InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ InuYasha in Court ❯ InuYasha, Miroku vs. Jakotsu ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Damn parents, why'd they have to go and buy me stuff that's in fashion.” Looking down at her outfit with a grimace on her face Seshin was clearly not happy with her predicament.
“Things could have been worse though.” InuGhost helpfully stated.
Shooting a glare his way Seshin did not look any better. “You know I hate being in fashion. Nothing is worse than that, and if you say otherwise again, then I'll make you regret it.”
Laughing nervously InuGhost quickly put distance between the two of them. “Anyway thanks to all of you who read the first chapter of this series. I'm hopefully going to keep this going with much success, but we'll just have to see. Oh and sorry if this isn't as good. I've been dealing with quite a few difficulties lately sorry.”
Disclaimer: The only thing I own is my own sanity, or more precisely lack of.
“Aah. Man this feels good.” Miroku sighed as he settled into the hot spring, laid against a rock for support, and looked across the spring at InuYasha.
“You're definitely right about that. It's been ages since we've stayed anywhere near a hot spring, let alone got a chance to relax in it.” Sinking deep enough into the water so he was up to his neck, InuYasha allowed himself to finally start relaxing.
“We've been chasing Naraku for so long it's nice when we can relax, even if it's only for a few seconds!” Moving faster than the eye can see, Miroku had grabbed a nearby rock, and had thrown it out into the bushes.
Miroku's aim had been true for it had found it's mark. The person who had been spying on them had crashed to the ground, and was now sliding straight down the hill, until the ended up at the side of the hot spring.
“It's you!” Both Miroku and InuYasha yelled in shock as they quickly grabbed their weapons and prepared for battle against their enemy.
“InuYasha, Miroku it's good to see you two again. Have you missed me?” Giving a smirk at the two guys, Jakotsu rose to his feet and brushed all the dirt off of his clothing.
“What were you doing spying on us Jakotsu? Are you here under orders from Naraku?” Leveling his staff at Jakotsu, as he made his demands for answers, Miroku continued to eye him suspiciously as InuYasha drew the Tetsusaiga from its scabbard.
“I came here of my own will, as for spying on you two well….every guy needs a hobby.” With a rather creepy smile on his face, Jakotsu took a few steps closer to InuYasha and Miroku, until he was up to his knees in the water. “Plus you guys are much better looking than those two….girls.” Saying this last part with a sneer not only on his face but voice, Jakotsu's smile faltered a bit before it as fixed again on his face, and he took a few more steps towards Miroku and InuYasha. “Why don't you guys come with me? I promise to treat you both much better than those….women. What do you say?” Quickly closing the gap between himself and InuYasha and Miroku, Jakotsu stretched his hands out to touch both InuYasha's and Miroku's faces.
Acting purely upon instinct Miroku and InuYasha didn't even bother with answering Jakotsu's question, as they both hightailed it as fast as they could away from Jakotsu. Though instead of admitting defeat, Jakotsu took off after InuYasha and Miroku still bent on trying to win their love, and affection. Thankfully for Miroku and InuYasha's sakes Jakotsu was quickly intercepted by a rather PO'D Sango and Kagome, and rendered unconscious.
“Right lets get down to business, because I've got much better things to do than handle a case where some guys are just to creped out to do things themselves. So what is this problem this time you three?” Looking over the top of her desk Seshin took a look at Miroku and InuYasha who were fighting quietly over their seating at the table since neither of them wanted the other to be farther away from Jakotsu than themselves.
Rising to her feet Kagome quickly thought over how best to equitably put the boys' situation. “It's actually quite simple your honor. That….man was caught peeping on InuYasha and Miroku, and even worse he actually had the audacity to hit on them.” Anger was evident on her face when she finished and sat down at her table glaring at a smirking Jakotsu.
“Your honor my man was merely expressing his own personal opinion. It's not his fault that those two took it badly. Plus he was obeying my orders to do his best to creep them both out so they wouldn't want to fight him.” After finishing his statement Rinkotsu leaned back in his chair without breaking his eye contact with Seshin's with no emotion evident on his face.
Sighing heavily Seshin mentally prepared herself for what she knew was going to be another long day. “Might as well get this started then, Kagome why don't you lead off with your first witness.”
“In that case I want InuYasha up there first. He can easily explain all this nonsense.” Kagome said not bothering to stand up, or make eye contact with a shocked InuYasha, who had been lounging but immediately sat up upon hearing his name.
Taking the stand InuYasha was quickly sworn in and started to relate the events. “It's obvious that Jakotsu is at fault here. The guy is constantly attacking us, and constantly making comments about my looks. I pried myself on how I look so it's unfair for me to have to put up with his nonsense. JUST LET ME KILL HIM ALREADY AND WE'LL BE DONE WITH IT!” Rising to his feet InuYasha slammed his fist down onto a table next to the stand, breaking it completely in half.
“I'm with InuYasha on this one. Jakotsu is clearly a danger to us while he's free. Just pay us to exorcize him and we'll gladly get rid of him.” Rising to his feet and grasping his staff Miroku shot a glare towards Jakotsu, who was also standing and had his sword drawn.
