InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Meets the Teenage Pains ❯ Who's this mut? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch.1 Inuyasha meets Clover and Yasana
"Hey Clover are yah just gonna sit there all day or are you gonna play some basketball?" A familiar red head called out. "Yo, Yasana pass the ball here so we can whip some boy $$ and finally get home to the tarot cards." Clover responded.
"Oh and jeremy, you best be breaking out the Twenty bucks cause your gonna loose...Again" Yasana said as the game of basket ball began.
"Chad, let's show these girls how real men play ball." Jeremy said as he stole the ball and passed it to chad.
"Oh no you don't," Clover yelled as she blocked Chads ball toss to the hoop and stole the ball."Come on Clo, we don't want to play no street ball against any girls, yah might get hurt." Chad said as both he and Jeremy cornered Clover.
"Clover, I'm open," Yasana yelled as Clover jumped and threw the ball. Yasana quickly caught it spun around and made the basket.
"Lucky shot" Jeremy said as he handed both girls ten bucks each. "Next time get use to playing street ball with girls, cause we don't go easy on anyone especially boys." Clover laughed.
"Hey Clo, over here," An ear aching voice called out. "Great... Clo don't look now but here comes Saundra and the prep gang." Yasana quietly said. "You mean Mrs. Bchalot" Chad added.
"Saundra, what the hell do you want?" Clover P.O. asked. "I just came to see if you wanted to hang with us Friday night." Saundra said.
"Um, Let me think...HECK NO!'' Clover shouted. "God Clo, what happened to you? You've turned into a tomboy! Your Tall, Blonde, and good looking. You should in cheerleading. Not on the streets wearing baggy flares falling halfway off your $$, that goes for you to yasana." Saundra said.
"So maybe I like my pants halfway of my $$, you leave yasana out of this." Clo said with attitude.
"Girl, you hang with boys, play boy sports like football, and your always getting in fights.You too Yasana." Saundra said.
"Bch your headin' for a one way bruising talking to me" Yasana answered. "Listen Bch, I don't know who you think you are but you best get your preppy $$ out of here before I beat the sht out of all yah." Clover angrily yelled.
"Whatever," Saundra said as she and her snooty gang walked away. "Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, go Clover!" Yasana cheered. "Hey, let's go ask the Tarot cards what's new." Jeremy said. "Okay but I go first," Clover said as she shuffled her cards. "Remind me to never piss Clover off." Chad whispered to jeremy as Yasana elbowed him.
Clover drew five cards,"Is that good or bad?" Jeremy asked looking at the cards "Um...I have the Dragon Serpent meaning courage, Cupids arrow divining love." Clover explained. "Does that mean your gonna beat the crud out of your next boyfriend?" Chad sarcastically asked.
Ignoring chad went on reading "Lightning Bolt representing...separation, The card of light meeting Destiny...and the Grim Reeper representing gulp...Death" Clover frightendly said.
"Courage, Love, Separation, Destiny, and Death, now that can't be good"Chad said. "I so hope the cards are wrong" Jeremy said. "The cards have never been wrong" Yasana responded.
"well, we,ve gotta get home see yah guys at school tomarrow." Chad said as he and Jeremy headed home.
"Are you still sleeping over tonight?" Clover asked as she picked up her cards and placed them in her gym bag next to her basketball. "Gee, let me think...stay home with my mom or go party with you, now what do you think?" Yasana sarcastically said.
"Huh,mom must be calling to check where I am" Clo Smirked as she answered her cell while both she and Yasana walked down the sidewalk.
"Hey mom waz up?" clo said as Yasana started laughing.
"Clover,Hurry up and get home your grandmother's sick. The doctor says she's on her death bed. Wecan't figure out why but she slightly holding on with all her strength crying for you. Hurry!" Clovers mother yelled as clo threw her gym bag, dropping her phone causing it to crash into pieces.
"GRANDMAAAA!"Clover yelled as she raced down the sidewalk. "Clover what's wrong?" Yasana asked as she picked up the bag and ran after clover.
