InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha's Love and Kagome's pain ❯ A New Enemy ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 8- A New Enemy

I do NOT own Inuyasha and if you don't know that by now then you have problems!

Hey guys I hope you all liked that surprise I gave you in the last chapter. ^_^ This chapter should make things more clear.


"It was his son." Isane stated with a hateful look in his beautiful green eyes.

Everyone's mouths hit the floor. They were in shock. 'How could that be?' they all thought.

"He has a son? How could we not have known about him?" Miroku asked in a shaky voice. 'If his son is as strong as Naraku himself, then we have big problems,' he thought.

"Yes he does. His name is Nakazo and he is about 25 years old now." Isane stated looking calm again. "The reason you didn't know about him is because he is never around his father. He hates his father." He watched as everyone tried to understand what was going on.

Why does he hate his father?" Shippo asked looking scared.

"He hates him because Naraku killed his mother. His mother was a full demon and a strong one at that. She was beautiful and smart but Naraku tricked her into sleeping with him. Naraku made himself look like her mate and she slept with him thinking that it was her love. In the morning she found out the truth. Naraku had killed her mate and used her to give him an heir. She hated him for that but she kept her son anyway and raised him without Naraku. Nakazo and his mother were very close. She was very good to him despite the fact that she hated his father. She frequently told her son of his father and how evil Naraku was, but she thought she could outsmart him. She thought that Naraku couldn't find them, but he did. When Nakazo was 10, Naraku came to claim him as his heir and take him from his mother. She fought Naraku but was defeated in the end. She died and Naraku tried to take his son, but when Nakazo saw his mother dead, he went crazy. Nakazo turned into his demon form and was able to hurt the already weakened Naraku enough that he had to run away. Ever since then Nakazo has been hiding from his father and has become much stronger than Naraku himself could ever be."

"Ok stop right there! How do you know so much about him and what happened in such detail?" Inuyasha yelled. "Why do you care so much about his son? Why do you want him dead?? Give me some fucking answers or you are going to die!"

Inuyasha looked angry. He didn't trust this guy. He was also mad that Kagome seemed to trust him without even knowing him. 'What the hell is going on?' his mind screamed.

"I apologize. I should have made that clear in the beginning." Isane stated as he bowed in respect to the hanyou. "The reason that I know Nakazo so well is because we grew up together. He was my best friend until the day his mother died. And the reason I know what happened to his mother in such detail is because I was there when it happened." Isane looked sad for a moment but recovered quickly.

"If he was your best friend, why would you want him dead?" Kagome asked in a sweet and calm voice, as if he were an old friend. Inuyasha didn't like that and she could tell he was getting even more upset. She sighed but didn't say anything.

"After Nakazo buried his mother, he changed. All the good and happiness had drained out of him. He became even more evil then Naraku himself. I tried to help him, but he wouldn't let me. He went insane and killed anyone in his way. He didn't care who it was. He wants to be the strongest and the best demon there is. He is pure evil, but because of who he once was I stayed by his side. For many years I tried to make him see that he couldn't do whatever he wanted and that he couldn't just kill everyone for no reason, but he didn't understand or he just didn't care."

Isane looked sad again and spoke in a lower voice. "I finally left his side and found a mate so I could have a family and be happy, which is what I wanted him to do as well, but he would not. My mate's name was Hana and she loved humans and was always kind to everyone. She was a wonderful mate. I loved her very much." Isane now looked very upset. "My mate and I were out one day walking when we saw him about to kill a little human girl because she bumped into him while she was playing with her friends. Hana saw this and was upset and tried to stop him. She never had a chance to hurt him because he turned around as she walked closer and stabbed her through the heart with his sword."

Isane was angry after saying this and his eyes flashed red for a moment. 'He must have really loved his mate a lot,' Kagome thought to herself.

"I ran to her, but it was too late. She was dead only a moment after that. I tried to kill Nakazo. He knew she was my mate and yet he killed her anyway. He has become truly pure evil if he could kill the mate of his best and only friend. I was as a brother to him! He betrayed me! I tired to kill him then, but I was no match for him alone. He is very powerful, and knows no emotion other than hate. He left me on the ground to bleed to death without even looking back at me. The children helped me even though I was a demon, because my mate saved the little girl's life. Once I recovered from my injuries, I began to watch him, looking for any weakness he might have, so that I could one day get revenge for my beloved mate. That is how I knew that he sent the creature after you. He used a spell on it so that it appeared to have the same spider shaped scar Naraku does. I was not able to stop him from attacking you, but once I learned that Kagome still lived after being poisoned, I began to watch your group, in order to see if you could help me." Isane looked calm again but they knew he was hurting.

"You have been watching us since Kagome got better? How come we didn't know you were there? Shouldn't Inuyasha have been able to smell you?" Miroku asked. 'If Naraku's son is really as strong as he says we are really in a lot of trouble,' he thought.

