InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha's Book of Poetry ❯ A Hanyou's Afterlife ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Fire, brimstone, Devil's heat

Chaos Land

Demon's play land

Where the can torture human souls

All day long

Delighting in their screams

In their pain

But I'm alone half

I'm too human for that paradise


Light, airy, Angle's breathe

Everyone smiles

With no cares in the world

The human's dream world

Where everyone is equal

And pain is no more

But I'm alone half

I'm too demonic for that paradise

Half breed

Born of demon

Born of human

Walker of the dived

Hated by both sides

No place for me on earth

No peace for me in death

For even there

I do not belong

I am but half

Too much of anything for either paradise.