Rushing up the steps to her house with Yasana behind, Clover shoved open the door running past her mother up stairs to her grandmothers room. "CLOVER...I want my grandbaby... CLOVERRR!"Her grandmother cried.
"Grandma it's okay I'm here, it's me Clo" Clover silenly said as she carefully shut the door. "Come here quick I have something to give you I can't explain because my time here on earth is up" Grandmother explained.
"NO! You can't go" clover yelled as she rushed across the room to where her grandmother lay dieing. She tightly gripped her grandma as tight as she could.
"Here take this clover, it will lead you to your destiny and Clover remember I will always be with you as long as you wear this pendent" Her grandmother said as she slowly faded away.
Clover took the pendent and put it around her neck as salty tears rolled down her pale white face. She crouched down to a corner of the bed and started crying as Yasana came up to assist Clover.
She noticed Clo sitting there crying, Yasana quickly rushed to her side and held her rocking back and forth, comforting her.
Suddenly, the door slammed shut and the lights went out. Yasana quickly grabbed Clovers wrist and ran for the door. Clover tried to open the door but it was locked from the outside in.
Just then the pendent on Clovers neck began to glow bright Magenta. Two medium sized orbs of blue arose out of Clovers grandmother and flew directly into the bodies of both Clover and Yasana. Both girls passed out.
"Mmm, my aching head." Clover woke up complaining. Surrounding Clover were trees and grass. "Where the hell am I?" Clover stood up and paniced.
"Wait a minute Yasana,...YASANA! WHERE ARE YOU?'' Clover spun around in circles screaming.
"You mean that red head with the attitude? She's okay, besides the fact she passed out at the sight of chippo." A boys voice from behind came up saying.
Immediatly, Clover spun around to see a tall boy with long silvery hair, yellow eyes and dog like ears. "Who are you," Clover shouted tightening her hand into a fist.
"Relax, My names Inuyasha" The dog eared boy said.
"AAAAAHHHHHH!"A scream came into hearing. "Yasana," Clover shouted as she shoved Inuyasha to the ground and ran to where the scream had come from. Clover came to a campsite only to notice a small fury fox thing cornering Yasana. "Get it away from me!" Yasana screamed.
Clover rushed up to Yasana and grabbed the fox by the tail. "Sheash, what a meanie alls i did was try to help her and she starts trowing stuff at me. That's the last time I'm helping her" The fox said.
"EEEPP! It can talk," Clover freaked out as she threw it into an oak tree. "I see you've met chippo." Inuyasha walked up and laughed.
"Oh,Sure try laughing once you've been thrown into a tree" chippo mummbled.
Yasana went to make a fist to puch Inuyasha, but her hand suddenly formed a ball of flames causing everyone to stumble backwards. The flame disappeared when she reopened her hand. " Yasana, how'd you do that?" Clover soothly asked.
" That's the same thing I'm wondering" Inuyasha said gripping his sword.
Just then the sky started to fill with darkness and the wind began to blow as if a tornado was stirring up. Once again Clovers pendent began to glow but this time a blinding light had shot out of the necklace into the sky and released a rainstorm.
Suddenly a lightning bolt broke from the clouds, as Inuyasha dove for safety with chippo, and directly hit both girls. The shock lasted for 30 seconds, the sky quickly cleared away and to Inuyashas surprise both girls stood alive.
Clovers pendent was still glowing but it started to sink into her chest. "Quick get the necklace off" Inuyasha yelled as both he and Yasana dove to rip the chain off, but it just wouldn't break.
Once the pendent sunk in the chain fell to the ground. " Um...Yasana I don't remember putting this on today and I sure as hell don't remember having this sword on my back" Clover said as she noticed she was wearing Clunky black sneakers, a black mini skirt, and a long sleeved belly shirt with her elbows and shoulders showing.
"Hey Clo, I just love the black streaks in your blonde hair...Baka onna, what am I laughing about look what I'm wearing." Yasana said as she noticed clunky red sneakers, a red mini skirt, and a red belly shirt only tug enough to cover her chest with a matching red coat.
"Your so called shirt looks more like a rag" Inuyasha started laughing.
End of Ch.1