InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha's Killing Spree ❯ K-S Inuyasha ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I do not own inuyasha.

2 Characters I made up are Shadyasha & Dashyasha(don't ask why).

Shadyasha looks like inuyasha but with black hair with a red streak going down in the middle and the 2 peices of hair inuyasha has hanging in the front well shadyasha's is red.he red dog ears as well.Dashyasha looks also like inuyasha but instead of silver it's green. P.S Sesshomaru,Rin & Jakin are in the group.

Inuyasha and the group were finding a village to stay in and relax. the shikon jewel was complete but they were now looking for 7 jewels called wishing jewels.They can grant an unlimited amount of wishes. so far they had 3 and naraku had 1. It has been a year sinse Kagome entered the feudle era.Shadyasha & Inuyasha were seperated at birth because their parents were afrade that Shadyasha would turn out an evil twin because a wizard told them that Shadyasha was the ultimate demon even though he was a hanyou. So the wizard raised Shadyasha.2 days after inuyasha was pinned to a tree shadyasha was cased into suspended animation only to be freed and tricked 50 years later by naraku.Dashyasha saw what happened to his cousins and traveled 50 years later using a wishing jewel.

Kagome saw a village "Hey guys a village." they went in and they all saw a demon attacking the village. Inuyasha said "Guys lets kill him." inuyasha attacked him with his tetsaiga but the demon douged him."Fool you think you can stop me with that old pathetic fang.ELECTRIC BLAST!"Inuyasha was right in front of a well. The bast hit him and he blacked out.he fell into the well."INUYASHA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"Shadyasha attacked the demon "DARK IRON REAVER SOUL STEALER!!"It took Shadyasha, Dashyasha and Sesshomaru to kill the demon then they went near well.The well was very deep and pitch black.

Inuyasha woke up and heard the group talking."it has been an hour so I guess he is dead" said Miroku " No he is alive" said Shadyasha."I know it's hard to believe, Shadyasha but we saw what we saw." said Sango. "I just can't believe he's actually gone" said Shippo."Should we at least go down and check" said Shadyasha. "No,I don't want to see his body" said Dashyasha. " I want to go home" said a sad sounding kagome. So they all left the village.Down in the well inuyasha saw somthing on the ground."A neclas? "Inuyasha picked it up. It looked like a neclass with an eye on it. All of a sudden the eye glowed purple and the rosary arouned Inuyasha's neck shattered."Holey crap!"
Inuyasha piced up the beads and put them in his pocket.He put the necklas on and remembered what his friends said earlier and got really angrey. His golden orbs turned into red orbs and red vienswere on each side of his eyes. 'They will pay for abandoning me,they will pay.' He jumped out of the well and killed the people in the village.

At Kaede's village Miroku, Shippo, Sango, Jaken and Rin were wandering around the village(Kagome was at home with Sesshomaru,Shadyasa and Dashyasha). All of a sudden a villager was killed by inuyasha. Shippo not caring that a villager was killed happily said "Inuyasha your alive!"At that point Inuyasha grabbed Shippo and tore him into pieces(litaraly). Miroku shocked said "Inuyasha why did you kill Shippo?!"Inuyasha grabed a rope and strangled Miroku until he was dead. He stabbed Rin and sliced Jaken in half. Sango was the only one left and Inuyasha made a hole in her stomach and she died. Inuyasha then went through the bone eater well into Kagome's time.
Incase you got K-S inuyasha's discription wrong his picture will be on the fan art page. chapter 2 will come out soon.