InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jakotsu: The Woman in me! ❯ Mommy Dearest ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well here's another chappie even if I wanted to wait since I have just updated the other ones and want to be indolent…but you reviewed so I have no excuse to procrastinate +I'm so sorry Garfield for breaking my vow of laziness+
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooo
Kapitel Funf:
“Mom, everyone, I'm home!” Kagome yelled loudly causing Jakotsu's sensitive ears to hurt at the piercing tone.
“Stop you incessant yelling, woman, it sounds dreadful! No, your voice sounds dreadful! Like claws scraping on rock +Get it? Instead of
chalkboard+ YOU ARE AWFUL!”
Jakotsu wailed this last part as Kagome started to pummel him but was stopped by a sturdy pair of ningen hands that removed Kagome's
from his superior person. As he focused on his savior Jakotsu saw it was a woman, and just as he was about to give the woman the
tongue lashing of her life for being in his presence Kagome kicked him in the shins but was again stopped from further actions by the
mysterious woman who made Kagome stand down. And then... Kagome even kneeled respectfully towards her!
This was the first time Kagome had EVER shown respect towards anybody.
She didn't respect Prince Inuyasha, Lord Sesshoumaru or him but she respected this old woman?
Maybe he could use this to his advantage and control Kagome by means of this deceivingly weak ningen.
“O dearest beautiful Lady, whose kind hand has staid my pain, may I ask thee thine name, and knoweth the person whose lovely visage
graces these tired eyes before me?” Jakotsu said in a low intimate voice, bowing elegantly to Mrs. Higurashi who had a hand on her
mouth in surprise.
Kagome looked quite flummoxed at the surprising change in the woman hating Jakotsu who had certainly never uttered such sweet words
to her! She felt a smidgen of jealousy at her mother but then was overcome with rage at the way Jakotsu was kissing the back of HER
mother's hand with his sensual lips and had not let go. For now...
“Let go of her you egotistical bastard!” Kagome screamed, pouncing on him again and continuing to pummel him. That's when her
mother snapped at her daughter's `disgraceful' behavior.
“Kagome! How dare you treat our guest on such an unladylike way! Go to your room, Kagome , and hopefully you will be feeling
better by supper or you will not eat. Now what is your name, young man?” said Mrs. Higurashi, smoothly changing her tone from
threatening to inviting in a heartbeat.
Kagome glared at Jakotsu and whined,” But mom! You don't even know who he is, I didn't introduce you! How could you invite a stranger into our home?”
Mrs. Higurashi just smiled sedately and said, “Any friend of yours is my friend, now go to your room missy and I expect you to behave
yourself when you come back down. Be thankful your friend is a very understanding and gallant fellow,” Mrs. Higurashi tittered.
Kagome rolled her eyes exasperated and stomped to her room. She HATED him. Maybe she should purify him and then all of her
troubles would disappear. As well as that 6'8 220 pounds of pure demon chauvinism that was tied to her. Which, incidentally had just
fallen on to her because she left their range. Ouch. It really did hurt to be on the receiving end of these things.
“Kagome,” Mrs. Higurashi asked sharply as Jakotsu hastily got off of her.
“What is this all about?” she said pointing to Jakotsu and her.
Kagome tried to play it off as insignificant, “NOTHING mom!”
Mrs. Higurashi stared. And stared some more with doubtful eyes that seemed to know each and every secret she had ever told.
“Nothing you say? Then why can't you two be separated?” Mrs. Higurashi pointed her finger at them, “Why are you joined together,
Kagome, is there something that happened in the Feudal Era that you haven't told me yet?” Mrs. Higurashi said, putting a lot of emphasis
on the `yet' part.
Kagome took a deep breath and wished for the ground to swallow her up.
“Well, uhhh. You see…” Kagome began, “We kind of ran into a little jam.”
Jakotsu rolled his eyes imperiously-if that can be achieved-and said, “We are tied together by a magical hair that was meant to hasten our
deaths, and the creator of the spell has been slain by Prince Inuyasha of the Tashio.”
Mrs. Higurashi stared at Jakotsu momentarily before asking puzzled, “Inuyasha is a prince?”
Jakotsu and Kagome stared in question at the off topic response, not that they were offended by the change in subject since it spared
them her ire.
“Yes,” replied Jakotsu.
Mrs. Higurashi threw her hands in the air before doing a little victory dance, screaming, “My daughter is going to be a princess!”
Over and over again not worrying over the technicalities.
Kagome was the one who stopped her mother when she got to frisky with their chandelier.
“Mom? Inuyasha is the prince, not me okay?”
Mrs. Higurashi simply clapped her hands together before saying, “Inuyasha asked me for the right to court you last year, but he said he
would wait until after the defeat of Naraku so you would be alert for danger.”
Jakotsu and Kagome both stared at each other at the randomness of the topic before Kagome understood its full implications as did
Jakotsu who grabbed Kagome to him and whispered heatedly in her ear, “HE is MINE.”
That's when Mrs. Higurashi snapped out of her little daze and said, “Jakotsu, you can't court Kagome because PRINCE Inuyasha is
courting her!”
At this she then reverted to her previously zonked out state and trilled merrily away, leaving two confused people in her wake.
Review for next chappie! I'll wait. Suggestions welcome too, and ideas. Waiting for 10nth review.