InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha's Bad Day ❯ Inuyasha's Bad Day ( One-Shot )
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Inuyasha's Bad Day
By: Sesshoumaru_lord_of_the_western_lands
Inuyasha was having a bad day and it was not getting any better. He had woken up in a good mood hoping to eat some Top Ramen. His mood quickly soured thought when he found there was none left. When he asked Kagome why there was no Top Ramen he quickly yelled “Sit!” and he was sent flying into the ground. He had to go and hunt for food. He went and was unsuccessful. Now, he was sitting in Keade's hut sulking. To make matters worse it was the night of the new moon and his night as a human. He was still sulking when he turned human. Inuyasha was still sitting there when Kagome came in. She asked him if he was still sulking and huged him saying she was sorry. At the end of the long day Inuyasha thought maybe the day had not been that bad after all.