InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha's Book of Poetry ❯ Dark Mistress ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

i see your tears
and i know why they fall
one more run for repentance
one more fall on the dagger
all because my dark mistress calls
i know you care
believe that death would cause me to care
how wrong you can be
if only i didn't have to go
all because my dark mistress calls
yes my dark mistress calls
and says in words unspoken
her threats against you
telling be to obey or your blood will fall
to protect you i'll break you
 if fate was kind
my dark mistress gone
maybe then you could see
but my dark mistress calls
your tears shall fall
beauty of light
not meant for the dark
you could have run
i would not blame
yet you decided to stand by a servant of darkness
i grasp for the light in secret
while i obey my dark mistress
if only i could run
to your arms i would go
if i could escape my dark mistress
but not even light could keep me safe
so i must sever
some one i no longer know
being the loyal dog i am
walker of sorrow, knower of pain
nothing worth in this life, death payment is asked for
my mistress the piper
and i must obey...