less lonely in Sesshomaru's palace. Laryn walked down the long hallways of the white stone palace singing to herself. Her soft but beautiful voice carried through the open halls as she curiously explored her new home. Laryn stopped to look at her reflection in a full length mirror.

She smoothed out the cotton fabric of her light blue robes. Sesshomaru crept up behind her and whispered in her ear. "You look absolutely beautiful my darling wife." Laryn giggled as she turned in Sesshomaru's arms to face him. "Hello husband." "Hello wife. Are you enjoying your new home?"

"Yes very much. The palace is beautiful Sesshomaru." "No my dear, you have made this palace a beautiful place to live in. I love you so much." Laryn smiled and leaned up on her tip toes to kiss Sesshomaru. Just before her lips touched his she whispered. "I love you too." The two shared a quick and chaste kiss before Laryn pulled herself out of Sesshomaru's embrace.

"Do you want to go walk in the gardens with me Sesshomaru?" "Yes." He offered his arm to Laryn and she slipped her small arm through his loosely. The couple headed outside to the huge garden on the grounds of the palace. Laryn took in the scent of the hundreds of gardenia bushes that lined the white stone walls of the palace.

Sesshomaru picked one of the largest gardenia blooms he could find and gently placed it behind Laryn's ear. She smiled up at him warmly. They sat down on one of the white stone benches that was next to the large pond in the middle of the garden. Laryn watched the large carp fish that were swimming in the pond. Her grayish eyes widened in excitement as she watched the fish quickly dart from one end of the pond to the other in a matter of seconds.

Sesshomaru cleared his throat softly before he spoke. "Laryn, are you happy living here with me?" "Yes Sesshomaru, why wouldn't I be happy here?" "I mean are you really and truly happy with me?" Laryn smiled before answering. "Yes I'm truly happy here. You give me everything that I could ever want or need. You're a wonderful husband and you're going to be an even greater father."

Sesshomaru smiled as best as he could manage and placed his hand on Laryn's stomach gently. The two sat like that for a long time not needing to speak at all.