InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha vs. School !!! ❯ The mall ( Chapter 3 )
Chapter 3 : Short cut ; gang neighborhood
(Inuyasha and Kagome rush downstairs)
Lets go ! said Kagome
What's the rush , you said that the mall doesn't open until 1:00
It doesn't , but it a sail and I want to be their first !
You don't have to yank my arm , I can keep up myself ya know .
(Kagome rushes toward the door with Inuyasha behind her: then she sees her mom approach her)
Buy mom gotta go . Be back at 6 !
Must be a sell somewhere , said Souta.
Come on Inuyasha we have to get to the train station , said Kagome .
The what ? said Inuyasha
Kagome sighs ; you know the thing that goes fast and runs on tracks .
Does it...........(he was cut off by kagome)
Yes it can go faster than you can run ! ( she already knew what he would ask )
Yeah right.....said Inuyasha( he was jealous of the train)
Lets go ! We don't have all day. said kagome. I know a short cut threw this neighborhood, but you'll have to protect me.(she grabbed Inuyasha's hand)I heard at school that allot of people get robbed here.
Feh. This might be the most fun we have all day . said Inuyasha.
(They walked through the neighborhood for about 5 minutes so far .)
Are we almost there ? this place stinks . said Inuyasha
Right threw this ally. said Kagome
(Right when they were getting ready to walk through the ally they heard someone)
Hey you...
(Inuyasha turned around , and saw 4 people ,they seemed to be a gang)
Yeah you .said the leader
What the hell do you punks want .said Inuyasha.
Gimme your money and maybe I'll treat your bitch nicely.(he then puts a knife up to Inuyasha's neck)
Inuyasha looks at Kagome.She nodded her head.Inuyasha the sprung into action. with demonic speed he grabbed the robbers arm and twists it.(easily breaking it)the other three pulled out guns. Lets see ya get out of this one ,said one of the other three robbers. they then opened fire on Inuyasha.Inuyasha quickly grabbed Kagome and jumped about 60 feet in the air making it impossible for Kagome to be hit with a bullet. By time he landed they were out of bullets.
Funs over !!! said inuyasha as he jumped at two of the robbers.
He double clothes lined them both , knocking them out cold. The last one got it the worst. he was punched in the chest by one of Inuyasha's hardest punches. It sent the robber
Strait through a car(probably broke all the poor robbers ribs in the process)
And you !!! inuyasha picks up the guy who had the knife.If I see your a$$ around hear again. ILL KILL YOU!!! He ends the threat by punching the robber in the nose.
Serves you right!!! said kagome in the background
That was amazing .said Kagome.
Well you saw me do much more amazing things than that.(He flattered himself)
Oh no!! the train leaves in five minutes.
(she pulls inuyasha)
Lets go !!!she shouted.
(the train station was in sight ,some how Kagome ended up on Inuyasha's back as she commanding him like a horse)
They were just about to board the train when it sounded its horn(if you ever heard a train horn before then you Know that it is pretty damn loud.)
Inuyasha immediately hit the ground covering his ears yelling in pain.
Come on Inuyasha lets go !said Kagome
WHAT?!!? I cant hear you .
(kagome sighs heavily , and tugs Inuyasha onto the train)
Look . you can sit by the window. said Kagome.
Kagome sighs once more and pushes Inuyasha into the seat.
Finally !!! she said while sitting next to Inuyasha.(he was still covering his ears)
What... the hell..... was that noise ? he said calmly.
It was a horn .she said while she leaned against Inuyasha's shoulder.
That wasn't a horn. Horns are more peaceful and not as loud.
You'll be ok , big baby. she said.