InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha's Nightmare ❯ Inuyasha's Nightmare ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha's Nightmare
Kirameki Izumi

"I can smell him." Inuyasha was speedily running past trees as he followed a very familiar scent. "I can smell the disgusting stench of the beast Naraku."
"Just you wait Naraku, I'll destroy you this time."
Behind him he could hear the familiar sound of Kagome's voice as she said, "Are we getting closer Inuyasha?"
"Yeah, his filthy scent is getting stronger."
Filing behind the pedaling Kagome were Sango, Miroku, and Shippo. They were all riding on Sango's faithful companion, Kirara.
"I hope this will be the day I finally make Naraku pay for cursing me with this retched Wind Tunnel." Miroku said with rage in his voice.
"Yes, I hope we can destroy Naraku this time." Sango said as she painfully thought of her younger brother Kohaku.
"I will save you from Naraku's grasp Kohaku, or die trying, I promise."
"What the hell are you two talking about? Of course we'll destroy Naraku!" Inuyasha yelled angrily behind him. Miroku and Sango both smiled at Inuyasha's strong confidence.
"Yes your right." Sango said quietly.
Inuyasha smiled at this comment and continued following Naraku's trail. Inuyasha's face, however, suddenly grew stern as his ears began to twitch. "Get down!" Inuyasha yelled as he jumped towards Kagome and pulled her down to safety. As the companions ducked to the ground, they felt something whoosh past above their heads along with the sounds of crashing timber. The companions slowly rose up from their hiding places and turned to see Naraku pulling his tentacle like arms back towards him.
"Good to see you again Inuyasha. You took so long to find me that I began to wonder whether you had lost your sense of smell."
"Shut up Naraku! Your one to talk, are you finally confident enough to fight your own battles you filthy bastard!"
"I just decided you were finally strong enough to be considered a threat."
"Aaargh, would you just shut your yap already! It's too bad your actions aren't as fast as your mouth, because you're gonna die!" Inuyasha then pulled out Tetsusiaga and swung it down onto the ground as he yelled "Wind Scar!" Naraku blocked the Wind Scar with his multiple arms and chuckled to himself.
"Inuyasha; we could go on like this forever and you still will not have affected me. Why don't I just cut this short and destroy you now."
"Quit joking!" Inuyasha raised the Tetsusiaga for another blow while Sango, Miroku, and Kirara spread out to keep all of Naraku's other arms occupied. But despite their efforts, one of Naraku's stray arms swiftly lunged out to Inuyasha's right side. Inuyasha quickly dodged from the arm just as another one of Naraku's arms came around Inuyasha's left side. The second arm knocked the Tetsusiaga out of his hand while a third tentacle impaled Inuyasha through his stomach. (Through his stomach? Wow, shocker!!!) After being impaled, Inuyasha was then thrown roughly to the ground where he lay coughing up blood. Inuyasha groaned in pain and lifted up his head to search for the Tetsusiaga. Inuyasha gasped in horror as one of Naraku's tentacles reaches out for Kagome. Out of instinct, Inuyasha lunged out in front of Kagome to protect her from the impact. Inuyasha was impaled and thrown to the ground a second time.
"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled through tearful eyes.
"Damn; He's gotten stronger." Inuyasha muttered as he passed out in a puddle of his own blood.
"Inuyasha!" Kagome began to run to Inuyasha's aid but stopped suddenly. She could sense Inuyasha's body beginning to pulsate. Kagome gasped in horror as she realized that Inuyasha was beginning to transform. Naraku also stared in puzzlement as Inuyasha eyelids began to rise, revealing blood red eyes containing only the desire to kill. Inuyasha slowly rose up from the ground and turned to Naraku, smiling. Naraku stared at Inuyasha in fear and then replaced his fear with a smirk.
"I see. Inuyasha's body transforms under stress. Interesting, very interesting." Naraku then disappeared in a cloud of miasma and left the comrades alone with the transformed Inuyasha. Kagome hesitantly turned to look at Inuyasha. Inuyasha turned from the spot where Naraku had been standing and stared at Kagome. She could tell by the painful look on his face that he was trying with all his might to control the demon within from attacking her.
"Shippo?" Kagome said softly.
"Yes?" Shippo said with a shaking voice.
"Hurry and bring me Inuyasha's Tetsusiaga."
"Okay" said Shippo reluctantly.
