InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ It Must Be Destiny ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9
Inuyasha crouched on the roof of the house, downwind from his son and that American girl. It wasn't that he didn't like the girl- quite the opposite. It was extremely hard not to like her. It was just he didn't really relish the thought of a descendent of that hentai Miroku taking up with his pups- any of them. I'm just thankful that she's a female- I don't think I'd be able to let one of that lecher's male descendents within 10 miles of my girls.
He quietly listened to their conversation, his ears twitching as he caught every word and his nose caught the scent of the girl's tears and slight… arousal? …coming from his son. He held back a growl at that one. The pup was certainly allowed to be attracted to females- he'd worry if he wasn't- but he wasn't too certain he wanted Inusouta to be interested in this particular female.
Glancing at the setting sun, he pondered revealing his location and yelling at his pup to get in the house.
He sighed, his ears flattening slightly. Perhaps he should just wait and see what the whelp would do. As he was constantly reminding the older hanyou, he wasn't a pup anymore.
Inuyasha watched in silence as his son leaned forward and kissed the amber-haired girl. He winced as Inusouta transformed with the sun disappearing under the horizon.
Okay, maybe this wasn't such a good idea to let him make his own decisions.
Gripping the tiles of the roof tightly (nearly breaking through, but he knew better- Kagome would have his hide up there fixing anything he broke) as Amber-chan pulled back and brushed the black hair back from his son's forehead.
And ultimately discovering his black dog ears. He growled. Here it comes…
Instead of spazzing out, the girl simply smiled, telling Inusouta that she was happy… that he was a hanyou?
Inuyasha listened with wide, wide eyes as Amber accidentally confessed her feelings for his son. As she ran away into the house, embarrassed, Inuyasha mulled over her words, wondering just how deep the truth ran.
…I love you just the way you are…
The words echoed in his head, overlapping with his mate's voice, telling him pretty much the same thing. I love you as a hanyou…
A rare smile flittered across his lips. Maybe the girl isn't so bad after all…
Inusouta hummed happily as he stared up at the night sky. He didn't even blink as his father dropped down from the branches of Goshinboku. (“Greetings, Otousan. Is this not a wondrous evening?”)
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. (“Kami- you've got it bad, pup.”)
(“Whatever do you mean? It is a lovely night.”)
The older hanyou sighed. (“I supposed this means that your sisters and I will have to reveal ourselves too?”)
Inusouta shrugged. (“You may do as you please. All that matters to me is that she knows who I am and accepts me wholeheartedly.”) He flicked a smug glance at his father. (“She said she loved the fact I was a hanyou.”)
Inuyasha snorted. (“Yeah, I heard.”)
(“Okaasan says she may be Sango and Miroku's descendant- and that you are less than pleased with that prospect.”)
(“I don't want any of my pups involved with that lecher's offspring. Why do you think I didn't want you playing with any of them when we'd visit them?”)
(“You act as though Miroku's behavior would rub off on his children and therefore onto us.”)
(“Keh! Better safe than sorry.”)
Inusouta raised an eyebrow at his father. (“How long has it been since we were there anyway? Almost a year?”)
(“Probably. Since before that girl came here, and she's been here, what? Nine months or so?”)
The silver-haired hanyou sighed. (“We should probably be going back soon, then. Your okaasan will start to worry if she doesn't check up on those two and their litter every so often.”)
(“Not to mention continue her search for Shippou.”)
Shippou, the little kitsune whom Sango and Miroku had tried to adopt and take care of when Kagome had disappeared into her era for four months, had run away when he was about fifteen- just after the twins had turned seven. Now, Shippou would be around 25 and fully grown, appearing that age for many centuries, barring any unfortunate events.
He had never truly accepted Sango and Miroku as his parents, although he had loved them, he felt betrayed by Kagome's absence. He viewed the taijiya and the ex-monk as friends, comrades in battle, but never with the parental affection he had given Kagome as a child.
Therefore, every time they went through the well, Kagome would search for her young friend without fail. They had yet to find him.
(“Oi, pup?”)
Inusouta turned his eyes to his father without moving anything else. (“Nani, old man?”)
Inuyasha scowled. (“I'm not old.”)
(“I'm not a pup.”)
He snorted. (“Are you… in love with that girl?”) he asked rather awkwardly.
Inusouta sat up straight, looking right at his father. (“Love? With Amber-chan?”) he asked incredulously. (“What in Kami's name would make you ask that?”)
