InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha In A Bottle ❯ ~Kagome Encounter ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“Who was that anyway?” asked Inuyasha as she walked to the house with Amimi. “I told you! It's nothing!” she said as she walked faster.
“Whatever,” he said as he continued to play with Katsu. Amimi quietly walked to her room and put her head down on her desk, trying to get back her train of thought.
“So many things! How will I ever go to highschool!?” she said clenching her fists. Amimi slammed her head on the desk, leaving her with a red mark on her forehead.
“Why me…” she sighed as she looked out the window. She really wished she didn't though.
Kagome Higurashi was standing outside with Inuyasha, holding his hand. Okay, first of all, Kagome was Amimi's friend. They met around…uh… 3rd grade. They liked to hang out together and stuff, but she HATED it when Kagome was flirting with HER “man.”
“Ergh! That Kagome! At it again!” said Amimi as she clenched her fists even harder. Inuyasha and Kagome had no idea that Amimi was staring outside her window with fury and horror.
“Who does she think she is!!?” she yelled as she tried to pry herself of the window to continue to work.
At the last second, Kagome kissed Inuyasha lightly on the cheek and ran off. Amimi stood there…. in horror.