As Shippo went to pick up the Tetsusiaga, lying a few yards away, Kagome tried to calm Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha, it's okay now, Naraku's gone. You don't need to fight anymore." Shippo hurriedly ran up to Kagome and handed her the Tetsusiaga. Kagome took the Tetsusiaga in her trembling hands and began to make her way slowly towards Inuyasha. Inuyasha waved his arm as a signal to Kagome to keep away. Kagome paused for a moment but walked on. As she drew closer to Inuyasha, you could see Miroku and Sango looking on in fear.
"Be careful Kagome" Miroku said shakily. Kagome nodded and walked on.
"Inuyasha, here's you're Tetsusiaga." Inuyasha reached his hand out slowly towards Kagome. Everyone held their' breath, hoping that Inuyasha could control himself just a little bit longer. Inuyasha then grabbed the Tetsusiaga carefully from Kagome's hand and his evil aura began to dissipate. The red eyes began to fade and in their place appeared the usual golden eyes.
"What happened?"
Everyone stared in shock. It was not because he couldn't remember what happened. This was always the effect after Inuyasha transformed. It was the way he said it. They had never heard Inuyasha say something with such fear in his voice.
"I can understand why he was so shaken." Miroku said as he threw another stick into the campfire. This is probably the closest he would have come to actually killing Kagome.
"It must be awful for him to go through that", Sango said quietly.
In the distance, Kagome worked on bandaging up Inuyasha's wounds.
"You don't have to stay with me you know." Kagome looked at Inuyasha questioningly.
"I think it would be best if you and the others continue on your journey without me. I'll destroy Naraku by myself; it's the only way."
"Don't be stupid. You can't do it alone."
"Damn it Kagome, don't you get it? The next time we fight Naraku this might happen again! I might slaughter all of you! I'm not taking that risk!"
“I don't care; I'm staying with you no matter what!"
“You stubborn woman, I'm trying to protect you! If you won't do as I say then I'll just leave!"
"Oh no you don't! You're not going anywhere in your condition!"
"Why don't you make me?" He immediately regretted saying that.
"Inuyasha, sit!!!!" The rosary's light shown for a moment and the next thing he knew, he was lying face down in the dirt.
"Damn it!"
The next day was sunny and bright, but it didn't fit anyone's mood.
"Damn you all, you just don't get it do you?"
"We understand the situation perfectly, Inuyasha" Miroku said with exasperation. "But your solution will not work. You will just endanger yourself if you go alone."
"If you're so smart then what do you suggest I do?" Inuyasha yelled in anger.
"If you are that concerned, we should probably seal you in a hut with sacred sutras to keep Naraku from reaching you; that's the only way I see it working."
"Not that tactic again." said Shippo with a sigh.
"Hide like a coward? No way!"
"Why must you always be so difficult?"
"You're lecturing me when you're the one who's always lying through your teeth and rubbing up on woman's butts?"
"Would you two quit arguing already?” Kagome yelled with annoyance. Inuyasha turned from Miroku and the others and folded his arms in his usual defiant way. Kagome took in a breath before she turned to Inuyasha.
"Look Inuyasha, Miroku might have a point. It might be the best way to deal with this right now."
"Traitor." Inuyasha muttered. Kagome just sighed in frustration. As Inuyasha walked on ahead, muttering, Miroku turned to Kagome and began to whisper in her ear.
"I think you know what we must do."
"That again?"
"Afraid so. There's a hut not to far away from here. It's one that monks use as a resting place when they're traveling. When we get near the hut, use your sit command and I'll knock him out with my staff."
"You coward Miroku, if you're going to strike me at least strike me when I'm looking for once! Damn, you piss me off!"
"He heard me? Well, I guess that plan won't work now."
"It doesn't work even when he doesn't hear you." Shippo muttered
The companions kept walking on in silence until they reach the monks' hut. There, everyone settled down to rest.
While everyone else was asleep, Kagome sat wide-awake, worrying. "What can we do? Inuyasha won't stay still for long. He might sneak off one night when we're sleeping and we won't know he's gone until it's too late. I think I'll take a short walk to help me think." Kagome slowly got up and walked outside with out a sound.
Later that night Inuyasha stirred from his sleep. He was never a sound sleeper. His eyes fluttered open slowly. He then turned his gaze to where Kagome was sleeping, except Kagome was not there. Inuyasha sat up with a start; panic rushing through him like poison. Where was Kagome? Without stopping to think, he dashed out of the hut to look for Kagome. When Inuyasha stepped outside, his stomach became sick. He could smell Naraku's scent mixed with Kagome's. Panic was spreading through him like never before. He shot off like a bullet, desperately following any hint of Kagome's sweet scent. He knew he should have woken the others, but that would have taken time, something that was not on Kagome's side at the moment.