"I sent a friend of mine who is also a Panther demon to warn you all, but he was too late to help. He watched over you all from a distance and came to me once he saw Kagome had lived and told me everything that had happened. After that I came and watched you myself. The reason that Inuyasha didn't smell me is because I covered up my scent and even if he had smelled me once or twice he wouldn't have thought much of it because when I am in Panther form, I smell like an animal and he smells them all the time," Isane replied to Miroku, who seemed to understand now.

"But why does Nakazo want Kagome dead anyway? If he hates Naraku why doesn't he try to kill him? Why does he care about her? And why is he attacking now all of a sudden? Why didn't he attack before?" Sango asked in an upset voice. She was worried about Kagome and it was obvious in her voice.

"Like Naraku, Nakazo can only be killed by a miko." Everyone looked at him as if he were crazy. He sighed. "You must know by now that no matter how badly you hurt Naraku, he can always rebuild his body." They nodded slowly, and he continued.

"That makes him impossible to kill unless you can purify him. Purifying him is the only way to get rid of him for good. Once the body is weakened, a miko must purify him, but it would take a very strong miko to do it and your Kagome is the only one right now that can. That is why he wants Kagome dead. Right now Kagome and all of you are his only real threat. He wants you all dead as well. He has known about you all for a long time, but he did not want any of you dead until Kagome was able to purify his father. He grew impatient waiting for you all to kill him. He sent the creature to poison Kagome with two possible outcomes in mind. Either Kagome would die and you would all rush in and try and kill Naraku and die in the process, which would get rid of his threat. He was willing to accept that for now. That is the one he was hoping for. Or you would find a way to save Kagome and together you would all kill Naraku immediately out of anger for what he had done. Either way he wins." He looked Kagome in the eyes, waiting to see her reaction. She seemed to be a little scared and very worried. "He will be back to try and kill her, now that you know the truth about Nakazo." Isane said looking almost worried.

Shippo started to cry. "He is going to try and kill Kagome again?!?" Shippo asked and started to cry harder.

Inuyasha put his arm around Kagome protectively. "THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY HE IS GOING TO HURT MY KAGOME!!" Inuyasha yelled and his eyes flashed red quickly and then back to their normal color. "How do we know we can trust you anyway, Isane? How do we know he didn't send you to trick us?" Inuyasha asked in a less then trusting voice.

Kagome turned around, looked into Inuyasha's eyes, and spoke in a calm voice "Inuyasha I trust him. I don't know why but I do." Inuyasha gave her a look that said that wasn't enough of a reason. "What?? I haven't I been right in the past about these things??" Kagome yelled, now upset that Inuyasha didn't trust her judgment. Then she turned and looked at their friends and back at Inuyasha. "I trusted Shippo, Miroku, and Sango, didn't I, and that turned out alright didn't it???" She asked Inuyasha a bit too loudly for his taste, and he flattened his ears.

"It's not that I don't trust your judgment, Kagome, it's that we don't know anything about him." Inuyasha was going to continue, but the look Kagome gave him stopped what he was going to say. "Alright I get it; you trust him. Fine, but I am watching you, Isane!" Inuyasha said and then pulled Kagome to him and hugged her and spoke very low so that only Kagome could hear him. "Don't worry about Nakazo. I will make sure he pays for what he did to you." Kagome hugged him tightly.

"I know Inuyasha. You always take care of me." Kagome said, then pulled back a little to give him a quick kiss. They all started to walk back to Kaede's hut with Inuyasha's arm on Kagome's shoulder and her arm around his waist. 'I love being like this with Inuyasha. I love him so much. I know everything will be ok as long as I have him' Kagome thought and smiled.

Sango was next to Miroku and took his hand. "I can't believe all of this. Thank god Naraku and Nakazo aren't working together or we would really be in trouble. I hope that we are doing the right thing by trusting Isane," Sango said as she watched Isane walk near Kagome and Inuyasha.

"I believe he is telling the truth and I trust him as well. He has a kind aura." Miroku stated and then pulled Sango to him, causing her to stop walking. He kissed her softly and then he grabbed her butt.

"MIROKU!" Sango yelled and slapped him. Then she blushed and walked ahead of him, smiling to herself. 'Well at least he doesn't do that to other women anymore,' she thought, then started giggling.

Miroku just sighed and smiled 'One day we will kill Naraku and you will be my wife. When that happens my dear Sango, you won't know what hit you!' He grinned evilly


Once back at Kaede's hut, the group told her everything that had happened. After some thought Kaede decided that she agreed that Isane had a good aura, and that he could be trusted. Inuyasha wasn't too happy with that, but he accepted it. They all sat in Kaede's hut eating dinner.

