InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha the Musical ❯ Chim-Chiminey ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: hehehe…
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Inuyasha the Musical
Chapter 14
Kagome: Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chim-Cha ree!
Miroku: A Monk is as lucky as lucky can be!
Shippo: Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chim-Cha roo! Good bye, and we're off as I shake hands with you…
Miroku: Or give me a kiss!
Sango: SMACK!
Inuyasha: And that's lucky, too!
Miroku: I do my work with pride, yes I do.
Inuyasha: You lie and you steal and you touch girl's butts, too.
Miroku: Even when my friends turn their backs to me.
Sango (sarcastically): I'll never do that! You don't have to worry…
Shippo: Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chim-Cha ree! When you're with a fox you're in glad company!
Kagome: Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chim-Cha roo!
Sango: Good luck with the monk and the tricky fox too!
Shippo: What tricky fox?
Inuyasha: She's talkin' `bout you!
Shippo: I'm not tricky!
Sango: Down where the demon's are evil inswirled…with weapons and masks…the demon-slayers world.
Kagome: When a certain hanyou starts making a fuss, we just SIT him down…
Inuyasha: Ahh!
Kagome: It's easy on us…
Inuyasha: Why you…
Kagome: Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chim-Cha ree!
All: When you're with your friends you're in glad company!
Miroku: Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chim-Cha roo!
Shippo: Good luck, and we're off! Many blessings to you!
Miroku: Or…blow me a kiss?
Miroku: Never was there a more happier crew
All (Except Inuyasha): Then them what sings Chim-Chim-Cha ree, Chim-cha roo!
Kagome: Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chim!
All: Cha-ree Chim-cha roo!!!