Inuyasha ran for what seemed like an eternity. Always praying, always hoping somehow Kagome was alive. After hours of anxiety, he finally came to an empty field. This was where Kagome's scent stopped. All of a sudden a giant cloud of miasma appeared in front of him. He covered his mouth with his sleeve, trying to keep the deadly gas from entering his lungs. After the miasma cleared, Inuyasha saw Naraku smiling as if he possessed the whole Sacred Jewel.
"Where's Kagome you treacherous beast? If you harmed one hair on her head I swear, I will not rest until I see your head on a platter!"
"Calm down Inuyasha, she's alive. In fact, she's right here." Naraku slowly stepped to the side and as he did so, he revealed Kagome sitting behind him. Inuyasha could see Kagome was bound in chains containing a strange glow. She sat trembling on the ground, her delicate features filled with apprehension and fear.
"Inuyasha, I'm so sorry, forget about me! Run, please!"
"I'll gladly release her if you do one simple request Inuyasha. Drop your Tetsusiaga if you wish her to be set free and unharmed."
"Don't do it Inuyasha! You can't! You mustn't…."
"No Kagome! I'm not leaving you behind!" Inuyasha knew both ways were dangerous but what choice did he have? If he said no, Kagome would surely die. But if he let go of the Tetsusiaga, he may transform. But he had to take the chance. Kagome would just have to run and leave him. So, with uncertainty on what the outcome would be, he drew out the Tetsusiaga.
"Kagome, I want you to run away as far as you can." And with those final words he thrust the Tetsusiaga into the ground.
"No! You'll die!"
Naraku smirked and released Kagome's chains. As he did so, Naraku's tentacles burst from his body and struck towards Inuyasha. He could not escape. He was punctured by almost everyone one of Naraku's tentacles. He could feel his blood bursting from his body, making a huge red stain on the green grass. He was then thrust to the ground with such force that he could hear his bones shattering. He lay on the cool grass, feeling such pain that he thought he must have entered Hell. But it didn't matter, as long as Kagome was safe. Suddenly he began to feel himself pulsate. He was transforming. But something was different this time. It felt stronger somehow. Why? What was going on?
"Just as I suspected, Inuyasha. You didn't even notice that when I ran you through that I had secretly placed a tainted Jewel Shard in your body. With you transformed, I can finally control you." How could he not have sensed this trick! Inuyasha sat and cursed himself in his head. Soon the familiar pain began to course through him as his body began to change. Then after some time, the pain finally ceased. But something was definitely different. By now he would have lost total consciousness to what was going on around him, but he didn't. He could feel his body rising up without his command, but he knew he was doing it. Suddenly it struck him like a thousand hot knives piercing into him. Somehow Naraku was making it so that he could see and know everything he was doing. His body began to turn. Inuyasha was expecting to just see Naraku, but he wasn't alone. Kagome was still standing there, frightened as she stared at Inuyasha. "Run you fool!", at least that's what he tried to say, but the words were not allowed to escape his mouth.
"Inuyasha what are you doing? Please return to your old self." Kagome whimpered. What was he doing? He started to walk towards her. He hoped that she would finally start running or at least back away, but she didn't. She just kept staring at him with pleading eyes, which now began to fill with tears.
"Please return to your old self Inuyasha." But he kept coming closer. He finally came to be eye level with her and she still didn't try to escape. She just kept staring at him with those teary, pleading eyes. He felt his heart about to burst. This look was the most horrible thing he had ever seen. She was pleading for him to save her, but he couldn't heed her request. Before he could stop himself, he raised his clawed hand in the air and then brought it down upon her trembling body. Blood splattered all over. He could feel her warm blood spill over him like a wave. He stood horror struck as he saw her fall to the ground her eyes constantly staring at him with pain and confusion. He then felt the worst pain imaginable. He felt like his heart had been torn out. He killed her; he had killed Kagome. The person, who had been most precious to him, was gone. He felt his eyes burn as they filled with salty tears of sadness, regret, and anger all at the same time. He wanted to pound the ground out of frustration and to his amazement; his body did as he said. He looked down to see the jewel shard burst out of his body, purified by his tears. He wasted no time. He picked up his Tetsusiaga and turned to Naraku, bursting forth such an angry cry that could have shaken the earth and made it feel his pain. "Wind Scar!!!!!!!!!" But before the Wind Scar could even reach Naraku, he disappeared into his cloud of miasma. Inuyasha yelled with ferocity and thrust his sword back into the ground.