Kagome was watching Isane closely. "So, you said that you are a Panther Demon right?" Kagome asked and Isane smiled at her and nodded. "I have never seen one before. How did you change from a Panther to a man as you did?"

"I think I have heard of Panther demons before, but if I am correct, there aren't many of you left," Sango stated as she ate.

"Yes, you are right. There aren't many Panther demons anymore. We were more of a peaceful race than anything else. We don't enjoy fighting unless we have to, and that made us targets I guess. Many of us were killed off years ago because we were not strong enough to defend ourselves against the stronger demons. My mate was a Panther demon and we had hoped to have a big family, but it was not to be," Isane said and then ate some more of his food.

"So you are weak. Feh I should have known." Inuyasha laughed at Isane. "No wonder you need our help. It isn't everyday a full demon asks a hanyou for help." Inuyasha was grinning now. Kagome, who was sitting next to him, elbowed him lightly and he stopped smiling and looked at her. "WHAT? He said it, not me!" Inuyasha started to laugh again.

Kagome just shook her head. 'No matter how much thing changes some things will always be the same,' Kagome thought, then gave Inuyasha a look that made him stop laughing.

"He is right. I am a weak fighter. However, I have other abilities that I can use to help in a fight. The fact that I can turn into a Panther and fly could help in battles. I can also use poison. It's in my teeth and my claws. So if I attack as a Panther I can poison the enemy. However, unless it's a big cut, all my poison will do is slow down the healing process to a crawl. I am also very fast in both my forms, which comes in handy. My fur also is very strong against fire and electric attacks such as lightning. It is also hard to cut through. In fact, it's a lot like Inuyasha's Fire Rat Kimono, only my fur is tougher, which is another main reason why my race is dying out. Many seek the Panther Demons' fur for their armor."

"Wait. You can poison people the same way the demon that attacked Kagome could?" Sango asked after she had thought about what he said.

"Well, yes and no. My poison is not as strong as that demon's was, and mine can be cured by herbs, if it is taken care of soon enough." Isane said, answering Sango and then looking at everyone.

"So, you can change into a Panther anytime you want?" Kagome asked in a happy voice, as if she hadn't heard any of the stuff about poison." Everyone looked at her strangely, accept for Isane, who laughed a bit, and smiled at her.

"Yes, Kagome, I can. When I am in that form, I am much like Kirara. That is my true form much like a fox is Shippo's true form, but I can't talk while in that form, except to other animals. So I take this form often. It's easier to get around that way too, because I am smaller and faster." Isane looked at Shippo, who had eaten earlier and now slept next to Kirara.

Sango also looked at the sleeping Shippo. "Wow it's getting late and we have had a long day. Maybe we should just go to sleep and talk about this more in the morning," she said and then yawned.

"Maybe you're right, Sango. We can figure all of this out tomorrow. Goodnight everyone," Kagome said as she got up to go get her sleeping bag, then realized that Isane had nothing to sleep on. "Oh Isane, I don't have a sleeping bag for you." She thought for a moment about where he should sleep.

Sango got into her sleeping bag as did Miroku and they fell asleep right away. 'They must be very tired,' Kagome thought as she watched everyone fall asleep.

"Do not worry about me Kagome. I will sleep outside. I sleep in trees most of the time anyway. Thanks for your concern though." Isane said, then bowed in respect and walked outside.

Inuyasha had now finished eating and held Kagome. "Are you going to share your sleeping bag with me tonight?" Inuyasha asked, wearing a cute expression on his face.

Kagome giggled at him and thought about it. "But what about everyone else? Won't they care?" Kagome said and then looked at Sango, who slept close to Miroku, but not in the same sleeping bag.

"Who cares?" Inuyasha said and looked at Kagome. He could tell she wanted him to hold her tonight after everything that happened. He could also tell that she felt a little nervous and he figured it was the whole Nakazo thing. "We are going to be life mates right? So why shouldn't we sleep together? It's not like we are going to do anything in front of everyone."

"Alright. It would make me feel better if you held me tonight." Kagome smiled and went to get changed. When she came back Inuyasha was already in her sleeping bag with a grin on his face. Kagome giggled at how happy he was all of a sudden. She could feel his happiness and love and it felt great. 'Maybe I should tell him that I love him,' she thought. She looked into his eyes and he opened his arms to her as if calling her to the sleeping bag. She giggled again and then crawled into the sleeping bag and they lay there together in each other's arms and fell asleep happy and complete for the first time in a long time


I hope you all liked that chapter. By the way, if any of you have any questions on how Isane looks or his past with Nakazo, just ask, and I will answer them the best I can. I want to make sure that you all understand everything so far, or the rest might not make sense. Thanks to everyone that has reviewed! I have been very happy with the reviews and I am glad that you all seem to like this story so far. Well, talk to you later! Bye.

This chapter has been reposted since it was proof read by Bonnie217. Thanks again Bonnie217 you are doing a great job!