Before a fight broke out in the courtroom Miroku and InuYasha were instantly cooled down. Mainly thanks to Seshin and InuGhost having pulled out water guns, and were still busy hosing them down with ice filled water. They stopped only after InuYasha and Miroku looked like two wet dogs and had a constant stream of water dripping off of them.
Putting away her water gun Seshin “Now that we've taken care of that little incident Jakotsu it's your turn. So get up here so we can swear you in.”
Heading up to the stand Jakotsu took his seat, and waited to be sworn in, though that wasn't going to happen easily as he finished scanning the courtroom. “Hey judge, it looks like your guys gone and run off.”
Grumbling to herself Seshin jumped down from her stand, and after tossing her judges robes back up into the seat walked out of the courtroom obviously in a foul mood. Within a few minutes the doors were pushed back open as Seshin walked in dragging a pleading InuGhost by his foot. After reaching the bench she toss his foot back hard on the ground, grabbed him by his shirt, pulled him to his feet, and jammed a book into his hands to swear Jakotsu in on.
Holding the book as far away from him as he could InuGhost inched slowly close to Jakotsu and kept as far away as possible. “Just put your hand on, and no funny stuff.”
After being sworn in Jakotsu quickly started recounting events in his opinion. “InuYasha and Miroku should be flattered for the attention I pay them. I have strict standards, and not many match up to them. The fact they meet them just shows all the more how hot they are. Besides I was ordered to pay them that close of attention, and truthfully I quite enjoyed it.” Pausing for a moment Jakotsu turned to smirk at InuYasha and Miroku before continuing. “Especially the view I had at the hot spring.” The ending of his statement was punctuated by two loud thunks as InuYasha and Miroku had passed out, and fallen out of their chairs onto the floor below.
“Okay that's enough Jakotsu you can go back to your seat.” Absentmindedly waving her hand in Jakotsu's direction, since she was mainly focusing on the wellbeing of the passed out guys.
Before Jakotsu went back to his seat he figured that now would be as good a time as any to continue his job of creeping people out, and being a pest. “That outfit your wearing is very lovely and fashionable.”
Instantly Seshin's head jerked towards Jakotsu upon hearing what he said, and with a glare evident on her face, and punctuating every word “What did you say?!”
A grin evident on his face Jakotsu decided to needle her further “Your outfit is really fashionable. You look as lovely as that popular doll. What's her name again…?” Trying vainly to recall the name to his memory.
Low growling sounds were issuing forth from Seshin as she spoke a single sentence with malice and hatred in her voice “You mean Barbie?”
Sit upright in his seat Jakotsu grinned at her “Yes that's the one. You could easily pass as a princess back in our age.” A broad grin was evident on his face since he knew he had hit a sensitive spot since Seshin was staring down at her desk, with her body quivering obviously crying.
The events that occurred in the next sixty seconds though surprised everyone. Instead of breaking down into tears Seshin did exactly the opposite of what Jakotsu had expected as she launched herself at him yelling something about no one calling her a princess and living. Seconds after they started fighting InuYasha launched himself into the fray bent on beating the **** out of Jakotsu with Miroku right behind him. After that everything got too complicated to easily explain.
It was almost noon at the hospital. In a single hospital room designed to hold four people InuYasha and Miroku were eagerly awaiting their lunch. The other occupant of their room had been transferred in during the middle of the night, and the curtain surrounding their bed was pulled closed obstructing any view of its occupant.
“Lunchtime guys!” Pushing a food cart into the room Kagome wheeled hers towards a bandaged InuYasha while Sango followed behind her and pushed hers over towards Miroku.
“You know Kagome as tedious as it is to have to bring these guys food everyday its actually quite nice.” Seeing the questioning look on Kagome's face Sango decided to explain “This is the one time where I can get as close to Miroku as needed, without having to worry about him groping me.” Turning to smile at Miroku.
“Sango you make it sound as though you don't trust me. Just because both my arms are in retraction you have to mock me.” With a hurt look on hi face Miroku turned away from Sango.
Giving a sigh Sango went over to the other side of Miroku's bed so she could look him in the face. “Miroku you know I'm only teasing you. And you're not that….”Stopping abruptly Sango's face turned bright red as she felt smoothing she hadn't expected. “Miroku you pervert!” Bringing the plate, she was carrying; Sango brought it crashing down on Miroku's head breaking it into pieces. Turning on her heel she stormed out of the room.
“Miroku. You're the only guy who'd go and tick off his waitress by caressing her backside with you foot.” InuYasha muttered across the room pausing for a sec between his sips of ramen.
“Is it lunchtime already? Mmm that smells delicious, wouldn't you say boys.” A familiar voice said from behind the curtains surrounding the third bed as a hand reached out and parted them revealing its occupant's smirking face.
Their faces going pale instantaneously the three looked in horror at a grinning Jakotsu who was fluttering his eyelashes at InuYasha. Looking at each other Kagome, InuYasha, and Miroku did the only thing they could do. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!”
That's it for now people. Please review.