InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ inuyashas goddess ❯ ut oh..... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
info!!!!!(dun dun dun!)

the girl in this has maroon colored hair with blue highlights down to her
nees,red eyes,black lipstick....on!,head phones on her ears(playing KoRn!)
,and last but not least a big black coat with chains and ....with an anarchy
sign on it.

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~*~so you see i've gotten this far
please give me some place to wait~*~

the song started into her ears as loud as she could get it. Her red eyes
kept looking back and forth looking for someoneand that someone was inuyasha.

~*~im not trying to go there
so take me away~*~

She started walking straight into a tree!"ow god darn it my head!!!!" she
screamed as she held her head and walk into the woods ......CAREFULLY dodjing
the trees.

~*~ life sometimes pi**es me off
its never that good of a trip for me~*~

she kept wimpering the whole time and holding her head like a baby." i should
have followed that idiot but instead i fell asleep!err! i cant believe he

~*~ every time i reach for
love its taken away.~*~

she had no name and yet everyone knew who she was she was a goddess,the
goddess of death and pain to be corect.and she had known inuyasha her hole
life and didnt know why he left without telling her why this time but she
was bound to find out!

~*~nie, so i play,give me a sing
this is gay,give me some
patience so i pray,its time
to die, it that what i want?~*~

just then she reached the edge of a small village. she smelled the air and
the first thing she smell was inuyasha and three humans close around him.
her ears and nose were much better than inuyasha so she kept away but still
listend in to them.

#*#*#*# were inuyasha is #*#*#*#*#

"inuyasha you jerk what gives you the right to just leave without telling us
where you were!"kagome yelled as mirroku and sango held her back from killing
him."what the he** i rong with you!i was only gone seven days!"inuyasha yelled
back then he walked twards the dore his nose twiching madly.'oh no....shes
here oh well i knew it was bound to happed sometime!'yes inuyasha had finally
smelled her comming tward them. he could already hear her music.

~*~theres nothing wrong wanting to
be loved,is there something wrong
with me?~*~

"you wana know why i left kagome!?!?"inuyasha almost wisperd as he granbe the
bamboo doore."yes! inuyasha i do!"kagome yelled at him."this is why."he said as
he opened the door with the yung lady standing outside it.

~*~for once in my life id like
to be, really set free... let
me be me~*~

kagome gasped at the girl standing in the door."who is this inuyasha!"kagome
hissed at him."an old freind........uhh....dont get the rong idea!"inuyasha
hissed back and he noticed the monk staring at her.

~*~nie,so i play,give me a sing
this is gay,give me some
patience so i pray,its time
to die, it that what i want?
take me away
take it away
take me away
take it.....away~*~

just the inuyasha cought her staring at kagome almost angerly.

~*~nie,so i play,give me a sing
this is gay,give me some
patience so i pray,its time
to die, it that what i want?~*~

she took the head phones off of her ears and kagome noticed them.'shes not
from this time.....who is she though!?!?'kagome thought her mind racing
uncontrolably."she has no name but i bet mirroku can tell you who she is..."
inuyasha said as the monk looked her over wide eyed."oh my god....she a...a..
shes a goddess....the goddess of death and pain! ahh run for the hills!!!!"
the monk put in that last part as a joke.kagome stared at inyasha like he had
a lot of explaining to do.....and so he did!

so????? tell me what you think of the first chapter im gona go take a nap bye!