InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inventions from Hell ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Desclaimer: Girl goes for a walk. Girl sees missing poster. Girl rips missing posters in to tiny peices. Girl continues to other missing posters. Girl does same to them. Missing posters say Inuyasha is missing. Girl continues to rip up posters and goes home. Girl goes to a bedroom . Girl hands Inuyasha a bowl of ramen noddles for staying put. Girl doesn't tell him he is missing. Girl hears knock on front door. Girl answers door to fing to lawyers theres. Girl sighs and hands over Inuyasha. Girl pouts and goes to the drawing board to figure out more ways to own Inuyahsa since her last plan didn't work.


CH 2 SCISSORS AND INU (nothing good can come of this)

"Kagome your back!" said Sango running up to her. Miroku and Kaede just waved from the door of Kaede's hut.

"Ummm... I don't even want to know." Said Sango at sight of Inuyasha walking/stumbling out of the woods.

"Long story, but to wrap it all up Inuyasha discoveried the stickyness of bandaids." Said Kagome walking into Kaede's hut.

"Umm what's bandaids?" Asked Sango.

"The things stuck all over Inu and in his hair." Said Kagome dryly while digging through her bag. Everyone except Inu stared blankly still confused.

"Come here Inu and I'll use scissors to get the bandaids out of your hair." Said Kagome holding up a pair pink scissors.

Inu eyed them carefully as he sat down in front of her. Kagome carefully cut out the bandaids and as little amount of hair as possible. She didn't tell him the hair she cut was now being placed in a locket around her neck. Once all the bandaids were off Kagome reliezed how long her hair was.

"Sango can you give me a hair cut like I did Inu." Asked Kagome.

"Sure I'll do it after I kill Miroku." Said Sango chasing a very scared Miroku into the woods. Kagome placed the scissors on the ground seeing Inu jump in a tree. Kagome closed her eyes. After a few minutes later she felt her hair being lifted.

"Just cut it to my neck lenght." Said Kagome

Unknown to Kagome Sango was not cutting her hair. Inuyasha had slipped up behind Kaome and thought he could do it just as well started to cut. He cut to her neck, but this was so much fun to play with her hair! Her scent was strongest in her hair anyways. He continued to cut.

"Inuyasha!" A very shocked Sango appaered out of the woods and an very bruised Miroku followed. Miroku started to laugh at the sight that met him and Sango joined him after hit Inuyasha on the head.(with a bat!ok it was with her boomerang.) "Hi Miro--Sango? Whats so funny?" Kagome had an idea forming on why Sango was laughing, and she prayed it wasn't the truth. That was after she figured out who ws cutting her hair scine it wasn't Sango. Quick as a flash of light Kagome was bent over a river looking at her reflection. Inuyasha had cut her hair so short and meessy it was short of being bald.

"Inuyasha! Sit!"


*No one POV*


"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thum p*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*T hump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT! "*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"S IT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump *"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Th ump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!" *Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SI T!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump* "SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thu mp*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*"SIT!"*Thump*

Sango and Miroku rode Kirara for fear of tripping in Inuyahsa's craters.

"Umm...Kagome as entertaining as it is to see Inu make decorative craters on the road were are traveling on do you think maybe you should stop?" Asked Sango taking pity on Inu.

"NO...Why? SIT!" Asked Kagome not stopping walking beside her bike or yelling sit, obvoiusly still cross.

"Because demons can follow the carters to us and Inu won't be in condition to fight at this rate." Said Miroku trying to help Sango out.

"So! SIT!" *Thump*

_______________________________________________________________ ______________

Hiya people there's chapter two ::hands out cookies to random people who read her story:: Review and I'll give you a cookie too. Send me an object of todays time and any Inuyasha charater and I'll try to make the most funniest, romantic, or whatever chapter I can. ^_^ In other words this is sweet torture on Inu characters. *_* Please no more thean three max a chappie pl,ease!

This chappie was a request from a friend called Rileywolf.