(“Well… you kissed her. And your scent… changed.”)
The boy had the decency to look embarrassed. (“I certainly like the girl- she is quite lovely and is extremely nice to everyone. I would be interested in dating her, but no, I am not in love with her, nor am I interested in anything more than casually seeing her.”)
(“Just don't lead her on, son. Ningen hearts break very easily.”)
(“I will remember that, Otousan.”) Inusouta grinned again. ("Relax. I am certain that she does not expect anything that grandiose from me either.")
Amber struggled for breath as she stood by the sink. The window over the sink was open to allow a pleasant breeze to waft through the house, but the girl took no notice of the sensation.
Instead, she had heard every word Inusouta and his father had said.
Tears slipped down her cheeks and splashed delicately into the porcelain basin. Baka girl… did you actually think anyone would want you? Did you believe that your feelings for him would be returned?
I… I had thought… that kiss…
It meant nothing to him! Do you hear me? Nothing!
Why did he get me the dog then?
The voice snorted. He's trying to lower your defenses so he can worm his way into your heart and then abandon you when he's bored. He'll just leave you, like your parents did.
She gripped the edge of the counter hard, closing her eyes tightly as if that would stop the flood of tears from escaping. My parents… now Inusouta… no one wants me… no one will ever want me…
Now you're getting it. Perhaps it would be best… if we were to get a job, earn some money… and move out. Then, once we finish what Obaasan asked us to do, we can go back to the States. Where we belong.
Where we belong…
The voice that spoke with her had always been there, helping her and being a constant companion over the years. She never told anyone about the voice, afraid they would think she was insane, but she knew that the voice was very real. Unlike her parents, the voice had been there for her, comforting and understanding.
Obaasan knew about the voice. She had believed her and accepted her secret without a second thought. She said it was part of what made Amber so special.
No… not Amber. You need to blend in, in this country. You are Kohaku Ryoushi. You are Japanese- remember where your ancestors came from. Time to stop pretending you're an outsider and take charge of your life.
You are right. It's time to stop believing in fairytales. No prince will take me away.
Later that evening, Inuyasha and Inusouta entered the house, hungry as… well, as dogs. Inuyasha sniffed, perplexed. (“Amber was in here a while ago. Crying, it seems.”)
Inusouta sniffed as well, nodding. (“Hai. The scent of tears and anger still lingers.”)
They exchanged a confused glance. Anger?
A niggling thought crossed the younger hanyou's mind. (“You do not suppose… she heard our conversation outside.”)
Inuyasha glanced at the open window over the sink and winced. (“I think you're right, pup. She must have heard everything we said.”)
A feeling of impending dread wrapped itself around Inusouta's chest. Turning suddenly, he left the kitchen and went to Amber's room. The door was open and he peered inside cautiously.
It was empty. Well, all the furnishings were still there, but there was no Amber in there. Stepping inside, he glanced around, sniffing. Her scent indicated that she had been there, and recently.
Something was out of place. Looking around, he noticed her portfolio, which was always on top of the chest of drawers, was missing. He moved to the chest and pulled out the drawers, one by one.
They were all empty. Her clothes were gone.
Squelching the knot of fear tightening in his stomach, he ran quickly out of the room, nearly colliding with his father. (“Oi, pup! Where's the girl?”)
He didn't answer. Instead, he went to the bathroom, where his suspicions were confirmed. Her toiletries were gone.
She had left. Amber was gone.
Slowly, he walked back to her room and sat on the bed, dazed. Inuyasha stood in the doorway, watching his son.
(“She left. She took her possessions and left.”)
Inuyasha nodded at the item on the bed. (“Isn't that the dog you had given her?”)
Inusouta's golden eyes drifted to the head of the bed. The old stuffed fox was gone as well, with the little black dog sitting in its place. There was a piece of paper sitting underneath it, as if it were guarding it.
Numbly, he lifted the dog and grasped the paper, opening it with slow movements. He stared at the words on the pure white sheet.
I'm sorry.
It was written in English, rather than the kanji or hiragana he had taught her. Somehow, he felt she did that on purpose.
Inuyasha stepped closer, looking at the paper. (“What the hell does that say? That doesn't look like any writing I've ever seen before.”)
(“It is in English,”) Inusouta replied in a monotone. (“It says… that she is sorry.”)
(“Sorry? Sorry for what? What did she do?”)
The younger hanyou stared at the black dog in his hand.
(“I think… she is sorry… that she ever came here.”)