"Damn it! Damn it to hell! Damn that Naraku! Damn! Damn! Damn!!! His burning anger had finally left him, now all that was left was bitterness. He slowly turned to Kagome's dead body. He regretted doing so. He felt another shot of pain. But even after that, he walked towards her and picked her up in his arms. He hugged her body close to his as new tears began to flow. He hugged her limp body tightly to his and kissed her forehead. However, her body had no warmth like before. He looked at her face. It was just like a face of an angel. Her smooth, white skin appeared luminescent in the light of the moon. Her long raven hair still felt as soft and silky as ever, but it was not the same. There was no warm smile. There were no sparkling, warm eyes staring up at him. Her eyes were now glazed over with death. Her beautiful features were still frozen in the same frightened and confused stare she had given him when he struck her. Inuyasha closed his eyes and began to sob harder than he ever had in his life. All he wished for now was death. He could not live with himself for what he had done let alone without Kagome. He started to feel the pain of regret as he thought of all the times he could have said those words he had wanted to say for so long, but every time he had been stopped by his own pride. Why hadn't he said it? Why didn't he just say, "I love you Kagome."
"I failed you Kagome. Please forgive me."
"Inuyasha." Inuyasha stopped from his grieving to look down at Kagome, but she was gone. He looked all around him but he couldn't see her. Was he imagining things?
"Inuyasha." No, that was Kagome's voice, but it wasn't the usual warm, kind voice he remembered. It was cold and full of hatred.
"Inuyasha how dare you? I despise you! Die! Inuyasha felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down to see what had caused it. "A sacred arrow?" He looked up to see Kagome standing in front of him as she began to cock another arrow. Her clothes were still stained with blood and torn from when he attacked her.
"Kagome, I never wanted to hurt you."
"Lies! All lies! You never cared about me. It was always your precious Kikyo wasn't it? I was nothing more but a replacement Kikyo to you."
"That's not true! I loved Kikyo once, but you are more precious to me."
"More lies! I'm tired of it! Now, die! As Inuyasha felt the second arrow strike, he looked up at Kagome. There was no pity, only pure pleasure and relief in his death. This pained him more than being struck by a hundred arrows. Kagome was gone and all she felt for him now was hatred.
Inuyasha woke up to find himself sitting on his usual branch dripping in sweat and tears. He quickly whipped them away ashamed that he had been so frightened by a dream. But it still haunted him. Kagome's last words kept ringing in his ears. "Lies! All lies! You never cared about me. It was always your precious Kikyo wasn't it? I was nothing more than a replacement Kikyo to you."
"Inuyasha?" Inuyasha looked down to see Kagome looking up at him with sleepy eyes. The eyes were the ones he had always known, filled with kindness and concern.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine", he said roughly.
"Was it a bad dream?"
"Don't be stupid! As if I would be troubled by something as silly as that!"
"If something's wrong you know you can tell me right?"
"Damn it how many times do I have to tell you?" he snapped as he jumped from his branch to look at her. "Why do her eyes have to be so bright and clear? It's like they're looking right through me."
"Nothing's wrong!"
"Whenever I had a bad dream, my mother would give me a hug and tell me that she loved me."
"I told you, I'm fine."
Kagome stared at him for a moment and gave up on finding out what was wrong. It was futile. He would never tell her what was bothering him. So, she turned from Inuyasha and crawled back into her sleeping bag. She rested her head on the ground and looked up at the sky with heavy eyelids. After a long pause, she closed her eyes and sleepily said, "Good night, I'll be here if you want to talk about it."
"I just want you to know; I love you, and I always will." Inuyasha turned to her in surprise but she was already asleep. It was strange. Those few sweet words seemed to have washed away all his fears and doubts. The haunting shadow of the dream was no more than a memory.
"I love you too Kagome. And I always will." he said softly. Inuyasha jumped back to his usual spot on the tree filled with relief and peace. He drifted off to sleep quickly. His dreams were no longer shadows of fear, but happy days to come, where Kagome would always be there. There to return the love he felt so strongly for her.